How screwed am i?

So i found a few aphids on my purple majik plant tonight. About 3 weeks into flower. I was aiming for mid october if the weather/temp held. So, insecticidal soap i read is non-toxic to humans (like BT), so i sprayed the plant.

Should i be tossing the plant because of the aphids (wasnt many) or because of the soap i sprayed. Keep or toss?

Never ran i to this before. I have zero budrot (knock on wood) so far. Probably gonna be around 4-6oz of flower depending how the buds look (they are fattening up nicely)


I would keep them and do a bud wash at the harvest, that is as long as the aphids don’t come back. Here is a thread on bud washing.


I dont know if i can get rid of them all. I sprayed under the leaves of the plant, but who knows if it will kill them or keep them gone.

I would hate to toss the plants, because the purple majik is going so good but i will if i need to, and i have 2 mephisto autos inside going.

Thank you. Makes me feel like i am not totally screwed


Try to use stylet oil with your BT or Captain Jack’s dead bug. if this plant is outside once the bugs are dead, apply once every 7 to 10 days at half strength for both. This will Help prevent bud rot, kill worms and any other bug that eats the plant. The stylet oil Will kill, mites, aphids, and softbodied insects that eat your plants through a tube. As a prevention the oil plug they’re feeding tube to where they don’t think there’s anything there to eat and then move on. I switched to it this year, and I have less insect damage than I have ever had previously on any of my outdoor grows.


Then i would still need to do a bud wash, right?

These plants are indeed outside….If i can save these 2 plants doing this, i am gonna do it.

Gonna order some jacks and mix it with the BT


I don’t grow outdoors but if I did I would always do a bud wash. If I had an issue with critters indoors, I would also do a bud wash at harvest.


Prolly be best to do a wash anyways washes diet dust bugs bug poop pollen ect off the plant so u dont ingeat any of that. Same for inside. Dust is a huge thing inside and if u was a plant inside grown or outside they always leave some kinda funk behind even inside grown


No. you mix BT or Captain Jack’s with stylet oil. Captain Jack’s and BT are very similar. you need one of those with stylet oil. and yes, I always do a bud wash on my outdoor. I don’t mess with lemon juice and such. I use one cup of 3% peroxide to 5 gallons of water. Been doing it for years. Works great. If you go to my journal and scan back through it, you will see how I do it. Just look at the pictures and then when you see one that has a bunch of plants hanging on the clothesline with, a bunch of blue barrels lined up. That spot will tell you all you need to know.


Wow i always do a 3 part wash on all my buds. All 3 5 gallon buckets first bucket i do quarter to third cup lemon juice and quarter to third cup baking soda second dip bucket is 1 bottle of 3% peroxide to 5 gallons water last bucket just plain water to rinse all.iff good. Baking soda and lemonjuice bucket would amaze u on how much stuff it breaks off the plant material its crazy. Bucket come out twice as funky peroxide works. But try it on half a plant and see if u see a difference in the amount of break down of dirt and stuff it does. I believe arrow does this also but somehow i wanna say he uses a soapy sponge after dips to soak up and floating debris that get washed off the plant before he pulls it up out the bucket. Its been a long while seeing his method but kinda how i got the 3 way wash method i just dont do the sponge nethod as my last rinse bucet only has very minimal floating stuff after washing plants in first 2 buckets


So:…apparently i was screwed. Noticed some rot on my purple majik, so i chooped it on friday. Went out saturday morning and saw rot on the blue dream (main cola tip…fml). Chopped that one too. Found one other bud on the PM of rot and 4 more on the BD, but it was VERY early in the rot, so i think i caught it. Cut it out liberally and inside of the bud was pristine

Only drying space i have is in the garage as my tent has plants in flower. It is about 55% humidity in the garage and i have ceiling fans on, so airflow wont be a problem.

I did the bud wash as advised in here and wow the shit that came off of everything was amazing.

My garage smells freaking awesome. My neighbor came over because he smelled it from his yard :joy: (he grows too).

Pretty happy, albeit i chopped about a week or so early (i was about a week into my flush)

We will see how much i yield. Had a shit ton of larf on the PM and hardly any on the BD. I am holding one of the buds from the BD….there were about 8 or so more around the same size as the one i am holding :grimacing:

Cheers and thank you for the advice!