Growing now inside now and outside in 2024 here in the NorthEast

10/02/2023 Update

I have four plants taken down and hanging in my grow room, I have heat on and my dehumidifier

running at 70 % RH and 72 F

three plants have been trimmed the fourth is a quarter done

First plant to come down

Morockin Kush (Moroccan Sativa × Pakistani Indica) × Peanut Butter Breath (Mendo Breath F2 × Dosido)

nice plant but it did have a touch of Powdery Mildew for about the last 5 weeks, it was not

hurting the plant so I did not spray

so I am down to two plants in the field

plant one Purple Diesel x Holy Goddess need 2 to 4 weeks

plant two Island Sweet Skunk x Holy Goddess needs a week 10 days, I did take 4 big

stalks of it to trim and see how much rot I have

also to smoke to see if it is to my liking

so I do have a bit of rot on this plant but still a ton of good bud

all the best and be safe



They look great @dequilo! Some very interesting crosses you have there.


so yesterday at 3:30 at my place it was 80 F so I cut down a few pieces of my

Island Sweet Skunk cross to see how much bud rot I have and how done is it

I have a problem with the weed if I reach into a plant when it is hot with short

shelves my arm turn to fire :frowning:

in the morning it was cooler, I did not give it a thought until the fire started

I walk to my house from the other side of the property and saw my sister-in-laws car :frowning:

she is somewhat of a Holy Roller

I walked in smelling like the weed and covered in leaves

so I got the look as she thinks the weed is a gateway drug and evil because her pin head

son shot dope and died

so I wash the stuff of me as I was walking out I said to her I know I am going to hell

so she says that she did not say that but that is where I am headed

so I told her when I get there I will be sure to save her a seat by the fire

needless to say that did not go well



Update 10/02/2023 I have trimmed three of the four with bud rot, all and all not

so much color me glad :slight_smile:

bud looks nice we will see how it smokes I still have 99% of the plant in the field

working on trimming :frowning: I hate trimming

but I love smoking :slight_smile: the world greatest Marijuana

so trim I will

be safe and smoke weed



this is my fourth season back outside after stopping back in 1995 and have to say outside

in the ground is where the plant does it’s best

G_d’s light rocks :slight_smile: his soil is so good

I am so glad to be back outside and being legal for six is a plus :slight_smile:

I am thinking of next year someone is giving me clones back of a plant I am growing now

so I may need to run a light inside for the winter

in the spring I may start from seeds or buy some clones

as Ted Kennedy told Mary Jo we will drive off that bridge when we come to it

all the best and smoke weed



Hahahaha and yes, nothing like them being in the ground.


no truer words :slight_smile: in the ground outside, the lady bugs etc. keep your plants safe

very little mold with no spraying :slight_smile: healthy plants maybe

I still need a greenhouse as it gives me many more options

be safe and grow well



not a spot of rot on this purple diesel cross


music from my youth


I did not want to keep plants over the winter

but someone I gave a couple of plants to asked as he was going to flip

the lights if I needed cut of it

of course I said yes :slight_smile:

just put 8 cuts of Mr. Clean x MAC

in the water I like this smoke a lot, if I cash cropped I would do SOG with it

be safe and stay free



dang those are pretty


10/05/2023 Update I hate trimming :frowning:

if I was a genetic engineer I would make it my life’s work to make the joint tree/bush

when the bud is done it turns into a joint :slight_smile:

five are down and somewhat trimmed and some need to be jarred

one is in the field for a week at least three would be over the top good

all 8 cuts are doing well

be safe and stay free



I feel your pain!


you do indeed :slight_smile:

I have some small stuff I would like to make oil with I have a couple of 3 quart jugs of coconut


just need to be sure it is good , I have had it awhile would hate to kill someone :wink:

be safe my friend



Haha, I can’t be bothered with the trimmings. They go right to the trash.


a one time I was the same way as I was turning a crop every 8 to 10 weeks

compost heap into the garden

but i realized how much of my work I was just throwing away :frowning: I do take anything that

is the size of the tip of my pinky

mix it together smoke it all day and make coconut oil to make gummies :slight_smile:

I want to grow one crop a year and maybe keep some stock plants for clones

I need a break from being a slave to my grow room/grow and at this time see no real

need for the light bill

if I want to grow something I would really like to grow Orchids and Bromeliads

I have an inside grow set up and could grow anything

I am looking for a canna industry job to retire into here in New York but being that I have

the problem of being a three time convicted felon (not the right sex/race or felony) so no break to

be had :frowning:

we will see or maybe setup a grow after I get some clones and do 144 plants SOG in six square


be safe and be well



Youre right. Maybe Ill start dumping them in a big bag.


Thank you :slight_smile:


Holy smokes man you got a freaking jungle lol. In Connecticut a guy I work with got busted for like 10 plants. The state of Connecticut called in helicopters from Massachusetts to search for little grower’s. Can you believe that? The state troopers showed up at his door for a few plants.


I only have six which here for medical is the limit for the household :slight_smile:

six in flower six in veg :slight_smile:

they came here last year whacked my grow :frowning: but no jail, no buildings searched

it sucked but I lived :wink:

I know people that grow outside over by Windsor Locks

be safe and grow well
