Help with lighting

I just harvested my first grow, 4 gmo cookies (auto flowering) 1 blue dream (feminized)

The experiment there was could I grow it doing the bare minimum. The answer yes.

Since I don’t have friends, and suck at technology I have four books. But are all outdated when it comes to lightning.

So my question: can someone give me what statistics or analytics should I be comparing when it comes to led lighting and what I should be looking for when purchasing my light.

This is what I’m currently working with it’s a $24 grow bulb with a toggle for seed, veg, flower. 17 watts.


There are many options depending on what price point you want to go in at I would suggest something with Samsung diodes or Osram those are going to be your two best brands in my opinion for Samsung you will want something with the 301 diodes h is their best then they have the plant centric diodes which are even better and there are mint White those are very good if you give a little more information on what size grow you’re trying to achieve and a little more specifics I’m sure we could point out some good fixtures


Eventually I plan on buying probably like a 4x2 tent. I haven’t done any research on those yet. So dunno if they come with lights or what they come with. But I’ll cross that bridge next grow
Currently not to concerned on the plants size. 1st round I don’t prune at all to see and understand the plant. This time I plan on pruning and LST.

Thank you for advice.


U can buy tent kits which include all needed basically for the grow besides ph meters and seeds pots and soil. Kits to an extent r worth it and not in the same manner samsungb or h chips and meanwell or inventeonics drivers being hooked like u say. Go for a good light from the start and save urself some punches later on lol.


31 bucks off Amazon is what I’m workin with for now seems to be doin fine LA Kush Cake just goin into veg


And a nepenthes


That lights good for about 30 days. The plant is going to double in size and when you have to flower that lights no bueno man. I wasted a lot of money on all kinds of equipment. So before you buy another light please post it here so we can view the light *LOTS OF COMPANIES LIE ABOUT LIGHT STATS. We wont let you waste the money if we can stop you from making a bad choice. Also if that lights not hot id lower it down like a foot. But if its too hot it will cook the plants. Hold your hand under the ligh as close to it as you can but still comfortable and not burning your hand then the plant should be fine also. Cannabis plants are seriously the Ferrari’s of plants and can handle extreme amounts of light but not heat. Corn is another high light plant. Im not trying to lecture here but…when we are trying to recreate mother nature inside a controlled enviroment you CANNOT BE CHEAP WITH YOUR SUN! Plain and simple the sun on earth aint a low cost, cheap sun? I love to save money and get great deals but buying cheap is expensive! You’ll see when the time comes that you need another light now and you paid for 2 lights instead one good light. We will help you look at options and tell ya what we wasted our money on before you waste your money as well. :+1:


Yeah, the two spots on the side of the toilet is reserved for when I have to drop em down. I also move em outside after 230 my patio faces west so after 230 they’re in direct sunlight till 730 when the sun drops behind the mountain.

everything you see here was grown with the one light in the middle and the sun. So I figure three lights and the sun…… is an upgrade.


And just keep in mind there’s people that want to grow this plant. Without the money for “a good sun” the basic facts are it’s a plant and they call it weed for a reason it’s resilient so don’t discourage someone from growing because they can’t pocket the money for led they just dropped they’re spending money and n the seeds. Just let them know you can grow with that because all you need is light, water and air but your yield won’t be anything you expect if you don’t have the proper equipment to grow good weed


Open the window as they r in the window for light. The glass has uv protection and blocks out most of what the plant really needs from the light. They r looking pretry good


The plants are looking great at this stage in veg but as stated above you’re not going to get anything worth harvesting with those lights if you flower outdoors you will the Sun is putting out 1800 + ppfd if I were putting all that time into the grow I would definitely want some buds worthwhile in the end and you can find good grow lights on a budget you just need to know where to look and who to go through,best of luck if you’re not going to get better lighting


I have no friends. Why I posted here, also first time using a forum. So don’t even know where to go to ask the right questions. All the cannabis I grew before worked perfect. All I’m saying preaching is part of the problem not the solution, especially in a “community trying to help one another. I was really stoked on my little toilet set up with the money I had for someone just to fuckin trash it not knowing my circumstances. Might as well have said, unless you have friends money and the right equipment don’t bother.


That’s not what anybody said you seem to be taking things the wrong way we were trying to help trying to keep you from wasting money and time if you’re good with the buds you grow that’s all that matters you do you we were just experienced growers trying to help avoid mistakes that we have all made all you have to do is ask the questions right here on your journal and people will chime in and ask if you want to ask somebody in particular put the and then their name and that will direct the question directly to them


You might be right that’s for sure how it felt


Trust me nobody’s hacking on you just trying to make sure you get a nice grow everybody here just wants to see each other grow beautiful plants and have great harvests it’s just part of the Cannabis community if you’re on a tight budget and are looking to invest in some lights check out medicgrow they have some very nice very affordable lights I mean we’re talking 300 ishbucks for 800 watts but when you get ready to pick up a light check them out
your plants look great :v:t2:


I don’t have that budget. That’s what I’m talking about that man’s first statement was negative, because he assumed I didn’t know what’s gonna happen or when I flip to flower and the double in size. I’m very aware of how this plant works and reacts. Then information you just provided was what I was looking for when I started this thread. But not know about lighting I didn’t know what to ask. Could you give me advice on a good light for under 100


Honestly for 100 bucks u wont find a decent quality type light that will push more than 1 plant if even that unless u search marketplace around ur area for used equipment. U want 35 to 50w per sq foot of space so a 2x2 tent u want to have atleast 150w for a 2x2 at the least now the more watts the light the better because u can dial the light down and save on wear on the light spider farmer mars hydro hlg prolly the top names ull see that r worthy. Where r u located what state??


I’ll see what I can come up with but 100 will be difficult definitely check into Facebook marketplace in your area for some used equipment Depending where you’re at you may be able to do something outside and use the sun’s free light if the temps aren’t too bad you could set up an area that you could black out after 12 hours of light for flower or I don’t know if you’ve ever played with autoflowers they will Bud on whatever light schedule you can give them
After doing some surfing around there’s a spider farmer that’s not bad but there’s still more than $100 the best deal I could find is the medic grow mini Sun they have a 240 Watt for $199or they have 150 watt for like$ 170
But honestly that medic grow 240 w is probably going to be the best bang for the buck that you will find and it’s 199 I believe it comes with a 5-year warranty and medic grow is a quality company I believe it would be a light you could depend on there’s somebody here on the forum that just purchased two of them


If he was in michigan he could get some bad ass lights for 100 used lije 350r some 550r ive seen for 100 each 30 available. Its nuts.


@Mark0427 the 350r for a hundred or so is definitely a sweet deal those are the Diablo boards I’d love to come across a deal like that