Grow 2-Jilly Bean and Flu Shot Cough x G13 Haze Fem Photoperiod

I always want to know before I put into flower, as I
don’t have to worry about height issues, but have a buddy that sometimes does this. I agree with @PreyBird1 about watching very closely, it usually happens over night. Didn’t know about cutting lower branch, putting in water, flip to12/12 though. Like that info. :thinking: Will relay that info. To my buddy.


Hi @PreyBird1

The first plant sprouted on Feb 1 and the other 3 that same week, so about a month and a half.

My first grow was last summer. Two bag seeds-one was female, the other male. But the male looked different-it was tall and skinny. These are bushy and shorter. Anyway, I’ll keep a magnifying glass in the grow room and keep an eye on them. The only regular seeds are the 2 FSC plants.


I used the Dakine nutes for about half of my last grow. So being that I only used them halfway I can’t place blame anywhere. However my common sense tells me that using them full strength as reccommended is a bit too hot. I had to flush about mid flower started getting burn. So be careful and keep an eye on your runoff numbers, I didn’t pay any attention to them as everything was so healthy looking. It only takes a day or two for shit to go south when the nutes get too strong. If I remember right @PreyBird1 only uses the Dakine at about 2/3 strength. Anyway they look absolutely fantastic lush and beautiful !!



I found slowly increasing the dosage of Dakine through the stages of my grow worked great. Best harvest I ever had the first time I used them. Waiting to see what they do with BBP added into the grow.


I had actually upped the dosage of the AN nutes past reccommended before I started the Dakine, and I also used the BBP. That’s why I said I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but it was several weeks after I started using the Dakine that I got the burn, and I did flush every other watering/feeding. Way to many parameters to say exactly what did it. Just a caution note. Burning with too many nutes does more harm in my opinion that anything else. Once you kill tissue it is gone forever.



The exact same happen thing happened to me last grow when I switched from Vantana to Dakine. They quickly fried and I reduced the nutes. Since then I put 10 gallons of nutrients in 15 gallons of water. I have absolutely no problems with the nutrients at this point. I might add that I also do plain water to runoff once a week. My pH is staying perfect and my ppm numbers are staying well within safe range. :+1:t3:


Thanks for taking a look you guys. I can see myself going overboard with the nutes. So, I’m going to tone them down tonight and keep a close eye on things.


Yeah less is more with nutrients. Also as a rule of thumb " if its a new strain use 50% strength nutrients" you can always add more but you cannot take it out. And every strain acts differently to nutrients and if you havent grown that strain before and you go giving it the same nutrients you give other plants it might burn it!
Sure you can flush most of it out but…stay on the less is more. I never get fungus gnats because the way i water keeps my plants media pretty dry and that’s no place for fungus to live therfore you have no fungus and because of that you will have no gnats. I can handle thrips and mites. Im good at killing them now. Eradication is the tricky part. All mites must be controlled before flowering period is started. Or the mites will begin clustering on flowers once this has happened the mites have won the game! There is an intensive procces to get the plant free of mites at this level. Better to start over at that point.


Hey Guys:

@TheMadFlascher @sssportsmfg @automatik @nacho151 @MrMonkey420 @happilyretired @PreyBird1

It’s Tuesday night and BBP night. I spray them just before lights out each Tuesday. I think they are going pretty good. I am still using Dakine 420, using 1/2 tsp of Grow and 1/8 tsp of Base to a gallon of water. The leaves have been looking pretty good, I think. Well, the leaves are a lot greener than my first grow last year.

I thinking it is almost time to flip them to flower so they don’t out grow the tent and light. Not sure yet.

So, two of my plants are the FSCxG13 Haze and they are Regular seeds. One of those seems to be female. I say that because the leaf structure and growth is very similar to the 2 Fem plants. I could be totally wrong. But it’s the one below that is different looking. Is it possible to say if the one below is male or female yet?


I don’t see any ball sacks on it yet. Keep checking on them it might be a little behind your other ones.


Bit early, but no reason to panic yet I’d say.

Actually, looking at that middle growth in the last picture, I’m quite sure it’s a girl. But keep an eye out.


I hope it’s not a male. Look at the node spacing on the main stock. I don’t think you want them any taller. Why don’t you lollipop them throw them in the dark for 36 hours and flip to 12/12. They usually show sex very quickly doing this and if you do wind up with the mail it will be easy to remove and then adjust your others. :+1:t3:


Sometimes pictures can be deceiving. How much further can your light go up and what’s the distance between the very top of your plants and the maximum height of your light. You get those numbers figured out and you can make an educated guess on how tall do you want them before you flip.


Yep I think it’s time to flip, I’m gonna guess that it is a male, the females usually make the seed pod closer to the joint between the stem and the branch. But no matter just flower them like Hap said and you’ll know soon enough.



I agree with the Monkey Man! I saw the same thing !

Your room is just beautiful!


Thanks everyone, for taking a look.

I’m going to get those measurements like @happilyretired suggests.

And that plant, like Nacho mentions, is a little behind those others. It’s just the last couple weeks that it bushed all out like that. So, going to wait a bit and hope for female.

I really appreciate all your inputs. :slight_smile:


So I decided to flip the plants to flower tonight. I gave them all a shot of humic acid and turned off the lights.

They grew a lot this week-even in the last couple days. So I am afraid they might get too tall for the tent. I am going to try and keep threading them into the trellis to spread them out and keep them from getting too big. The trellis is kind of crappy. I think the holes are too big. It’s some, one size fits all type net. I ordered another one yesterday-a different type that I hope fits my 2x4 tent better. I’ll probably run two nets.

Do you guys think I should defoliate at all or let it go for a while?

I appreciate all of your input and taking the time to look. :slight_smile:

@TheMadFlascher @Dforce @happilyretired @nacho151 @sssportsmfg @PreyBird1

With LED light off.

LED light on.


Myself, I would defoliate a little to allow light and air into the center and lower parts of your plants. Just don’t take a massive amount at one time.


Agree with @nacho151, looking good :100:


Or you can lollipop them. Depends on what you want in the end.