Ayyyyy New Tent came...Smaller than I expected. BUT ODDLY PERFECT!

Tent Final came in…But is was smaller than expected. Oddly enough it fits right beside my other tent…
So I will use my old tent for flower and the new tent for veg.
I have the Greengo 1200w Led in the flower tent
And a 1000w led in the veg( which i may switch out for the mars hydro 600) idk yet.

My ventalation van is a 6in booster fan.
My flower tent is 48x24x60 and i noticed the pull on thent from the negative air flow was pretty strong…soooo…
since my veg tent is really a 2x2 i ran a duct between both tents, cut out a section to allow another port for air, and now i can use my fan for both tents… air draw is still good. Dont think i will need the carbon filter due to where im growing but… so far so good.


Happy mistakes!


Hi @pressure_42o
I love the set up n nice idea about joining the two tents up to the in - take. Your tents are looking cosy together and the are girls looking very good :grinning: :v:
I just went into my spare bedroom and opened my large prezzie containing 4 white widow big bud that will be ready in 4 n half weeks n I can’t wait to enjoy my crop. The photo doesn’t do em justice n think I got enough spare room in my tent for 8 girls on the next grow - just need to buy newer lights. My lights are 5yrs old now and a bit dated. Happy growing bud - i love it !!!

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A quick photo of my tent with the 4 girls inside.

The lady on the back left hand side was growing like crazy during the stretch and hopefully now slowed down a bit.


WOW!! You ladies look lovely!! I caint wait to get there!!!


How is everybody’s day been?? Just a little update on the grow.
Im 4 days into flower: Genetics = bag seeds,Sketcky but: 2x Biscotti 1x Animal Cookies 1x TrainWreck 2x I have no Clue!!:pensive:( I have already ordered from ILGM so waiting on seeds!! But im not finna stop the learning!!)
Anyway: The plants are streching and hopfully i will know Male from female soon… Im not gone lie… Im anxious…
Veg tent: I have 3x Bubba Berry and 2x Mango Berry(sketch)
Anyway Have a Look!!!


Hi @pressure_42o,
Thanks for the nice words about my girls and I’m now starting to see some thick sticky frost appearing on my bigger colas n I will post a picture this Saturday when my ladies will be six weeks into flower. :grinning: :v:
I can’t believe this is your 1st grow you are doing very well. I didn’t really start to get the hang of it until my 4th grow. :crazy_face:
Let’s keep this thread going and see how we do. Stay safe bud and it’s a pleasure pressure 420 :smiley:

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The pleasure is all mine coolgreen67! Your ladies are pure inspiration!
And ive always had the growers :heart:! I would research growing often even befor i started! But once my adult years hit the corporate world made me dought my passion, and look down on loving Marijuana! (Never stopped smoking tho!! Lol)
Now I make good money, but hate my job. Started Growing and realized, that corporate title aint shit!
I want into the Marijuana industry!

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Nice 1 @pressure_42o.
I’m in the same position as you. I make pretty decent money in the UK and I too hate my job. I drive a wagon and have been doing it for years and it’s BS.
If I didn’t grow I would go mad and thanks for another kind comment about my plants. :v:
You have certainly done your homework 1st and so many people do not. I got some bad advice to begin with and that sent me down the wrong path for about 3yrs, but I’m ok now.
It will be 6 weeks in flower this Saturday and I’ll upload some to pics to this thread.
Take care bud. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Ugggg, Soooo turns all but 2 where males😢 And still waiting on the two to reveal there sex… so i started the 3x Bubbu berry to flower… fingers crossed
I also planted some of rays super gas…A strain from a guy, (guess his name)… He gave me two seeds and says its a cross between cherry pie x 2xGrape ape x 2x Gelato.
Switched to CoCo medium.
Here we Gooooooo


My fist sign Of bud!! One Little white Hair!! My work is being rewarded!! I know its small but its my first plant to flower! Im a proud poppa!! :rofl:


Nice work, @pressure_42o. Rewarded indeed.


Sorted @pressure_42o you got a little bud bud :grinning: and away you go into the very exciting stage of flower - nice one. :v:
Shame about the two guys in your crop, I’ve always use feminised seeds and thankfully I’ve never had that problem. It would do my head in to think I might have blokes in my tent


Sorry @pressure_42o pushed the wrong fucking button again. :crazy_face: - I’m stoned. Meant to post the pic i took tonight. My 4 white widow are now into their 6th week of flower. Only 3 weeks to go and I just so cannot wait!
Happy growing bud.


3rd Week Of Flower for #3 aka lil rere…lol she is slow moving but that how she has always been…

I have been blessed by the Cannabis Gods!! The One out of 2 TrainWreck that Survived Germination is a FEMALE!! She is in week 3 of flower also, she just took longer to show her pistols…

Questions: Does the flowering time start from the day you switch the lights to 12/12 or the day you discovered white hairs? (Dumb question i know.)

Both Rays Super Gas Germinated and off to a strong start despite being fed bloom nutrients too early…(my opps)

Still waiting on Bubbu Berry to reveal themselves, but its only been 7 days… !
Lil rere


Rays Super Gas


It’s one of the most contreversial subject I’ve seen on the forums… the opinions are really divided…


Your girls are looking healthy, happy and coming along very nice @pressure_42o :smiley: and it’s looking like you did some low stress training on the trainwreck - nice. I should have done that with my girls, but I’m still learning. :upside_down_face:
The link that @kapouic provided to your question was a good read. Thanks kapouic - I love the vibes you guys put out.


Are you guys aware of these? :

Plenty to learn in easy to assimilate bites! :nerd_face:


I was not, but I am now. :v: Thanks again kapouic for the informative info n I’ll go an have a few tokes and read some more.


Easier than that : Videos :rofl: