Grow #2 -->SourD, Blue Dream, Monkey Slapz, & GDP

Flowering Day 20

They seem to be eating everything I’m feeding them so I increased Jack’s Part A to 3 grams per 4 liters in addition to Incredible Bulk and Flower Fuel in the tea I’m brewing for tomorrow.

I just got a petri dish of Tarragon Oyster for my next mushroom spawn run. Just waiting for more canning jars to arrive.


They’re looking really nice!!


Thank you! @sdoyle

I’m liking what I’m seeing so far. It’s been a battle to keep the tent cool enough though. My sister keeps turning off the AC and we’re having 80-83 F days so the tent keeps overheating.


@scryptic It’s great to see such a nice variety of strains you’re working with. Monkey Slapz sounds like a fun one to grow—definitely something to look forward to!

It’s awesome that you’re going almost entirely organic; the plants will surely benefit from that. If you’re aiming for optimal root development and moisture control, consider using coir grow bags from Green ScienX. They’re perfect for creating a healthy root environment, especially when you’re focused on organic growing.

Good luck with your grow, and keep us updated on their progress!

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Green ScienX

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Yeah gotta watch too much feed and too much heat r liose bud contributors.


I didn’t know that. So how do I know if I’m feeding them too much? @Mark0427


I have never heard of too much feed being a loosebud contributor
Ravenchiefe feeds very high numbers


You could do a soil slurry test to see where your numbers are at I’m sure if they’re going in around 15 they will probably be higher 2k ish in the soil due to the accumulation


@jj520 good point. Maybe I should do that. What numbers are too high?

@Mark0427 @jj520 @sdoyle @PreyBird1
Hey I’ve been trying to look up the correct way to make a slurry. Is it 1 volume of Soil: 2 volumes Deionized Water?

Here’s what I got…


They’re eating everything you’re giving them then looks good


That’s great :smiley::+1:

Here’s what I’m feeding them today…

I’ve got my MedicGrow Spectrum X at 97% and here’s the numbers…

I’m also trying to get the humidity down. I have been keeping the tent doors unzipped to keep temperature at a decent level.


I was always under the understanding u take water check the ppms before soil add 2 tbsp of soil from as low as u can get without disturbing roots too much mix well wait 15 mins and check the ppms then. I dont do slurrys i just go for runoff if i have to check ppms. Water slow to saturate the whole pot when u get runoff let so much go and then catch some and check that. If u catch the first bit u may get stuff that was dried and stuck to the pot so let some run off and catch a shit glass full i dont think u jave much to worry aboit tho they look great.


But he backs down so far into the grow if u continue to feed hard thru the buds come out a bit larfy. Sane with too much light or too much heat. Google it. Ive read it in a few diff spots.


@Mark0427 So about when should I begin backing off on light and ferts?


About week 5ish maybe 6ish. Look at the jacks feed and see qhat they say. Some call to feed thru and others say stary to back off as u do light.


I start backing lighting down around week five I never back nutrients down until the last week when I just give them ro and when I first started growing I used to bang them hard with the lights never had fluff just a little photo bleaching not enough light will give fluff plenty of ways to skin the cat for sure :joy::rofl:


Thanks for the info growbros!

Flowering Day 23

Monkey :monkey: Slapz is pumping out trichomes like crazy. Sour Diesel is nicely frosty already in 2nd place.

Today I’m mixing up more tea for tomorrow: Incredible Bulk (1 tbsp per gallon), Jack’s Part A (3.25 grams per gallon), and Flower Fuel (1/4 tsp per gallon) are the main ferts. The rest of the mix is Aloe 200x, Silica Boost, Cal-Mag, Citric acid, and Mammoth P. The Tribus still hasn’t arrived.


Nice them lady’s are starting to stack some meat :v:t2:


Damn bro. Killing it over there. Imagine if it was some fire genetics and regs on top.of it. I bet ud have some bom digity over there. Send ne a message so i dont forget to hit u up. Currently on my way to get my lil turds from grandmas


Thanks growmies! I learned that by imitating people on here. :yum:

Flowering Day 24

Sour Diesel hasn’t stopped praying for weeks but I assume that’s a good thing. I’m used to them getting droopy when it’s watering day.

Each is getting 6 liters of fertilizer tea. pH 6.05 PPM 1580