Growing with Cannabis Journal

Now I understand

I can’t even comprehend… why someone would do this.:man_shrugging::rage:



I’m really sorry for your lost effort.



At a minimum it should be a knee capping… or Kerrigan’d… bet you could find Tonya on the IG or smth.


Chris, That’s devistating news…I’m sure it more than a major frustration !

The only remedy is pulling up your bootstraps and start over. You’ll be even more dedicated to doing it right !
Good luck and we ALL look forward to witnessing your swift recovery !


Thank you gents, and so right. No time for violence now, enough of that in the world. Its about getting back on track, and that starts with the right genetics. A little regret was not taking up @PreyBird1 on his offer, but all in good time. His genes and passion work!! However I was luckily gifted clones from some serious gents in the business, they manage the Canna Clubs grow, and gladly gifted me several clones of top genetics.

Always onward and upward. Thanks for the support gents, moving onward and upward. Ganja growers for life.


Looks spectacular :ok_hand: :heart_eyes: and chilled atmosphere.


I do feel your pain :frowning:

you have that right my friend

that is the way to win at life :slight_smile:

all the best and grow well



Probably not a good idea to share yet, but launching a little side hustle. Just got permission from all the invested parties today and building a small line of products. Ordered 10 bags of unbranded CBD dog biscuits a couple hrs ago from a local lady, getting some clones ready , and making a couple jars of topical cannabis oil. These products will be sold at my local farmers market on Sundays, and the nursery that hosts the event will sell the clones during the week. Kick off date is Sunday 6th November ( Just in time for holiday period ) . Just thought I would share this with GN, my #cannafam.


Took some time off and travelled inland to a flower fest for the weekend, bumped into an old mate, very very interesting character on the way there, an extraction artist. Anyway headed further north to the Bedford Garden Festival. Ended up heading towards another town with my host and stopped off at a magical private pub, sorry I did not have my camera and ended up having several drinks there with some farmers. The town of Bedford, unlike most towns in South Africa, is seriously upgrading, looking good, great places, gardens and people. Here are some pictures from my Sunday, Saturday was a right off.

Eastern Cape Traffic Jam


Did the cows moooove at the end?


Been a slow 2 or 3 weeks here, been working, keeping the head down. The electrician arrives in a minute to change a whole bunch of plugs, feed a new line inside and hopefully no more electrical issues. We had a plug burn into the wall socket last week, that is not a good sign, so leaving it to the professionals. The autos are going well, we had a lot of them being chopped by cutter worm and the soil. I will update with pictures soon.

Been working on a new project., almost starting the brand from ground zero and building a character. Its very exciting work and below is Jon Dabs the man! Lots more coming, lots of leg work to do. Happy growing folks.


Been offline for a little and thanks to @Slym3r for looking out for the dreaded spammers and keeping the forums smoking along. Although I was away, I have been working on the brand above and shooting some video. We hopefully going to get the ball rolling soon, but how is this picture, before the video, I just said , Hey I need a picture with this, I do know its the biggest collection of authentic Dutch Passion auto’s on the continent at the moment or ever before. I did manage to score some seeds, but these were quickly taken away back to proper storage and cooler conditions.



Good deal. Get it up and running…:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


So there you have it, Cannafam had its first official day of trade. Found a wonderful artist/brand developer in my local town. She made display boxes and really popped the brand. Yesterday setup my stand early in the morning at our Sunday farmers market and did several sales. More to come.

We also been working on the grow and things have changed direction, looking good. Rooms have been spring cleaned and getting some more beans in the ground to catch the last of the season. Pictures to follow.


@chrisj nice stall good news on the grow front to awesome


Haaaaay Cannafam! I do get a shirt and slaps right??? Lol


Give you lots of oil, was a little trashed on it over the wekend. Someone had to taste test.


Happy new years gents. Sorry I have been so quiet lately but alot has been happening and due to holiday season I have been on the road catching up with family, friends and doing a little business. Finally come to realization that indoor is not the right setup. Its been an absolute waste of time and money. We have huge troubles out here dealing with consistent and affordable power, sometimes our power has been off for over 18 hours during any given day. So not so sad to say, I am pulling the plug on flowering indoors and reinvesting engery, sweat in the outdoors.

Besides that, we about t harvest some beautiful flowers from our auto’s, the outdoor garden has not been good but did a big sweep through it yesterday and replanted a bunch of seedlings.

Last week I was staying on a cannabis farm, and wow, the inspiration one gets seeing the right way to grow was very helpful. Great to be amongst people with a solid vision, great ethics and the drive to work. The Canna Club #legalizetomatoes


Not good about the indoors bro but glad you putting effort into outdoors and some awesome pics


I gave the indoors 12 months, lots of money, time and effort. Bottomline I was put in a position to do indoors and it was a mistake. However saying that, I might be mis communicating, I am still continuing with indoors, but not flowering, maybe some microgreens and definitely mothers and clones.