Growing now inside now and outside in 2024 here in the NorthEast

Oh wow. Ya this was in the Bolton Coventry area. Literally hovering over people’s houses for a few freaking plants… the Hartford Courant actually had an article about and the guy who wrote it was livid on how ridiculous it was for the state to bring in helicopters from Massachusetts national guard to look for weed plants


Update 10/06/2023 my outside season here in New York is about done

I have one in the field

Purple Diesel x Holy Goddess a couple weeks to go not a spot of mold/rot as of yet

lots of flowers for a rainy year I did well and have no complaints from very little

rot on all but one

nice stalks

getting fat and hard

just need a week or so and should be done gives me a break from trimming

all the best and be safe



what a great smoke :slight_smile: both MAC crosses have been very good smoke

will grow again

be safe


it started raining here at 5:30 AM coming down like a Fire Hose :frowning:

we are to get 2 inches of rain today as if I need more rain

at least my wells are full :slight_smile:


may not be a morning smoke :slight_smile: just remembered to light the half of joint I have

been holding on to for the last 30 minutes :wink:


This was me with my Planet Sherb it’s unbelievable :exploding_head::exploding_head:


I cannot believe I am looking at seeds I have :frowning:

I need to find a greenhouse plan, looking to build a 24 foot by 48 foot

hoop or wood frame

they both look good, maybe one inside grow over the winter


or something different

Cherry Malawi x Kalichakra

always finish it outside next year if need be :slight_smile:


update 10/08/2023 at this time four plants trimmed :slight_smile: the fifth needs to dry some more

the other stuff has been jarred

I have couple of pound of mixed small stuff so I made 3 quarts of coconut oil to put

into gel caps

using 16 oz of bud to 3 quarts of oil, should work out to about 50 mg a cap in 000 size

capsules about 1400 caps

my purple diesel is almost there the rain did no damage :slight_smile: the buds are very heavy

took a stalk to test and see what is what no rot

all the best and be safe



did four eye droppers full of oil which is 3 - 000 size gel caps :slight_smile:

sitting in front of an Exchange Server thinking like WTF!!! was I thinking :wink:

I love harvest time

need to order a bubble bag and make water hash

this is why I do not do hard drugs :slight_smile: I am not a user I am an abuser

be safe and grow well



Update 10/16/2023 so the outside season 2023 is done for me here in Upstate

New York :slight_smile:

the last plant was taken down 10/13 and trimmed over the weekend it was my

Purple Diesel x Holy Goddess

took all day Saturday and until Noon on Sunday to finish trimming I am guessing right now

2 1/2 - 3 lbs

a bit of rot but not a lot

Island Sweet Skunk x Holy Goddess looked great with a little rot until trimmed and

dried :slight_smile: lost 50 % to bud rot/mold inside the bud :frowning:

still did almost 2 lbs of bud it was a monster, next year a greenhouse

I was no going to grow but I may run a light :wink:

all the best and be safe



Congrats on the huge haul, great job!



as if I will very be done growing :frowning:

going to flower six legal plants in a 4 foot by 4 foot footprint under 600 MH/HPS as needed

will start this grow in a couple of three weeks

need to clean and repair whatever is needed in my grow room, I will be starting this grow with

teens from a local vendors

running them in 3 or 5 gallon pots with 2 - 4 weeks of veg

Slurricane and Rainbow Sherbet (RS-11) three of each I want to try this guys service

all the best and grow well



Nice job brother . Some beastly plants. .next season I’ll put a couple outdoors,lol. My brother just grabbed up some lemon cherry gelato , super boof, and RS11 clones. May end up with a couple myself. Lol. Look forward to see what ya do indoors. :+1::+1::v:


so all plants are down trimmed and jarred for a cure :slight_smile:

for a shitty outside season I did well and have no complaints

I have 140 - 1 quart Mason Jars curing, made 2 gallon of very high test coconut oil

I have 5 or so pounds of good stuff to make something

found a case of Butane so maybe some BHO

will be fixing my grow room over the weekend and it will have plants in it soon

all the best and have super day



so as not to pollute the show us your buds :slight_smile:

your two cents is good in my grow thread :wink:

I went from 5800 watts of MH/HPS to 1900 watts of LEDs covering 8 foot by 16 foot

and the bill was great

I flowered a space with them and the smoke was OK nothing to write home about

so this run will be with MH/HPS

grow well and be safe



Same If i touch weed with bare skin short sleeves. I get itchy and get hives. :tired_face:


@dequilo absolutely gorgeous plants! We had a super Wet year where I am in Ny an im sure you did too , I am definitely going to be building a Cattle Panel Hoop house come Spring (as soon as the ground Thaws I should say) I had allot of issues going into flower with the wetness an such an being that I had them in 10 gallon pots I was still moving them to the shed at some points if the rain was too heavy which I know had brought some of my issues I think this next year outdoor will be way different! Phenomenal job my friend stay safe!


so over the weekend I had too much time on my hands 4 or 5 pounds of stuff

that needed to be sorted out

I found 36 can of butane I had from five or six years ago so I made some BHO

went thru 24 cans and made 70 grams of shatter, still have more to run

working on putting it into cartridges to vape

I will put some photos when I am done

all the best and be safe



BHO is intimidating. I know you can do it the right way but that costs for proper equipment. Whats ur take on BHO vs pressed hash?

I’m highly against any chemical extractions other than natural. I wanted to get experience with BHO but just cannot bring myself to mess with chemicals?

Purging looks like a lot of work and in the back of my head I’m always like can it still be completely taken out.

Have u noticed any adverse reactions from bho compared to pressed? I dnt smoke shatter any of that stuff.

Genuinely curious about ur take on it simce u have that experience under your belt.