This category is for RayWear to post news and answer questions about their product. We have Daniel @RayWearCC on the community available to help you out. Feel free to @ tag them in your questions to alert them.
RayWear Provides the Ultimate Protection for Cannabis Cultivators
Our dermatologist-approved apparel shields your skin from the most extreme light radiation environments.
RayWear is made from soft, breathable and durable fabric that’s comfortable enough to wear in any climate.
Each of our high-quality garments and accessories are sourced and manufactured on American soil.
What You’re Wearing Isn’t Enough
Most coveralls and other garments currently worn for cultivation were designed strictly for sanitation purposes and don’t provide protection against potentially harmful light radiation. Yet many cultivators aren’t aware that overexposure to light radiation can cause skin cancer, premature aging, ocular damage, and immune-system suppression. These workers mistakenly believe that if their bodies are covered, they’re also protected. Sadly, this is far from the truth.