Hand watering in coco

the syringe is what im doing in solos rite now. potting up soon though to 3 gal coco.

I was thinking about automating my watering too. This grow with the bigger 5’ tent, I have to crawl into the back of the tent to take off suckers, and water,.

Before I cut the underbrush off, I had to water with a pump up backpack sprayer with a 1/4" wand hole and pump it up like 8-9 times just to water one plant with 2 gal. I’m either going to put in less plants or find a better way to water this next round. @scotty17 My question is how do you regulate how much water they get? And with different length tubes from the front to the back, some will get more than others, what did you do to keep the watering the same in all your grow containers? Or have you tried these yet?


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Have you looked at FloraFlex? I use their bubbler manifold on a eco396 pump and 1/4" floraflex hose. Each of the eight hoses from the manifold are the same length, 2 goes to each pot. I also ran a circle of 1/4" hose around the rim of each floraflex 5 gallon pots, zip tied them around the rim, and T’ed off two connections for the two feeder hoses. The circle around the rim feeds 3 locations around the top of the pot. Timer runs for 2 minutes, 4 times a day for a pot full of roots.

Yep I use a 60 ml syringe for watering solo cups too. I got some big honking blunt needles for them.


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How bout when you pot up? Ill be hand watering for the foreseeable future. I dont mind it really. Im moving to 3 gal rain science, coco, final home. Did one last night actually.

Critical mass potted up. Super skunk up next.


When I get there I use a little 1/2 gal watering can with a spout. What size pot is that? 3 gal. ?


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Yes sir. 3 gal. Will have 4 in there! Not a solo challenge, but a 2x2 challenge. I have bigger tents, but home on the market, so had to scale things down for now. Better than no grow at all.:wink:

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I am a little confused, isn’t “mineral soil” clay? And if it is, that is about the worst thing you can put in a pot to grow in, turns hard as a rock. (mineral). Coco is not a mineral soil, neither is it high in nutrients, good washed coco pith is almost devoid of any nutrients, and has the fantastic ability to hold moisture.

One of the major problems with coco is that the companies making the final product either don’t wash the salt out of it, or they use cheap salt water to rince it which causes all kinds of problems in grow. Most are located close to a body of salt water.

Also do you buffer your coco? and finally what is the cost of your blocks? I use Canna coco, it is very high quality coco properly rinsed and buffered. Sure is not the cheapest, but is very good coco. I have bought other brands of compressed blocks and had nothing but problems with the “cheap” coco out there.
