Did you say don’t do that? Lol

I feel like you are a reporter and your asking me all the questions! Lol


Just curious on how others grow🤙

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Not you lol. @devjyarn i dont mind at all i love it thays why im here also to learn and help if i can.


There’s so many different ways it’s nice to hear and see others journals and feedback and ideas… Thank you for sharing yours!

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This started with 3 seeds this summer. And now i cant stop lol awesome!
Here are the 3 baby plants in the end of summer.

And here they are now.

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Don’t ever stop brother! Your doing positive shit!! Your grow looks amazing… I’ll definitely be following up :love_you_gesture::call_me_hand::seedling::herb::palm_tree:

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Im going hydro real soon. With quantum boards.

Im almost done procuring equipment.


I’m not there yet but once I get more space I want to expand similar to your style… Great minds think alike :wink::call_me_hand:

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Lol we do think a like. Most people here are like minded. Im staying with 2 styles of grow soil or coco and hydro. At the same time. My wife wont let me have renters. So the lovely green ladys moved in down stairs and they pay rent lol. I cant wait until my friend brings me some seeds from amsterdam he’ll be back on the 1st!


I here you on that one bro! But thankfully my wifey is coming around and actually starting to get why we love growing so much… I’ve heard good things about Seeds from Amsterdam… Personally I get from northern California but sensiseed in Amsterdam ships To north America too… Not bad seeds tho… Amsterdam started it all!


Dutch passion, serious seeds, greenhouse seeds.and.barneys farm are my faves I find sensi a bit behind the times :wink:


Nice set up but you should hang your buds to dry in a dark space. Light degrades trichs once the have been cut.

We want to pound them with light while they are growing but keep them in a darker space once they aren’t. :woman_facepalming:t2:


The headline is going to be “big buds from a small tent”, haha. I always like to see what people are doing to make their grows great. Keep it up.


Ahh thanks i only did this because i have nowhere else to put them that doesnt smell at the moment.

Love barnys. I got 2 strains from them. I am going to buy some raredankness seeds next.


Big things grow in small places


Wow. That is serious dedication!

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@PreyBird1 did you build that light or did you buy a kit?

I bought the build your own lights from nieme and then i connected them together as one unit.

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What are the specs and how much did you spend?

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