Brian's Utopia đź’š

Brothers and Sisters

Recently inspiration told me to create a thread, where people could share whatever they feel is necessary.
The aim is to spill your guts and talk with other people who may be dealing/dealt with similar issues…

Mental Illness, addiction, anxiety disorders, depression, intellectual disability, PTSS…
If something is troubling you, this is the place to share it, we are here for you :green_heart:

This is Brian, he has battled
bi-polar for most of his adult life.
Brian has held many jobs such as,
qualified lawyer, mental health peer support, youth liason officer etc.
Brian has also been homeless 3 times and during his last Bipolar episode,
he found himself in Tasmania with no money, no home, he didn’t even have shoes. He had been wandering for long days, searching for he doesn’t even know what? His feet had hundreds of cuts and oozing sores from walking countless miles bare foot.
A lady found him, fed and clothed him, she showed him so much unconditional love, that he was immediately stricken with a NEED to follow this ladies kind generosity.

Give without expectation and be kind

My name is Enlightened,
I have battled depression,
PTSS and anxiety most of my life.
During my journey I have learned many things, I used to be my harshest critic, every mistake I made, I would berate myself, calling myself stupid, useless, waste of space. Once I had my awakening, I realised we each need to love ourselves, forgive our perceived shortcomings, whilst being understanding toward others…

Please help me, help others by sharing our struggles and battles.
What we have already endured,
may help others with their own war.


Thank you @moderators, who have given their support for this topic.

Rules of conduct

1, Be kind always
2, Be respectful always
3, Intolerance will not be tolerated



Thank you for posting this.

I also battle with anxiety, depression, OCT, PTSS (invisible illnesses). I speak to my therapist on regular basis, I go to group meetings (on Zoom now), and I take my medicine. That being said… my crazy-brain still comes to the surface. But not very often. And nowhere near as bad as it used to be.

I also talk about my mental illness about with my family and a few coworkers. I try to make it normal, like any other disease someone might have.

Having a disease is not something to be ashamed of or kept in the dark. And talking about it publicly (so to speak) could help others talk freely and maybe seek treatment if they think they need it.

I know what it’s like to NOT to want to talk to friends and family members about the a-hole living between my ears. But talk to a counselor. Any counselor. Call a 1-800 number. Call me. It’s not always easy, but it can get easier.


Thank you my friend for being the brave soul to go first @OlyBoy,
you have my utmost respect.
As a friend @blackmoon said
“Feel the fear, then do it anyway!” :v:


Think thats the title of a self help book I read once during my journey of healing.
Love is letting go of fear.
Not literally but that was a helpful book if books are what you need.
They a good stepping stone forward.
@OlyBoy @Enlightened420


i am so happy to see this on here. like i said before i dont always hit reply and sometimes just typing it out helps


Well done for posting this @Enlightened420. I was getting chills reading your intro. I think even if we have not been diagnosed, we can all take something from this post. We all suffer fear at some point, it comes out in different ways, and we cope with it in many ways. Todays world can bring out the worst with the modern stresses we face.

Thank you for sharing, we all here to help eachother as a cannabis community. Show the love.

Give without expectation and be kind :heart_eyes:


Sincerely, thank you @chrisj,
having the approval and support of the moderators means more than words can express.

@blackmoon, I’m willing to guess you have many wonderful books, I do love to read and learn, if we’re not learning, we’re not living :v:

@pptrsha1, we are always happy to see you, just knowing you are here,
makes me feel better :slightly_smiling_face:

@hoppiefrog @kapouic @happilyretired @zeus @tenga @nick @Arrow @Mark0427 @oldguy @mudman @macgyver_stoner @gremmall @Slym3r @repins12 @rapseed @dman1969 @automatik @newbiegrower251 @cww03


Set to watching and thanks :pray: My Brother! :v::metal:


Tks for the tag brother :facepunch:, & tks everyone it seems so many understand this very topic .I bet almost all do but only a few will ever bring it up on their own, so tks for reminding us and breaking the ice (it’s only healthy to express)


You know that I am tagging along brother :v:


I share, not because of any abundance or excess,I share, because I know what it is, to have nothing…author unknown…:sunglasses::v:


A statement we would all benefit to understand in depth without doubt


For all of you, however its true that sunflowers do chase the sun but not true that shade eachother in shady times.


its still a lovely sentiment


And I am sure there a couple of rebel sunflowers who do that kind of stuff, out the norm. So boring to wake up and chase the sun from east to west like everyone else, everyday. They the sunflowers that probably have ganja grown inbetween.


I think that feeling alone with a big problem/challenge can makes things feel worse. Its a great thing our Enlightened1 has created here. If you have an issue bothering you please trust that this is a safe place to get support.
Sometimes people with problems like alcoholism are overwhelmed and afraid to say something and get judged. In my opinion it shows real courage to put it out there. And instead of isolating urself, usually u find out others are in the same boat or have dealt with it in the past. Ur not alone.

These are particularly challenging times we are living in. People are struggling and hurting in so many ways.

Occasionally I remind people to be cognizant of protecting ur mental/emotional health. Take whatever steps u can to do this. I mean things like having a trusted person u can confide in, take breaks from watching the news. Choose positive solution-oriented people to surround urself with. Steer clear of abusive, hostile people. You dont deserve that. No one does.

Thats all I have to contribute today.
Thank you Oreo for creating this page!!!
( “Oreo” is what I affectionately call Enlightened cuz, you know, who doesnt love oreos?!)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts @tenga, well said my friend.
This is a place where everyone can feel safe and free from judgement.

My thoughts for the day,
I resonate with these words of wisdom;

Look to this day,

for it is life, the very breath of life.

In its brief course lie

all the realities of your existence;

the bliss of growth,

the glory of action,

the splendor of beauty.

For yesterday is only a dream,

and tomorrow is but a vision.

But today, well lived,

makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,

and every tomorrow

a vision of hope.

Look to this day


Thank you for that my brother. :+1:
Just made my day. :grin:


Most welcome my brother,
Have a great day my friend :v: