First Grow!

Thanks! (Some day I will be smart as you guys. . . . Well, although my goal is to get stoned.)

One more question, what does anyone think of my height of my lights being 36" above plants (one has the cotyledon as of today) and the intensity of the light at 50%? The Mars Hydro page says 50 to 60% for seedling stage. Mars Hydro TS 1000 LED Grow Light + 2.3'x2.3' Indoor Complete Tent Kits for sale,buy Mars Hydro TS 1000 LED Grow Light + 2.3'x2.3' Indoor Complete Tent Kits - Mars Hydro



Drop it down to around 12 to 18 inches you don’t want them to stretch for the light


Perfect description.


So if it’s that much closer to the plant, should I not have the light as intense (50%).?Thanks!


Best way to tell is lower lights then hold your hand under the light for like 2 to 3 minutes if it gets hot for u then it’s to close to the plants and will burn them


I have never had fuzz like that at the surface of my new seedlings, so I don’t think it is roots. If it is roots a watered down H2O2 should not hurt them. If it is mold then it should kill it. Just don’t saturate your soil around the stem with the H2O2. If it is mold it should basically just wipe off, and the H2O2 will then kill the remaining. If it IS roots then they should just remain attached. HTH


Welcome, your off to a great start. I like to use VPD Vapor Pressure Deficit chart as a guide day/night in veg. That means my humidity is roughly 70% with 75-78F leaf temps at the canopy.
Kyle M.


Thanks for the tip! Wow, is this a “ya learn something new everyday!” moment. (For me, a newbie, it’s “I learn dozens of things everyday.” ) I just googled VPD–I had never heard of that before. It’s late where I live (France), so I am going to study it tomorrow. Sounds interesting and important!



There are free VPD charts online you can print out as a guide.
I stuck 1 on my fridge until it stuck.
Kyle M


I appreciate the tip on the light height. Here’s my problem: If I put my hand right under the light with it at 100% for two minutes my hand gets warm but not too hot. If I put it 10" below, my hand never gets warm. Right now I have the light at 50% about 18" above the seedlings. (They have grown a bit since those photos). So using the hand test, I could put that light just about 6" above. That doesn’t sound right to me. It’s a Mars Hyrdo TS1000 and their manual says seedlings should be 24" at 30%.

Advice? Thanks!


Hi, My advice is use a compact fluorescent light(CFL 23w) for seedling and it is best to start seed in a small container like a solo cups(dixie) and make sure your soil is demp not soaking wet and when the seedling emerge from the soil put it under the CFL light 1-3" above the seedling if your seedling start stretching put the light closer, it should take 7-10 days(the leaves should grow pass the edge of the container) before it is ready to transfer to a larger container like a 1gal container now you can transfer your plant under your MarsHydro use the manufacturer recommended distance and keep a eye for stretch and light burn and adjust the distance to your plant, after 1-2 weeks in that container when leaves grow past the edge of the container it is time to transfer to the final container 3-5gals. Planting your seed in large container make it easy to overwater from the picture you posted the seedling look overwater that the reason mold starting at the bottom of the seedling , I have been growing from seed using this process for years with great success it is a bit more work and every time you transplant you should have lots of white roots. Hope this help for future grow.


Thanks! That’s a great process and that will help me next time. So I will copy and save your advice.

I do realize it was too wet and it is getting more dry now. I was hesitant to do tranpslanting because they are autos and many people suggested plant in the final pot.

However, I still don’t know what to do now as I am not going to purchase another light and need to use the Mars Hydro this time with the seedlings. Any suggestion on using my current light? The height and intensity? Thanks!


Hi, there is away to measure the amount of light(PPFD), seedling required between 100-300ppfd, your light is MarsHydro TS1000(full spectrum correct ?) you can buy a PPFD light meter($100), but there is less expensive/accurate way of measuring the amount of light from your smart phone you need to download a app. call LUX METER. witch measure the amount of light from your phone camera then you can convert LUX to PPFD using this website(100-300Lux = 9000-13000ppfd) Convert Lux to PPFD - Online Calculator | Waveform Lighting. Veg. 300-600ppfd, Flowering 600-900(without co2). Hope this help.


I made a error 100-300 ppfd = 9000-13000 Lux, not the other way as stated in my previous comment.


Yes, it’s full spectrum. I downloaded the app!

I assume I measure at the canopy (well now the top of the seedling. I tried and need to play with it a little more to make sure I know how to use this. I went to the site and tried a calculation. It’s late here (I live in France) so I will need to try it tomorrow and then make adjustments.

This is great–Thanks for the recommendation.


Yes measure the top of the canopy, my number are a little off should be 200-300ppfd= 9000-13000 Lux, but remember look at the plant and see how it react if it start stretching too much lower the light and if you bleaching raise the light but it should be a problem bleaching with a seedling the common problem stretching,


Hello Sike,
You are well ahead of the game learning like you are.
I have the same grow set up you do.
After being here and learning from these pros; I wish that I could have more growing room.
I am on my 3rd grow and have just grown autos.
If there is anything I can help with; feel free to DM me.
Be patient, and stay growing.


Do you have a fan circulating the air in your tent? Or at least a small fan to blow air past the fabric pots? And are you able to vent the wet air out of your tent? I made the mistake once of over watering a 3 gal fabric pot that didn’t have enough root mass to pull it all out. A small fan constantly blowing on the pot will help dry it out.
This is the type of fan that I use to circulate the air in the room when drying my bud. It’s also the one I used to help that fabric pot dry out.

Just be careful you’re not blowing too much air on your seedlings!


Yes, I do have a small fan. It’s not oscillating and you can see in the video it doesn’t move the leaves but it is moving that white label attached to the first pot. The fan is pretty cheap and has only two speeds. It’s now on the low setting. Trying to still dry out those plants! It’s getting better.

I also have the exhaust fan on low.

My RH is now 55. I have been putting some water in the sheet below the plants (they are raised above it so they don’t touch the water. And I sometimes up the vent on the side bottom of the tent to get fresh air CO2 in. But sometimes I close it because I want the humidity to go up!

So I appreciate any feedback on if any of these things are good ideas or should I do something else. Should I keep the vent always open? BTW, I am doing 24/0 with lights–have been since I planted the seeds.

(The video is too large to paste here. Do you know how I can make it smaller? Sorry to be asking non-weed tech question!)


Thanks! Do you have the Mars TS1000? If so, what would you suggest with the height of the light over the seedlings? Are they already stretching too much?Northern 1-12-21 Blue Dream 1-12-21 2 Gelato 1-12-21