Grow #2 -->SourD, Blue Dream, Monkey Slapz, & GDP

It’s the camera. They really are a decent size but the camera adds a few pounds :joy:


Keeping the pot at the right rh is keeping bugs away. If it gets and stays too wet u will end up grmetting them if u have soil. I javnt had gnats since i swotched to covo but had them woth the ffof. Must come in the bags as i dont jave this issue with covo. Now if i could get my wpm issue resol ed ill be gold then work on a cannatrol lol


Those look great Prey,…but I absolutely hate it when they do the 12v thing with the large transformer to plug in, it covers too much space on power strips and is ungainly. Looks like they knocked off a lot of the controls and features of the AC infinity units. But it just kills me that someone hasn’t come up with a Bluetooth, 110 v fan oscillating, that can work off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi without having to compromise one or the other and/or use a controller that will only accept a very limited number of add on’s. AC did a good job when they started the integrated stuff, but they fell short when their controller would only control a very limited number of items, I use 6 fans in my tent and you can only control a couple with AC’s controller. Someone could make a fortune with a controller that has say, 10 spots for fans, lights, and watering all in one, in some way or another they all seem to fall short in one function or another.


Flowering Day 39

A quick check on the grow tent and the backup Sonofarm LED is still working thank God. MedicGrow got back to me and I have to ship the broken Spectrum X to them and wait for a replacement.

MedicGrow has bad policies for customer service. HLG would never make me wait like that.


Nice fat colas!


No they wouldnt a day usually at most if u have the lights being used. When u talk yo them its shipped.right away atleast u jave a backup tho.


@PreyBird1 What’s the usual finish time for Monkey Slapz? How many weeks or days?


Flowering time is 70 days
Seed to finish is 156+days


Ok thanks @PreyBird1

I’m worried about high humidity after the AC unit quit working. I can’t get to the grow until tomorrow. Is this going to start bud rot?


Should be okay with a bad day here or there. My rh is all over the place ive had bud rot one time. Wpm is more of an issue with hifh rh. Keep fans blowing on them good. A few wind burnt leaves is better rhan wpm.


Flowering Day 40

Grandaddy Purple and Blue Dream were slow to grow trichomes but they’re catching up now.

I’m praying for smooth sailing to harvest. I’ve had enough problems.

Grandaddy Purple

Blue Dream

Monkey Slapz

Sour Diesel

All My Girls:sunglasses:


Looks killer :drooling_face::drooling_face:


They look great. Im jelly right now. I have dmal small plants right now. Lol. I hate showing them as they r nothing much to look at yet. I do jave to do some scrog tucks tho on the 2x4 tent ove been slacking a bit but wanted them to get some growth so i have something to tuck. Lol


Girls look great @scryptic!


Thank you @sdoyle @Mark0427 @jj520 !

Maybe I should get quantum boards instead of LED strip lights. There’s gotta be refurbished HLG or even new HLG lights that I can afford after MedicGrow refunds my money.

$1500 is my budget. :money_mouth_face:


If you like the bar style lights hlg should have some more of them tomahawks refurbished pretty soon I’m sure they sold out due to the holiday sales


Hlg has a bar style now also not sure on prices tho. U want 2 lights? Let me see what i can find. If u were here by me. Man i could get u 10 used 600rs one crop used it says. Lights look brand new. 1500 for 10 of them.


Not sure if there is more than 1 but the tomahawk720 refurbs show avail on hlg not sure to tell how many avail tho


Here’s the reply email from MedicGrow:

Thank you for your email.

We will send one return shipping label to you later.
Please don’t worry.
In case the other Spectrum X light suffers from a malfunction, we will also offer a satisfactory solution for you.
So you can rest assured to use the other Spectrum X now. Thanks.

Best Regards,


Just tell them no two out of two have already broken within a few months and that’s not a quality light and their solution of sending you used lights when you paid for new equipment is just not something you’re willing to do tell them you’d rather just have a refund you can’t be playing that game every cycle let them know you had given them the benefit of the doubt but now the second light went out and the first replacement was damaged I definitely wouldn’t trust in them any longer