CLONES and back to the forum

This clone rooted out of the bottom of the medium in 8 days. Ready for transplanting. Lol still got that 100% rating. Hahahahahahaha i enjoyed reading thru this thread and seeing the different clones. Nice to see others that pop out mass clones like I do. Im trying to take it a little easier this year. I got my new uv sterile lab work station in. Its going rite next to my laminar flow hood. Thats 12 feet of tissue working spce. Hahaha good times!!! Lately, the laminar flow hood has been used as a work station for some bho and such. It will get back to tissue cultures soon enough. Lmao


Well 60hrs a week at my day job only leaves me 2-3hrs to manage my garden. Let alone school on top of that. Id be toast man i get pretty busy in the summer with my outdoor garden.

Mmmm potatoes 18 kinds. Some of the taters are now in the 68th yr of regrowing the seed potatoes these are from my aunts potatoe farm in idaho. I regrow them every year and this is my 4th season here. So this should be the 69th generation potatoe.
Im about to till the garden and reset all the water lines and redo the plastic also.


I grew up in the city but every summer we went to the farm for the summer and worked. I enjoyed the heck out of it.


I would not go back to school again. After 3 bach degrees, and 2 associate degrees,no way. Such a waste of money. Colleges are a scam. Find the school and program you want. Research the classes required or classes your interested in. Then purchase the book and start educating yourself. College professors dont realy teach, they lecture then test. So utilise the schools info stuff online to find the classes and do it your self and save about $50k plus a year. Lol im serious about this too @PreyBird1 your already rockin clones, tissue cultures, etc……hone the skillz, dont change them!!!


Hahahaha you and those potatoes! I am very glad your able to still grow those bro!!! Youve been thru a lot!!! Now your climbing trees like a dam monkey,man,your a beast bro!!!


Im hard at it bro! Im getting there man.