Flowers of the GOTU 💙

When my wife and I met, there was a guy in the chatroom we used and he thought he was God’s gift to women. Those guys need a serious adjustment.

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Hi T… sounds like you’re having a exciting morning.

Me too. I cleaned out the chicken coop poop then I picked up dog poop then I edged the lawn and I mowed the lawn then I gave the lawn clippings to the chicken’s

That’s after I went to Home Depot and got some parts for my top water system and then I went bye the metal yard and picked up some half inch buy 3 inch strap to reinforce my 12 ton. And now it’s quarter till 12 Pacific.

I think it’s time to grab my fully charged vaporizer and do a couple of bumps…:tada::sunglasses:


Productive day mi hombre!!!

Well I have a new clone. I thought i was topping a MW, but ooopsie!! It was a Waterstone (auto)-- dangit!!! So I cut my losses and made it a clone. It was pretty short but worth a try. But being an auto. …maybe a waste too. Oh well. …something to learn from.

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If it takes root it will produce. I’ve gotten over an ounce off of a auto clone before.

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Everything turned around for me when I added heat, never, ever a failure from seed or cutting.


What we have here is a failure to rest all day, try this if you are a workaholic… 10 minutes before you start to sweat, sit down for 50 minutes.


ABC update
I got a 3rd seedling from my first drop of 10 seeds!

From my 2nd drop of 11 seeds, so far, 3 have popped little tails. Imma stick them in dirt tomorrow.

If they sprout I will have 6 plants-- a much better chance at getting a male and female!

The oldest of my seedlings is a pretty cute lil fellah!!


We’s a’watchin.


3 ABCs with tails went into soil!

The biggest of my seedlings. . …a curly guy!


Gm!! Did u ever dream about ur weed? I did last night. I dreamed that my dud ABC seeds sprouted giving me a ton of ABCs with eleven more on the way!!!

Im not sure I would need to chop up/compost the extras. Because they look so odd, maybe I could plant a hedge along my fence!! Lol


:thinking:. Can’t say i’ve dreamed about my plants growing but I can say I have dreamed intensely because my plants grew.:+1:t3:


I never remember my dreams… I’ve woke up out of a couple nightmares though. I think it might have been Ambien, years ago that gave me terrible nightmares… bad ones…
Afternoon T…I see your garden grow…whoot whoot. Covered in weed is good dreams.
PS if you attached them vinyl flowers to them they would surely pass as a hibiscus…


lol I go to bed and wake up every night day thinking about my girls. Don’t remember ever dreaming about them though. Been reading post here for awhile now just getting over being bashful and starting to have some input. Hopefully not to much of a newbie.


@felejr jump in any time bruh :v:t2::sunglasses::v:t2:

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Go by a tree saw. I have a 25’ tree saq because i hsve 17 trees. Im always cutting trees.

Welcome @felejr!!! Pls hop right in whenever u like. Im on my 2nd grow-- im a noob too.

These GN growers and mods are really nice people, here to help us.
I love this forum!


I must admit your post have given me many a laugh. Nice to see a positive attitude in today’s world.


good morning miss @tenga hope you’ll have a sunny day…best way to roll…LOL


Gm @cww03 I now look forward to ur sunny greeting everyday!!!


My captain. . …doggy is outta control. I think its safe to talk here!