Growing now inside now and outside in 2024 here in the NorthEast

Great journal my friend! Surprised you did well with all the smoke and rain this year. Ive been MIA for a year or so , just started some runtz. Same state not far from you.


Today is 1/11/2024 And A Happy New Year to all :slight_smile:

in about 110 days I will be back outside with plants in the ground G_d willing

not sure if I am going to drop seeds or just find some cuts/clones

it is so nice not to be growing over the winter and have to keep up a room

I do love to grow but if I start with a seed and I will drop 150 seeds and

have way too many plants and no room in no time

at the least if i wait to drop some beans in March I can grow my way out of the room

I can only have six and need to build a greenhouse

It has been awhile I have taken a trip down the rabbit hole of making oil for vape cartridges

and disposable pens

I have smoke so much oil I will never rot when I die :wink:

a lot to learn and so much bullshit folks share on the web, sadly if you can cut and paste

quickly you are an expert :frowning:

after smoking 100 grams oil out of 200 1/2 gram cartridges and pen I have it down

to my liking made as it should

last batch I made I started with Diamonds, had to move to my grow room

glass ware paints a very bad picture for my wife

found someone local selling cuts may check out his work as his price for

Medical patients are good

my medical runs out in July 2024 but we should be able to grow Rec at the end of June 2024

so we will see

All the best and have a great day



Good to hear from you. It’s been a minute. :+1:t3::v:t3:


took a break from growing and the hedge fund that bought the Mill likes to see

my bright shining face because they pay me

so for the next couple of years I need the day job

but it is time to get ready Spring will be here and the day light is getting longer

all the best and be safe



Like @happilyretired said, good to hear from you!!


@sdoyle @happilyretired nice of you both to say so :slight_smile:

the floor in my grow room has taken a beating :frowning: should have put drains in the floor

or maybe using saucers

might just redeck the floor over the old one with 2 x 10 s

lots of Amish sawmills rough cut is cheap if I can find Larch that is water proof

it is time to get back to it, here is to a great season for all



Always excited to start outdoors, good to hear from you Sir.



after working in my grow room all weekend I got to thinking since i will be heating the room

and have lots of space and 1900 watts of light

why not start a few seeds? for me a few is the problem in no time I have hundreds

6 Devil’s punch (critical Orange punch x purple punch) feminized

6 Durban Poison feminized

10 SWEET TOOTH #4 F4 regulars

10 ROAD KILL SKUNK F2 regulars

32 plants will give me something to pick thru I can have six in flower and six in veg

all the best and here is to a great outside season



12 GMO x Dragon’s Blood F5

8 Double Grape OG

48 out of the soilless in 16 oz drink cups

be safe and grow well



Add a boy, keep those numbers in check. :+1:t3::joy::joy:


How’s the weather up there?


Illegal is a sick bird :slight_smile:

missing five toes hard to count past 15


Besides, they’re small. :flushed: indoor, you know…


it was 48 today and we had over a half inch of rain last night with the ground froze

creeks. streams and rivers are very high


and they could die


That’s about where our low was this morning. It got up in the 60s.


I hope to be outside may first

I will build a greenhouse as the falls killed me with rot/mold


Today is 1/29/2024 so it begins I just drop the last of the seeds for this outside

season here in New York State 42.8029° N

so I have 44 seeds out of the ground , so I planted six feminized

Lava Cake x Pressure I have been wanting to grow these for awhile will cull the herd to

the six I can have and give the rest away to people here wanting to try to grow

93 days until May 1st woo-hoo

be safe and stay free



Sounds like a plan, nice to see ya posting my friend :+1::+1::v:



A great day to one and all :slight_smile:

So it is time to get the show on the road

Last spring was the first time i used LEDs to grow and had so so results :frowning: it was my

fault as I did not really do too much research and just used them like I would use

any HID light

when I started back up a couple of weeks or so ago, I sprouted seeds and for the first two weeks

they sat there and did very little growing

I had my room at 75 -77 and humidity at 75 %, after looking at charts for VPD, DLI etc

things were not getting any better any time soon :frowning: started praying for spring to come or maybe

setup the lights I know and love

after building 1900 watts of LEDs I decided I will grow with them even if it kills me and my plants

so bask to reading and research

Lo and Behold I found the answer to my problem :slight_smile: what a dumb ass I am sometimes

my room needed to be hotter as the LEDs give off no or little infrared light so the temperature

of my leaves were cold

I changed the temp to 82 -83 with a RH of 80 - 81 and in two days my plants are growing like a

house a fire

I will put up photos later as I do not have any here at work

my problem now is I am doing everything in my power to not plant seeds :frowning: those little gems

are like heroin to me

all the best and grow well
