Hypochlorous Acid.....Deep Dive

LOL, Deja Vu !!!

As a kid in grade school from the late 50’s early 60’s Flash Gordon was quite the rage !

You Have no idea how many times I was ‘Flasch Gordon’ !!!

LOL, I don’t believe it actually ever taunted me, but after the first thousand times I guess it got a little redundant!!!


Yeah listen, my gang ain’t nothing to fuck with.


Man I’m 1001…thats special… I’d hug, an squeeze and call you George.


Which way did he go which way did he go…:joy:


I have to call it a win for the Hypochlorous Acid against mites…I found only 3 live nymphs this morning. Misted everything again for good cause. These beetches are not usually that easy to be rid of, the salt residue still has me curious tho.


shoot us a picture!
How many apps did you end up putting on…3?


This morning might be the 4th application, which I think is still impressive, it wasn’t a huge infestation. I’ll get some pics next trip downstairs.


Just curious …thinking to myself …just a thought…I wonder if ‘residue’ is impeding there ability to feed…


I read somewhere that the acid penetrates the exoskeleton and dries them out. Lemme see if I can find it and I’ll copy/paste.

Below is a copy paste: not my info.

Now to the interesting part. I became aware over the last few weeks, thanks to some customers, of an exciting application for Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). It turns out that HOCl can be effective in Pest Control.

Here is where it gets strange (at least from my layman’s point of view). While HOCl has long been know to be effective in killing certain insects on contact, it is not effective on other insects.

To be specific, it has long been known that bleach kills bed bugs on contact. However, the use of bleach as an insecticide, is generally discouraged, because of health concerns, and the damage bleach can cause to property including corrosion and discoloration.

What is not as widely known, is that it is the oxidizing effect of bleach that kills the bedbugs by attacking and deforming the proteins in their exoskeleton, which happens instantly. The relatively small amounts of HOCl contained in bleach is what produces the oxidizing effect, so it only stands to reason that pure HOCl, would be even more effective, without the concerns of health or damage to property.

Where things get a little confusing, is that it does not have the same effect with all insects, even though all insects have an exoskeleton. For example, bleach does not kill roaches, unless they drink it or drown in it. It would seem their exoskeletons have a different protein makeup that is not effected by the oxidation.

One area where this has come up is with mites. There are many different mites that in aggregate afflict millions of people in the U.S. annually, and can be extremely difficult to control. Demodex, is a mite that lives under the eyelids and in the U.S. alone, is estimated to a afflict over 1 million people annually.

As there is a commercial treatment for Demodex, Avenova, whose primary active ingredient is stabilized HOCl. there has been some research done on its efficacy, with conflicting results.

While an article published by the NCBI concludes that HOCl does not kill adult Demodex Mites, and only kills them in the nymph stage. (The Dr. who wrote this report, disclosed that he was funded by a companies which make competing products, not to mention the fact, that if it does kills nymphs, theoretically, if applied regualrly, that would eventually should kill out the entire population)

Link to article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6689564/

The American Academy of Optometrists however, does recommend HOCl as treatment for Demodex mites https://www.aaopt.org/detail/knowledge-base-article/treatment-demodex-hypochlorous-acid-case-report.

While whether HOCl kills adult Demodex may be unclear, there seems to be consensus, that it does kill the Demodex nymphs. Additionally, often the irritation associated with Demodex, and other mites, is not from the Mites itself, but from the bacteria which they harbor, and HOCl is highly effective in killing bacteria.

Additionally, the same way HOCl is an effective manner of pest control for some insects, while having a very limited effect on others. It is quite possible that the same hold true for various types of mites.

Spider Mites have long been a problem in the agricultural industry, and it has long been accepted practice to use bleach or HOCl to control and kill Spider Mites.

So, while I have done some digging, it seems there is more digging that needs to be done. I hope to follow up with this post when I have more information to share.


What concentration are they using? We know is it full strength won’t hurt the plant, so far at least. But if you could use one to one to spray to deter the mites that would be great. Just hit them once a week or something as a preventative. :+1:t3::v:t3:


What I sprayed was 5 - 8 min cycles so I assume 400/500ppm ish.


Thanks Dog!

Spider Mites have long been a problem in the agricultural industry, and it has long been accepted practice to use bleach or HOCl to control and kill Spider Mites.

Naw, Gotta call Bullshit on this one!!!

Spent my whole life in production ag up here in Northern Cali, LOL Hap will tell you this is spidermite heaven ! Only worse area that I’m aware of is down in Kern County (Bakersfield area) and have never seen a hypochlorous application!

There is a lot of hypochlorites (standard bleach) used post harvest in dip tanks to help prevent post harvest rots.

You have to remember that Cl is toxic to plants and an undesireable component of fertilizers or even our irrigation water…
Chlorine has many oxidative states
Chlorine gas*********** HypochloritesCloroamines**Hypochlorous Acid

I think Dog demonstrated the issue with using hypochlorous acid as a miticide in commercial ag…
3-4 applications to get the kill…LOL< Do you have any idea how much money it cost us to spray an acre of trees once!!!
Labor, fuel, equip/maint costs, chemical !!!


That begs to answer the question as to why it cost so much for this product. When you can make a liter of it in less than an hour with 2 g of salt and a little vinegar? If you were to upscale this considerably your cost wouldn’t be very much per gallon. It would be interesting to see what the cost would be for the equipment for a facility like this. Not that I would ever want to start this business but just curious where your break even point would be.


Hap, you can search, there are many of them under ‘commercial hypochlorous acid gererators’

The advantages of commercial units are in that they get away from Sodium all together…
They use dilute HCL (hydrochloric acid) for the complete process !

LOL, you’re not going to find any ‘home generators’ using Hydrochloric acid ! I’ts the most reactive of the common inorganic acids (Hydroflouric Acid is the baddest ass!!!) Hydrochloric acid is not that bad to work with actually, but can you IMAGINE the liability insurance giving it to potheads!! :upside_down_face: :joy: :heart_eyes: :nauseated_face:


Pro tip: do nót Google images on subject.


LOL, That typo proved fortuitous!


Hap, another point I might mention.
ANYTHING that has a label for any insect/mite…must be LABELED as an ‘insecticide’.
In this case you have to go through EPA testing.
You may note that hypochlorus acid is labeled as a DISENFECTANT. It is a disinfectant that kills Fungi/Bacteria.

It’s a loop hole granted, but you’ll never see Hypochlorous acid with a mite or insect label unless their willing to pay for, and go through the labeling protocols…big bucks and about 3-4 year process, if all goes well!!

My suspicion is that if it WAS a viable insecticide/miticide someone would have marketed as such…
Just the way the world turns!


Zero mite life as of this morning, so it was as effective as CJDB, my main go to. I’m going to clean them up, and monitor new growth leaf tissue for damage from the salt and cl.

Capt. Jacks Dead Bug = CJDB


WTF… Another damn acronym.

Hey what’s the dog using, he’s using some CJDB shit. Who knows what it is.

(He thinks to himself)… :see_no_evil:


Sorry bud…I fixered it :point_up: :point_up: just lazy talk… Spinosad …Shazbot Nanu Nanu