Grow 2-Jilly Bean and Flu Shot Cough x G13 Haze Fem Photoperiod

Thanks @nacho151

Great information. I didn’t know that about the negative pressure. I can definitely adjust that. I am at only about 25% on my filter fan speed. The humidity in the room the tent’s in is very low. That will change once we stop using the heat and springtime warms up.

It’s a small de-humidifier so it will probably need to go inside the tent, I think.


I was looking at your box setup pictures and had an idea easier to make adjustment for negative tent pressure. Move the fan back 6 inches away from your intake vent at a time to see if that will increase the negative pressure. If that doesn’t work then try adjusting the exhaust fan speed.



Sounds good-I will mess with that fan and see how that goes and let you know.


Yeah it’s crazy trying to adjust air flow. In your tent you only need to exchange 48 CFM over a 5 minute period. In my 4x4’s I am try to exchange 96 CFM over 5 minutes.



So, yes-I can control the negative pressure by moving that fan back. I can control it using the fan speed controller on the exhaust fan too. I’d rather use your box setup to control that pressure because it’s much quieter than the exhaust fan.

I really appreciate your help in getting that setup working for me.


Sweet! Some people probably think I am crazy coming up with some of my fixes. Lol! My cousin calls me the crazy scientist with my fixes, then when they work he does the same things in his grow! Lol! He just waits to see how my plants react before he copies it!


Don’t DARE challenge common knowledge!
LOL, look throughout history to see that all the pioneers of quantum shifts in technology were weirdos, fools, or misfits…
If you venture to go there, go there with confidence and perseverance…the rewards are immense…even if it’s only for yourself!!!



Just an update for the journal. I flipped to 12/12 for flower on Mar. 29, so it’s been a little over a week.

I developed a little problem with the humidity in the tent. It hit 80, since then I have been defoliating below the nets and added a fan in there for more air flow. It seems to have helped.

I did have a little dehumidifier in the tent for the first 4 or 5 days and it didn’t help as much as getting some of that lower foliage out of there. I checked the tent one night and saw that the dehumidifier has a light green nightlight on it. I figured that qualified as a light leak so got it out of there.

So, I flipped them over a week ago. I have only done this once before, with one plant. I think I saw signs of flowering in about a week with that one. Should I be concerned that the flower stage doesn’t seem to have started yet?

@happilyretired @nacho151 @Dforce @MrMonkey420 @TheMadFlascher @PreyBird1 @automatik @sssportsmfg

Picture from tonight:


Some strains take longer to show. If you need the dehumidifier in the tent during lights out, cover the light with black electrical tape.


Could you give us a shot up the skirt? So we can see your airflow. They are right there. They’re gonna be spitting stuff out here in a day or two. If you look at the larger tops they’re starting to stack up. Then comes the stretch. They look good. :+1:t3:


I agree with Hap, they are right on the verge of flowering…you can tell by the way the tips of the stems look, they are bunching up. Looks like you could use a little more flowering nutes, a little pale up top. But other than thay they look great. If the light on the de-humidifier was green it shouldn’t hurt anything flower wise…but like Nacho said just cover it up.



Well, I can definitely see signs of flowering here as well. Single leaves forming in the tops. You will very soon see pistils as well. Those two are what are giving the tops that brighter green color in the middle! Buds incoming!!!


Everybody has you covered, looking good.


Hi Nacho:

I covered the light, like you mention, but I noticed that some faint green light showed coming out of the fins. I didn’t know if that mattered or not, so to be safe, I left it out of the tent. Sounds like it should be fine though, based on what you guys think.


Hi @happilyretired

I took some pictures of my de-feloiating. I tried not to take too much off–those leaves looked really healthy. But I would if you think that is a good idea.

Thanks for taking a look.


It shouldn’t be a problem unless it turns a different color when it gets full. When I use humidifiers or dehumidifiers in my tents I put them on the timer with my lights so I don’t have to worry about it.


The way I defoliate is to see which leaves are blocking lower buds from light or to increase air flow into the center of the plant. I do it over a few days as to not shock the plant with a heavy defoliation at one time.


I would on other hand on the plants on the right I would remove everything below the bottom screen. The small branches that I marked in yellow that don’t even make it up to the screen will not produce anything worth anything except clones. They make nice clones.
The plant on the left is not as tall and doesn’t look like it’s gonna get as tall so I would clean out the bottom of it a little bit more then it is mostly below the dotted line. A lot of energy is going to be given to those branches and leaves that are down there that are never going to produce much of anything. Get rid of them now and let all the energy go into your stretch and your bigger producing buds.

Then after all of that was gone I would selectively remove leaves blocking lower branches.
The net looks like it’s at an angle, is it?

I would normally do this a week prior to flipping lights. But not always sometimes I get lazy and I’m a bit late. :man_shrugging::+1:t3::v:t3:


Thanks @nacho151 @happilyretired

I’m going to clear those sections up starting tomorrow night. I peeled a few leaves off tonight already. I don’t want to shock it by maybe doing too much at once.


Two different thoughts on trimming. Slow and steady which works very good outdoor and also works good indoor OR rip the Band-Aid off. Which would be doing it all at once so the plant doesn’t have to go through a small recovery every day. You can do up to 30% of the plant at one time and still have a Quick recovery.

… decisions, decisions… :upside_down_face: