How could we solve the nodes split issues, and prevents it from bacteria?

Is this the one that is for 55 and over??? Lol

Plant looks pretty good now @Hemp_Nature!!


Could you elaborate what “55 and over” means please?

I meant by “ Centrum Silver” that one which is shown in the picture below.

I already crashed the tablets down, and always put about one tablespoon from it’s powder in about 0.6L of water, agitate it very well and I wait about 10 minutes and then I feed the plants by with about 2ml in seedling stage but I treble the dosage in the vegetative stage if the health looks need it.

I utilize “ Centrum Silver” when I couldn’t pass over the others synthetics supplements and fertilizers instructions.




That is actually pretty ingenious, wow.

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In the United States, that’s supposed to be vitamins normally for men 55 and over.

I’ve never seen it used in a cannabis watering solution


Ok I was off by five years. My time is coming closer to take them so I probably purposefully forgot those 5 years :wink:


You’re getting old, I get it haha


So far so no more growth without A/C as I noticed, plus deformation on some new and old leaves as you could notice.
I watered and trimmed the old fan leaves today. May.23.2019

The pH range was 7.6 as the tester gave now, but still under calibration.

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As I noticed the results was good on some weak and stunted plants. But sometimes it doesn’t supports, it depends on every single plant response force, I think.

But I will utilize that in case if I couldn’t pass over the others synthetics supplements and fertilizers instructions as I mentioned above, because it’s unless addible, and I don’t have to be that worry when I supply the plants by an excessive dose, same that worry when I supply them by that inedible which are use when needed due to the issue.

However, I have got the “Sturdy Stalk” now, and no more needs for that in this time.

Feel free to correct and teach me.

Not having an AC is probably not helping but you can virtually stall all growth with a PH that is that high to…

Try and get it down too about a 6.5


Been awhile since I ph’ed in soil

@Bogleg you got any ideas


@macgyver_stoner, can you please point @Hemp_Nature in the right direction? I remember watching you help others, but not something I remember off hand of what other methods or products that can be used to lower pH.


Here is a good pH meter.

Testing soil isn’t too difficult with one of these. You can take a sample from the active root zone, mix it thoroughly with an equal amount of distilled water. You can let it sit 15 to 30 minutes, some say 24 hours. Then you filter it through an acid free coffee filter, and then test the liquid to get an estimate of your soil’s pH.

Absolutely make sure your meter is working. Also maybe pick up some pH test strips or pH test drops to double check your sample of fluid.


Do you have any idea for How I could control the pH range correctly, in case if I don’t have any kind of that “pH control solutions” currently please? to I be able to calibrate that on the pH tester after that set.

Because sometimes the pH is not stable in every single bottle of drinking water, and sometimes not stable in the hole bottles of drinking water which came in one carton, as I noticed that on the pH tester.


@macgyver_stoner, I think he needs products in nature or that one might have on hand to adjust the pH.


I already have that kind of pH tester as shown,

but what am looking for exactly, if there is any method that I could do for controlling the pH range on the correct set, in case if the all kinds of water which are around me not stable on the pH range now, to I be able to calibrate the pH tester after the correct range result correctly, instead of any kind of synthetics solutions.

But someone in Instagram advised me to use the pH calibration solution, and nothing has been found instead yet, I think.

And I just found that kind of pH calibration solution in the link below, and if you recommend me to order it now,


You can use typical garden sulfur products to slowly bring pH down.

You can use food grade phosphoric acid as a pH down.

Or you can use clean pure sulfuric acid, which you can get from an auto parts store as a battery refill. It is clean and safe to use as long as you don’t put it in a lead battery first.

Here are some products you can get at the Grower’s House that could be of benefit.

happy growing,



You can bake cookies with organic ph up (calcium bicarbonate) lol it’s just like baking soda


Is that means I still have to learn more about How I could use the pH tester correctly? Or the tester might being half broken, because the local climate in here? I still don’t no where is the problem yet!

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Yes, it is a way to bring your pH up, in water or in soil.

However, baking powder and baking soda contain sodium, which can become toxic even at moderate levels. Think salt water, not so great for your roots.

You can get Calcium Carbonate from Ground Limestone that would be safer for you roots. You can get this as a food safe product for people or animals, usually as a supplement in tablet or powder form. Obviously powder is more desirable.

And of course you can get Calcium Carbonate from Ground Limestone at most garden supply stores as Garden Lime. And you can also get Dolomite Lime which also contains a good amount of magnesium, which of course is highly needed by the types of plants which are of the most interest to us.