Grow 2-Jilly Bean and Flu Shot Cough x G13 Haze Fem Photoperiod

Do you have room for the fan outside on top of the tent? The filter can be turned sideways and moved as close to the tents vent hole as possible preferably from the top. Then the light can go all the way to the ceiling of the tent and still not hit the filter. That way if the plants gets to tall. you can still go as high as possible with the light.


Thanks all for taking a look. I’ve been thinking a lot about that fan and filter and my setup and I want to do it differently next time. Actually I just finished watching a youtube video on just this topic. @PreyBird1

I don’t have the energy to take it apart at this point. But I could perk up in a day or two. :slight_smile:

The other thing I worry about is how the air gets into the tent once I go to 12/12. It’s exhausting out but the rest of the tent is sealed up now to keep it dark. My first grow was autoflowers so I didn’t worry about keeping it dark and kept some flaps open for air. I sealed it up tonight and have 2 Hurricane fans blowing on them and I put another fan on the floor just to move air around down there.


Hi @happilyretired

As far as what I would want in the end: All the weed I am growing is just for me, so a large yield is not that important. I’m looking more for weed that tastes good and is potent. My first grow, from last year is pretty potent but the taste is not good, if I smoke it. If I vape, it has lots of flavor.

These plants are much healthier looking than last years grow, so I’m hopeful.


If you have some extra vent tubing on hand run it though a bottom tube opening and slap a dark panty hose on the tube opening outside the tent. Put some curves in the tubing on the inside of the tent and it will keep the light out.


Thanks @nacho151

Good idea! Let me just make sure I am following you. By vent tubing do you mean the 4" round silver flexible exhaust hose? I do have a lot of that left over. And then just curve it up like a snake to restrict the light? I don’t have much room in side the tent, so I could probably curve it up outside in the room.


Inside my tent I run it with just a turn. Don’t kink it so it won’t restrict air flow.


Hi @nacho151

So when I got home from work, I checked my tent. I don’t have a round hole at the bottom of the tent-just little rectangular window screens with flaps.

I do have 2 round hole openings. 1 is on the roof and the other on the side near the top of the tent.

Do you think if I ran it in the upper side hole and then let drop to the floor inside, that it would work?


I’m not sure. What brand tent is it and what size is it and I’ll do a little research on it.


Thanks Nacho–

It’s a Spider Farmer 2000 or SF-200. I think my first post has a picture too.

It’s a 2x4 size tent.

Actually here is the link I used to buy it off Amazon:


I think you might have to add a fan to it, set on the lowest speed and drop the tubing down to the floor from the top tubing holes or figure out a way to block the light from the bottom window vents. I’m thinking the cheapest way to use the bottom window vents is to use a cardboard box and duct tape. Cut a section of the vent tube off. use the pantyhose cover on it, feed it though a cardboard box, then use the duct tape to seal the box around the window vent. I think it will work that way, but the Dr. hit me with a dose of Propofol this morning and I’m still a little foggy from it! I had another idea for you until I saw the price on that tent setup! Lol!


Nice. I like that box idea. Kind of like the Apollo 13 air purifying box those guys built in space. I’m going to mull that over while I run errands this morning. I am a little nervous about buying the panty hose though LOL.

The plants looked good last night when the lights went back on. I was a little worried about air flow in there but they’re okay.

I really appreciate your ideas-you got me thinking in ways I probably wouldn’t have thought of.


Don’t worry about anyone making a smart ass remark if you buy the pantyhose. If the cashier is female she will think your buying for a very lucky girlfriend or wife. If a male makes a smart ass remark just tell them you use them to strangle stupid people. It has always worked for me! Lol!


Lol :rofl: :rofl:

10 fricking characters


Hey @nacho151

Check it out-this was fun. It’s not blowing a lot of air in there but some, so that’s good!

Thanks so much for the ideas!



I hope it helps and it doesn’t need a lot of maintenance and it was the cheapest way I could think of! Let me know how good it works so I can put the idea permanently in the tool box!


ROFL…strangle stupid people…yep you are definetely a MO kinda guy lol.


Or you going to Rob Someone. Just depends. Lol


@dirt51 a quick question for you. Using that box setup does your tent still have negative pressure?


Hi @nacho151

I just checked. The negative pressure is gone. The tent walls are flat. I’ve seen the walls sucking in and bowing out in the past. But it looks perfect now.

Next problem is getting the humidity down once the flowering starts. I took the humidifier out and have the de-humidifier ready to go. But maybe I will need to de-foliate some at some point. I’ve pulled some weak leaves off now and then but it’s getting pretty thick in there now.


Definitely get the humidity down if it’s not showing negative pressure during flower. Negative pressure helps with reducing the chance of bud rot and mold. You might want to try increasing the exhaust fan a little bit to see if it can build back a little negative pressure. If you have high humidity in your grow room area try running the dehumidifier outside the tent. The room environment will affect the tent environment. Defoliation is good , just don’t take off massive amounts off at one time, and remember fan leaves are needed for the plant to live!