Alright guys and gals, I’m going to try my best to keep up with this in full from start to finish. I’m only dropping 3 this time. On the right are 2 California orange bud. The left thanks to @budlover2 is monster mass auto. I wanted to do a 3 gallon auto since all the autos I’ve done thus far I’ve used 7 gallon, and have had size issues. I’ll be running RO water, growing in cocoa, and running Jack’s. Also super looking forward to using BBP. I’m sure I’ll be tagging people, and relying on all the expertise here. Stay tuned!
I look forward to watching your progress!
Just for fun, this is where all my stalks go. My pup loves tearing through the roots, and breaking the stalks down to nothing for me.
Nice your pup helps out….beats cutting them up by hand! Posting so I’m subscribed for grow journal…and impressive results…we hope!
Love it!!
Mobile stalk shredder with minimal fuel costs and fertilizer contributions to boot!!!
All 3 germinated and went into cups today. I normally start straight into their forever homes, but figured I’d save a little water.
By the way these risers had to be designed to perfectly fit a solo cup!
We have broken ground. I really prefer the beginning of each grow over the end. Mainly because everything after going to flower seems to cause me issues. This will be my turning point grow, at least I hope.
Will you be growing inside or out?
Inside, with the restrictions on growing outside, it’s not possible for me. To close of neighbors, etc. Also heading into fall.
Not much to update of course, but everything is growing. I have mixed up a batch of nutrients and intend to give them their 1st feeding today. I mixed full strength. I’ve had some people say they add extra cal-mag with jacks. Any comments to that?
Might up the calmag in flower or if you.see a need. Should be good at this stage id think…
Normal feeding it will be.
Post them all! All your babies are interesting!
They broke ground a week ago. The one Cali orange keeps wanting to lean over, and I have to push her back up every time I water. Other than that no issues so far.
You could use a Toothpick or a small piece of wire next to it will hold it up so you don’t have to mess with it until it gets stronger.
Looking good dunbar…I love it…young ladies in waiting !
Would have never considered that, thank you!