Hypochlorous Acid.....Deep Dive

Hilarious. My go to I should’ve known. Sorry I’m not of the texting age. Or should I say I’ve been around it but I think it’s nonsense. I watched my wife and daughters get into fights all the time over a misunderstanding of what someone puts in print. They read something that came out wrong and immediately assume the most offensive stance when it was something just miss typed. And then they sit there and stare at it and complain about it for days. My wife has gotten so addicted to TikTok I almost don’t wanna be around her anymore. Can’t do anything with her without her phone stuck in front of her face not looking at the beauty around. Laughing at 50 people doing the same stupid thing. Sorry I just don’t get it.

Wow, sorry about that. turned into a rant…

It felt good so I’m gonna leave it. :v:t3:


So just to round it up, the conclusion would be: it kills mites as well, great alternative for the homegrower, but maybe little too weak for commercial use?


What I got out of it is - nothing can friggen kills roaches dude! I don’t mind any ANY other kinda bug, but them nasty azz, FuGly, prehistoric, dinosaur looking, riot gear wearing ma’a’r effers make me squeel & turn into Usain Bolt. I said it! Can’t stand a Roach broh. I know why too… 1982 Creepshow - damn bugs episode!! I was like 8 man. I am scarred no doubt.


I do believe it may be a viable option for mite control in flower where you don’t really want to cause any damage to pistils,trichomes, or you’re just too close to the chop…

Even if it gave suppression, it may buy time to introduce predators…

Commercial use just doesn’t make much sense…if I have $4000+/ ac of crop hanging, I have to mitigate damage quickly!!! The problem lies in the fact that hypochlorous acid is very short lived under sunlight, dews, and inclement weather…NOW in Fungi/Bacterial infections it’s a sure fire way to kill immediately…

I think we continue to look at it on mites, but usually you employ a control measure to its strongest suite!!


Well, I bought myself a little jug of agrowlyte plant wash. Wish I’d taken the time to read Bob’s info about the exact same product I could have purchased at a lower price. Lol, guess I was antsy!

The weather my way has been humid and hot with daily storms, so I applied as preventative on all plants and to treat alternaria and mild wpm on one plant.

Here’s my question for today: has anyone purchased a different model generator that you’re pleased with? There are plenty of lower priced options on the web, but I’m not too sure if they’ll get the job done. Thanks for any advice you can share!


They will probably all do the same thing. The reason everybody is going with this one is because it has tungsten electrodes. It will last or should last a very long time. Whereas the others may not have the tungsten. I haven’t researched it personally. I just bought the one advise because I could.
So I guess it in a nutshell shell less expensive should work fine just won’t last as long.:v:t3::man_shrugging:


Maybe if you just wash them with hydrogen peroxide once in a while… lol
Edit - for the slower ppl … OR hypochlorous acid once in a while!



If you purchase either Agrowlyte or Danolyte here’s some information that will help you out!
The manufacurer of Agrowlyte/Danolyte does not use vinegar in their process…no big deal …the ppm are still there…
Here’s what I suggest you do:
When you receive your bottle or even if you’ve used some of it…pour it in a large container and ADD WHITE (distilled0 VINEGAR to drop the pH to 5.0…this will do TWO things for you…

  1. Hypochlorous Acid is stable betweem pH 3.5 and 5.0… Another words at pH 5.0 it is 99.7% ACTIVE. At pH 6.5 it is only 90% active.
  2. By adding the VINEGAR the sodium in your mix will be converted to sodium acetate, thereby diluting the concentration of salt (The sodium is still there but in a less ACTIVE form) This should eliminate most of the salt deposit you see on your leafs…

If you bought the generator great ! You will need to purchase the chlorine indicator strips to accurately determine your ppm. Also when your mix is finished (regardless of ppm) do the same thing…ADD the white (distilled) vinegar until you have a pH of 5.0…this will maintain your potency, whether or not you decide to store some for a rainy day!!!1

Hope this helps! BTW the FloraFlex DOES use vinegar in the process…their product is pH 3.5 out of the bottle !!! DO NOT BE CONCERNED WITH THIS pH…this is not a nutrient and a completely different animal!!

Remember @ravenchief applied the FloraFlex full strength pH 3.7 on his initial test plant!


My new and improved avitar was donated to me by our illustrious @Slym3r !
He said some thing about growers would rather see a mad scientist than the same ole fart!!
Also said something about the ‘Legalize Tomatoes Movement’…no idea, so don’t ask!!


And then the story got weird…is that a condom in that crazy coots right hand?
now we are gonna add a V for vegetable, cant forget the VeggieLovin. Love me some Veggies, guess I’m converting from a L over of the V.

Just kidding, I like the Willie Wonka - Bud Candy Scientist.


Guys we gotta stop with the weirdness the outside media is making us talk about stuff.

It’s literally brainwashing. And meant to start people fighting. Please no more social event conversation unless it’s pertaining to weed stuff.


I made these for him


@chrisj I put the legalize tomatoes on em… lol

So this is some of it.

Lol that wasn’t it


Love it. Legalize Tomatoes.


Flash what’s the molecular formula for your acid… I have a hunch I’m curious about?? H³O² ?? Something like that??


I thought you said three os


Shhhhhhh Slym…


LoL… I did I I did?!! LMAO


Ah I love it here.


I’m telling you Bob needs a cape Slym. Du da dunnn… BBP man to the rescue!!!