Flowers of the GOTU šŸ’™

tenga girl i have been thinking of you. i hope your journey is going better than you expected. you helped me when i needed someone and i want to help you. i am praying to the universe that you will be ok. fight hard mama! kick that cancer. your friend.


Thanks Trish! @pptrsha1
I have missed u and my other GN friends!!

Sir Slymy. . My dude, :purple_heart::kiss:, missed u buddy.
Happy Man (with the happy hands), Preybird, Pants, CDub, Flasher, Mr Farts, Mark, nacho cheese, kdawg, FirstTime . . . I canā€™t go on, sorry!!
Iā€™m foggy brained from chemo and I know Iā€™ll leave out names and then kick myself. . .Loco? See what I mean. Thatā€™s my disclaimer, pls donā€™t let it hurt ur feelings!
Anyway, I finished cancer treatment and came home to a big fat mess! My garden was overrun with weeds! There was a hurricane in there too. When the soil was saturated with water, several of my plants tipped over, the cassava yuca, etc. No cannabis plants, I had chopped them and tossed them. That was unfortunate, but thereā€™s always the next grow, right?
Anyway, Slymy was right. He let u guys know I had surgery a few days after my last radiation treatment. Had my gallbladder removed. The surgeon said that ā€œchemo stirs things upā€. So I think he meant it made my gall bladder get worse.
When ur immune system is at rock bottom, thatā€™s not a great time to have surgery. But it was necessary. But wow, what a shock. The aftermath was excruciating, not what I was expecting at all. I mean, usually people have gall bladders removed as an outpatient. Laparoscopy makes healing so much easier.
But in my case, I was on Dilaudid around the clock for three days. Then came home on hydrocodone. ( Im not a fan of pain!)

Fatigue is a ā€œlong term side effectā€ of radiation. So Iā€™m still wiped out. Itā€™s just gonna take time, and Iā€™m not the worldā€™s most patient person, lol!! As Iā€™m tapping my foot and getting hinky!!

But all considered, is it worth it when treatment is killing cancer and saving ur life?? Duh, yes!!
So thatā€™s where I am. I figure my next seed drop will be in the Spring. I wonā€™t drop seeds till I can care for the plants.

I hope u guys are all well and kicking ass with ur grows!!
I read Trishā€™s thread, then HMs, and it just felt so excellent to be back!!
Personally I think everybodyā€™s life is better if they get a dose of Loco everyday!!!
Ok, later guys! My love and friendship to u!!
and my butt!!! :peach: Lol, owwwww


i have sooo much to tell you when you are kicking ass again! we gonna grow some big old plants again yayyy!!!


Ohhh, I canā€™t wait to get caught up!!!


Well I have a few months to think about it, but I canā€™t help mulling over my Spring growā€™s lineup.
Iā€™m about ready to bust out into naked cartwheels at the thought of growing Monkey Slapz!!! :monkey::wave:t4:
Woop Woop!! @PreyBird1
Preybird, ty so much, my dude!!!

Ohhhhh, I got carried away. . ā€¦oopsie

I might grow a couple Runtz too.
And I got a panty hamster!!!
Well, yes I do!!!

Iā€™ll prob change my mind several times, except Slapz is fer sure! Theyā€™ve been burning a hole in my seed collection!

Last Summer, I guess I put some seedlings outside too early ā€“ they went right into flower. The days were long, they should have been in veg. The fems didnā€™t do it, just the regulars.
Anyway, Iā€™ll have to figure out this timing.


Youā€™ll like them a lot! Have you seen @ultrapuff phenotype? Its beautiful!


No, Iā€™ll have to go find it!!


Hey ho cuppa Joe afro rainbow snow and blow ā€¦ What it is doll, totally super neat to hear from ya. I have a concessionā€¦ Confession Grrrr I ainā€™t growing that much neither right now. I got 4 autos outside like 2 weeks and Iā€™m not really paying em much attention. I did transplant one yesterday so a little attention I guess. So how are ya feelingā€¦ loosy Goosy or snorey bory? Better yet how is the husbandā€¦ poor guy! Letā€™s give props to a hero right! He did a good job taking care of you when you was feeling blue? Did you smoke at all for symptoms? My mom goes back to work Januaryā€¦ so her recovery is gonna be about 16 months in all.