First Attempt Indoors

If you look at your nutrient bottle it probably has an expiration date on it. That doesn’t mean you can’t use it. As far as I know that is. I would imagine it’s probably like prescription medicine, still works after expiration date just fine but it still has a date.


Right on. That’s what I figured. It seems to have done the trick. The little ladies are much happier this morning. Two still looking funky though. I think it’s because I had a cold snap in my room when the heater failed one night after moving to the 1 gal pots. It was 63 degrees and the ladies did NOT appreciate it.


Your last picture the plant looks thirsty to me.


question about lights, or small indoor grows in general. i don’t know how to word it, but here’s my thoughts: i have mostly grown outdoors, from clone or seed. i start em inside, but once they hit bout 8 inches or so, SHWOOP, out they go. mother nature, do your thing. sometimes, nature is a B. besides the obvious challenges of outdoor grow, im limited to one main harvest. keeping in mind, i can only legally have 12 plants, and my love of cannabis in general, im thinking about trying an indoor grow, just a couple plants to start with. so, here’s the question(s): is lighting expensive in the way of electric bill? are the bulbs really the most important part, meaning i can make my own fixture, or go cheap(er)with the fixture but hit the mark with the bulbs? i keep things as cheap as possible, without hurting the end resut (i hope). i have many more questions, but lets start with these… it will be a while before i can start an op anyway, but i figure i’ll use the time to learn a lil. and i usually learn the hard way…


I gave them a finger test and you were right. That Black Magic soil doesn’t hold water worth a damn. The first three were fine but rest were definitely too dry.


We just went over all of this on another thread. I can’t remember which one it was. @CoyoteCody uses some lights off Amazon that are very inexpensive. He can also let you know an approximate monthly cost or increase in his utility bills using them. I have tagged him so I’m just gonna step back now and let him take it from there. You should check out his grow. It is very impressive what he does with these lights. From what I’ve seen him do I would say they are the best bang for the buck anywhere that I have seen. I built a shed special specifically to grow in. So it is fully self-contained. In my case it’s a very noticeable increase in monthly utility cost.


Well I guess you know what to do then don’t you. :wink::+1:t3:😶‍🌫
You also no know what they for look like at a glance when they are dry. Bonus…:+1:t3:


Any lights are going to increase your electric bill. LED are the best though. Low heat and require less energy. Building your own fixtures is definitely the way to go. I’m still learning a lot myself about lighting and started a thread about DIY lighting. You can DM me any time.


I’ve built lights from scratch and I built lights from kits.:thinking: now that I think about it, I assembled every light that I have in the grow room. That being said. If you’re just starting out I would recommend using what @CoyoteCody is using. Those LEDs, they have all spectrums built in. I doubt you could build one for as cheap as you can bye one of these. Once you figured it out and you’re ready to upgrade then I would give a shout out to @PreyBird1 and have him help you out on building your upgrade. That’s where you would be saving money. But I doubt very seriously you could buy the parts and build a light equal to what Cody is using for as cheap as they sell them.


I’ve already talked to @PreyBird1 and he’s been really helpful with fixing up the ones I already have. Very interested in these cheap lights you’re talking about though. :no_mouth:


that’s basically what i’m thinking of doing… building from scratch up, just a shed but insulated some what. i may start that this summer while i do my normal crop. it’ll probably be right next to the back door of the house where i processed this past harvest. but if not, i would use the room i just mentioned… with a LOT of modifications. when i say i go cheap, i don’t mean that it’s poorly made or bad materials. i got 3 other buildings, a 30 ft (i think) trailer and an old ranch house on the property that i scavenge from lol. plus, im a pack rat. i have odds and ends from all sorts of fun stuff. all that said, i’d purchase a light off amazon to start lol. it’s all a learning thing from here on in. thanks @fist-ninja and @happilyretired i’ll be watchin these threads closely. i’ll try not to clutter em up with too many questions lol.


Anyone looking for quality lighting may talk with @PreyBird1 …He has a tremendous track record in his indoor grows and I know he builds a lot of his own light to save some bucks…

He’s a busy guy but very generous with his knowledge so you may hit him up…


EnFun EF-2000 LED Grow Light Samsung LM301B Diodes & MeanWell Driver Dimmable Grow Lights Full Spectrum for Indoor Hydroponic Plants Veg Bloom 4x3 FT Footprint 240W

Here they are, they have even cheaper ones, but I like these because they use Samsung diodes and a meanwell driver.

You can use this link to calculate how much monthly cost will be roughly.


Yeah preybird is definitely the one you want when it comes to lighting. He has been building them for a long time. His grows are exactly what you want. You dont have to get everything all at once. Buy what you can when you can, and eventually you will have a tremendous grow.


you’re awesome


I like high quality on a budget. I veg all my plants with 41 watt T5 4 foot. Led full spec with uv. There $25 each. This picture below is a 4 bulb fixture. Its a total of $160. I grow seedlings, clones and small.plants with a single 41 watt led 4 foot agrolite led. From growers house. The cheapest is still old Hps and Mhn my friend uses Hps to grow and to flower. I also like to mix lights. Like right now i have a HPS going with leds in the same tent. I did it last grow and had really good results.

Ohh the price has gone up a little. Good thing i just got 2 more for another veg light just bought. Fixture was $39 and $110 for led t5’s shipped. Ver cheap zero heat lights.


How do you buy a T5 fixture without the florescent bulbs? Do you have to call directly? I did a search and couldn’t find it without bulbs.


Putting these potential mothers through hell. I don’t think I mentioned yet that all my seed came from outdoor plants from a commercial grow. Don’t expect much out of them. I’m still buying equipment I need badly for water storage (live in an apartment), air temp, and RH control. Please don’t judge too harshly for the plant torture pics. I know it’s cringe to some but I love experimenting with any plants.

Pretty obvious what my intentions are here.

These two were pretty much the same size but one had some bottom leaves getting weird. So I cut them off. Fuck it. I have plenty of seed.

This one is getting really dark. Idk why.

The Granny Derkle are untouched and doing fine. The Platinum GSC have been all kinds of messed with and potted in two different soils. They look weird and unhappy. :rofl:

This grow started spontaneously because of a friend. Keeping my expectations low and having fun with it. If these were different seeds or I had fewer I wouldn’t be so rough. Maybe.


Stolen from my Tinder profile. :rofl:

We don’t judge. Post more torture pics!


All happy again.