Hand watering in coco

This was right on time for me, I transplanted into bigger pots I use pre mix has no nutrients ,perlites, coco coir, or casting, I water by hand as you say it need wateref drip or not .


I havent tried cloning in coco. I like 2 ways to clone now.

  1. Turbo kloner 24 sites.
  2. Rockwool or grow plugs in a floating table. Bottom tray a dome and a floating seed plug tray.
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You should try it out the results in soil are pretty nice!

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I like your style . I am same . 60 %coco coir 30%promix and 10% perlite . Only use 10 perlite cause the promix already has perlite so it’s a fluffy with great drainage but not too fluffy you know the plant can really root down


Perfect blend right?


Hey, can I hear from you and your mix


I will be posting it in my journal that’s about to start. Stay tuned


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I want to know some tricks about handwatering in coco… I’m starting growing in coco… Thank u


There is no need to over complicate anything. Only thing you need to do when hand watering is to evenly wet the media and dont just dump it fast. That’s really the only “trick” to know really.


I like to use a 5ml syringe to evenly soak but I’m still in seedling stage… Those watering halos look legit :facepunch:

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My mix has coco and since I started using that I’ve had much less issues with bugs/gnats and also the watering seems to be more forgiving…plants also display more vigor and are more resistant!!

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Trick is water where you want roots to grow eg the edges, only other trick is don’t dump it as it will make a hole :hole: rest is same as watering in soil tbh.



  1. If your using pure coco coir. Make sure hydrate it with some calmag in the water as the coco coir kind of leeches it. Since i go from my turbo kloner then into coco coir. I charge the coco. Meaning i add the same nutrients that the cloner was giving the plants inside. So i add nutrients to the water i use to moisten/hydrate the coco. Then i plant into the coco.
  2. Make sure you make it uniform no lumps and evenly moist.
  3. Never let coco coir totally dry out. If it does can damage plant roots.
  4. A great trick to see if the coco is wet is to pick the plant pot up. If its super light it needs water asap!
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Thank u so much

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Your very welcome and if you have any questions feel free to personal message me or anyone here.

I could have been told wrong but because cocco can only hold so much water water often I have heard twice a day but I do once a day … the thinking is it will be more like a flood table and draw more o2 to the roots

Twice a day damn! I dont think so! only if your tent is hot and lots of fans then maybe but i wouldnt do that. I only water soil and coco 1x a day usually later after i get home from work. Pick the plant up. If its really light it needs water. If its heavy then no. If it kinda heavy and light it can be watered but not needed for a few more hours.

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I have been working with a coco farmer and bio technology scientist developing super quality coco coir. My company Royal Knight AG LLC distributes OMRI Coco blocks and loose . Let me know if you have questions. The pictures attached are part of a slide show I’ve been working on .


Coco is super cool!!! Now I just need to get my feedimg lined in better. I notice when I feed to spec the plants look a little light green. Not the new growth areas, entire plants. Should i add more calmag than recommended? Using dakine 420 nitro nutes and dakine 420 coco lite.