Doobienoobies' Bionic Hydroponic Chronic grow journal

Alright so here we grow. Dropped 10 mystery seeds (beta testing for a breeder) Wednesday. Put them in paper towels yesterday morning. Check today and they’ve tried growing through the paper towels. Fresh seeds are pretty vigorous so hopefully they continue with that growth. I don’t know anything about the genetics it’s a blind grow. I’ll add some pics of my setup but I covered most of it here for those that want more info.

Heres we go.

And last the grow room. Everything is washed down and reset to be ready for them. I think they’re going to grow fast based on their germination speed and vigor. Fingers crossed for all girls lol. I’m not allowed to keep any Males or take any clones per my agreement with the breeder. @blackthumbbetty @purpngold74 @dbrn32 @missiles @zparkie2 @macgyver_stoner @tdubwilly @Bogleg @BudBrother I’m forgetting lots of people so I’ll apologize in advance.


Very nice set up and lots of fun work ! wishing you the best , happy growing and thanks for the tag doobie 8d00569213858a76d32fed7d2eab692e9778bbe2


Best of luck my friend , I will be watching and sending good vibes;)


I posted this on the other forum but thought I’d share here as well. This was shared in a Facebook group and I found it interesting and helpful. There’s a few technical terms I’ve never seen before so hopefully others find it helpful as well.

Ethylene: One of the 5 plant hormones. The levels and ratios of these 5 hormones has a huge impact on the shape, strucutre, aroma, flavor, flowering time, and disease resistance of the plant. Hormones are the chemical messengers that allow DNA to ‘talk’ to plant tissues and determine the phenotype. Ethylene is primarily involved in flowering, sex determination, fruit ripening, and sensescence (rot). Ethylene is a simple organic molecule, C2 H4, which can also be represented as H2C=CH2.

In cannabis, female plants will produce male flowers if not enough ethylene is present, or if too much gibberellic acid is present. The intersex condition is due to a combination of genetic and environemental factors. Some plants will not turn male under the most extreme stress, and some plants, especially stretchy tropical sativas, will turn with no stress at all. It is my belief that the stress of severe inbreeding, compounded over several generations, is responsible for the majority of hermaphrodites in the drug cannabis gene pool (DCG) today.

Reversal: Treating a female plant with STS in order to collect viable female pollen.

Selfing: Applying female pollen to the female from which it was collected. Example : selecting a particular Willie Nelson cutting, reversing it, and putting the pollen back on another clone of the same plant. Applying that pollen to a different Willie cutting, or to another strain altogether, is not selfing.

F0 or P: The parents selected to start a breeding program. Often referred to as P1 and P2, but this is incorrect.

F1: the first cross between two unrelated parents. The F stands for filial, and refers to the fact that all F1 progeny of the same cross are full brothers and sisters to one another.

S1: The first selfed generation. Selfing an S1 produces an S2, etc. Anecdotal evidence from Sam_Skunkman indicates that continued selfing to the S3 and S4 produces plants so weak that they must be handled very carefully, “like kittens” in his words.

R1’s (aka Reversed F1’s): When feminized pollen is used to pollinate a different female than the pollen donor. R1’s will tend to act like a tradional male x female cross, only all female, while S1’s appear to have some different properties that are not yet fully understood. Early reports indicatee that S1’s are more consistent than R1’s on average, but there are many exceptions, and more research is needed.

BC1 or Bx1: The first backcross generation, ie when an F1 or R1 progeny is crossed back to an F0 parent. Backcrossing can increase the influence of either parent, but continued backcrossing is too much inbreeding, according to both DJ Short and Rezdog, and should be used rarely if at all. One or two backcrosses followed by full-sib mating has beena successful strategy for many breeders, including the creator of Northern Lights.

These terms can be combined for shortand pedigrees. A second backross, followed by three generations of sib-mating, may be represented as a BC2-F3 generation.

Intersex: A condition in which a plant (or animal) displays functional sex organs of both genders. Easier to type than hermaphroditic. My belief is that almost all hermies are genetic females that have weaknesses in their ethylene signaling pathway, which makes them very susceptible to environmental stress.

Stress: Any environmental factor that causes a response by the plant. Stresses can be biotic or abiotic. Biotic stresses include insects, fungi, viruses, predators, and CAMP. Abiotic stresses include drought, poor soil conditions, extreme wind or humidity, or hurricanes or flooding. Both types of stresses can have large effects on phenotype, including induction of intersex phenos.

Hybrid Fertility: The degree to which any two unrelated plants can set seed. For example, crossing an Afghani to a Turk may produce 95% viable seed, whild crossing Durban to Mongolian Indica might only produce 40% viable seed. This is usually a measure of the genetic distance between the parents. The fertility of self-pollinations is unknown but could give the breeder alot of information about the breeding value of the plant in question. A plant that has a desirable phentoype, but is not very self-fertile, is likely very homozygous and will tend to produce consistent offspring.

Micropropagation: Taking very small clones and rooting them in test tubes containing a heat-sterilized nutrient mixture in a agar (gelatin) base. This allows for aseptic (almost sterile) conditioins and precise application of phytochemicals such as STS, auxin, or cytokinin.

Flower parts:


Petal: the 5 yellow petals surrounding the generative organs

Anther: the banana-shaped pod on a thin stalk that produces and drops pollen

Filament: the thin stalk that supports the anther.

Pollen grain: A tiny, round, hard shell that floats on the wind until it lands on a female stigma.

Sperm: A half-copy of the genetic information of the father. Each grain contains two sperm. One sperm fertilizes the egg and forms the embryon, while the other sperm fertilizes another cell and forms the endosperm, the fatty, protein-rich substance that surrounds the embryon and provides nutrients for the first ~2 weeks of growth. This process is called ‘double fertilization’ and is pretty cool if you want to read more about it.


Sepal: the small green leaves subtending (underneath) the petals. The sepals are the strucutres that have two white hairs protruding and are covered in resinous trichomes. They are a leafy jacket for the developing seed. I believe that the evolutionary purpose of THCis to confuse animals, such as mice and voles, that eat cannabis seeds after they fall to the ground. Differences in cannabinoid content probably are due to differences in the brains of the seed predators.

Stigma: The two white hairs that stick out of each flower. Each stigma is capable of accepting pollen and directing it to the ovary, which is located at the base of the seed. The stigma is capable of performing a chemical analysis of the pollen that lands on it, and can decide whether ornot to allow that pollen to germinate and fertilize the embryo.

Ovary: the structure that contains a half-copy of the maternal DNA, which fuses with a sperm to form an embryo that contains 50% DNA from each parent.


Achene: a technical term for the particular type of seed that Cannabis produces. Similar to a nut, but simpler in structure.

Aleurone: the hard, tiger-striped outer shell of a seed that protects the delicate embryo and endosperm.

Vernalization: Any environmental or chemical treatment that induces seeds to sprout. This can be heat, in the case of wild tomato or avocado seeds, or cold, as in the case of poppies and many members of the cabbage family. Some seeds require a bath in acid, as in tomato seeds, which tend to to sprout well when they are incubated in the hot, acidic bath known as the ‘stomach’ and then deposited in a matrix of rich organic matter, known as ‘poop’.

General Breeding Terms:

Compensatory mating: Choosing hybrid parents based on a weakness in one parent. For example, we often choose G13 as a parent when we have a sativa that is quite nice to smoke, but stretchy and long flowering. G13 brings down flowering time and height, without having much impact on the smell or high, except that it tends to boost potency. Another example might be choosing Grapefruit to cross to an indica that is potent, but lacks flavor or ‘bag appeal’. Fem breeding makes it easier to choose parents for compensatory mating as both parents can be evaluated for the trait of interest.

Stabilizing Selection: Growing a large number of a a segregating population and selecting the average phenotypes, culling the extreme phenos, in order to lessen the variability in the line. Usually a later step after a line produces some, but not all, exceptional plants. Not used often enough in Cannabis breeding. An example of this would be growing a thousand Love Potions and culling everything that showed a single male flower, so that the genetics of the line would be essentially unchaged, but interesex plants will eventually be completely eliminated.

Directional Selection: Choosing breeding parents based on a desire to boost a trait that is present in both. For example, if you grew out 100 F2’s and selected the most purple ones for future breeding, youwould be breeding in the direction of more purpleness without any regard for other phenotypes. When working with very small populations, I believe it is best to focus on one trait a time, rather than trying to find your grail in a population of 30 or 50 beans.

“Half-Sibling Selection”: The other thing that jumps out is that once you make any selection at all (in regards to open pollination) it should really be refered to as half-sib selection, for it is not really open pollination anymore. “Open Pollinate”, then remove seeds from the 5% of outstanding females, those 5 plants have now given rise to 5 families. These families are to be grown out and the process repeated in 5 seperate plots. Families will be culled rapidly, and over a few generations you’ll have your winner, and perhaps save the runner-up as well. Anyway this is a much utilized and well proven selection method - half-sib family selection.

-Tom Hill,

Diversifying Selection: this is a concept more often used in nature, where one populations splits into two and then diverges due to different selective pressures. For example, early humans mated with chimpanzees for many centuries before the different selective pressures caused the two populations to diverge and become reproductively isolated from one another. For Cannabis breeders, this technique could be used to tease out the parent lines from an F1 hybrid. If you bought Thunderfuck Haze, and you had a good eye for both parental phenos, you could eventually have a truebreeding Thunderfuck line and a Haze line that would be more like the parents than like the original F1.

Robustness: A strain that produces similar phenotypes in a wide range of enviroments is said to be robust.

Variability: A measure of the differences in phenotypes within a strain. Some variability is good, for example if you want to harvest over a period of a week or 10 days instead of all at once. Much variablity is bad, for example if your closet has to contain plants that range from 2’-5’ tall, or if your harvest window is 2 months instead of 2 weeks and you have other stuff to grow.

Stability: Another way to measure differences in phenotypes. The opposite of Variability.

Diversity: A measure of the genetic diversity within a population. The trick of the breeder is to maximize diversity while minizming variability. Diversity is necessary to allow plants to resist fungi and other pathogens, and to have genetic reserves that will allow the to slowly adapt to a changing climate in the years to come.

Stable Generation: A true F1 made between inbred parents, or a cross between two individuals of the same IBL, will produce seeds that are consistent from plant to plant. F1 plants will grow alike, but will not breed true. IBL’s grow alike and will produce offspring that grow alike, both to each other and to the parents. Crossing an IBL to an F1 will produce intermediate results and is a good technique if you have the capacity to evaluate the offspring, or if you are looking for more than one keeper pheno in the progeny.

Segregating Generations: A cros between two hybrids will produce a wide range of phenotypes, especially if the hybrid grandparents are widely unrelated. Segregating generations are where the breeder goes to work, sorting through hundreds of plants to find the ones that meet the goal of the program. Most seeds on the market today are segregating generations


I’m in. Looks like some good growers.


Good luck with these buddy!


Thanks! Hopefully I’ve got everything fixed and running smoothly now. 10 for 10 popping is already a good start. And half had already broke ground in 12 hours.


Set to watching, best of luck my friend!!


Thank you sir. They’re all above ground and vertical. So far so good lol. I do have one mutant that only has one cotyledon. Kind of interested to see what happens with that one. I’ll grab a picture of the oddball in a few.


Ooooh, a beta tester of mystery genetics! That’s fun!


There ya go some real breeding info.did you know etheline can be used to ripen your plants faster (works best in a tent or closet tho too pricy to do a whole room) I had to move once and had no time left to ripen took about a week and lost a bunch of yeild but shaved 2 weeks off the true flower can get a tank and adaptor from a gas supplier they don’t ask questions here in Canada. These guys are crazy they sell me liquid nitrogen or nitrous or etheline … Anything that’s not a narcotic lol


Well even then nitrous seems to be ok.


Nice! I never even thought about speeding up a harvest in a emergency like that. Learn something new everyday.

@blackthumbbetty yeah this will be a fun one. I just hope it’s not a sativa heavy but I doubt it since he asked me to try and keep veg to 6 weeks so it’s finished in November.


I wonder if since a lack of ethylene causes plants to create Male pollen what would happen if you used it in small amounts through early life and veg with reg seeds? I’m curious if it might actually help all to be fems? I recently read about taking fem seeds and using something to force the plant to becoming a Male long before flower or even showing signs of sex. Supposedly it was more reliable then colloidal silver and made better pollen and offspring. And still created fem seeds. I wish I could remember what it was called.


Yay, especially after dinner


I think I read that ethylene will help plants be female. Not sure if that means it affects seed production/sexing or if it influences seedlings to turn female. Something like that, but really do not take my word for it. :dash:


Yeah it’s a interesting subject. I’m sure it’s way more complex then I’m able to fully understand. I need to start saving the articles when I find stuff like that for future reference. I find breeding fascinating but I’m only interested in growing and if I can guarentee a full room of fems out of reg seeds without it being expensive it might be worth looking into it.


“Female marijuana plants rely on ethylene production to form flowers. No ethylene means the female plants will produce males rich in feminized pollen.”

As basic as I could find from RQS. There’s a lot of science out there on ethylene and plants, but most of it’s too much to slog through w/o a biochem degree.


Nice! Maybe that’s what I read. Although I’m not sure how you’d intentionally deprive it of ethylene? Yeah I’m in over my head on this subject. I’ll keep reading anyways maybe if I read enough it’ll start making more sense. Speaking of reading I need to go to the library I placed a cannabis growing book on hold and it just got returned. Figured I’d check out the one and only cannabis related book in the entire public library lol.


I just got the book, Teaming With Nutrients. Time to get nerdy!