Hypochlorous Acid.....Deep Dive

Has anyone used the home generated hypochlorous acid in their reservoir yet? I’m going to be switching from Root drip 400ppm to the homemade with the generator. I don’t think there will be much of a difference but I wanted to check to see if anyone noticed anything just in case.


Wouldn’t think there’s an effective difference at all…if you did see any (which I doubt) I would just double the concentration vs. the root drip.(i.e. if your using 2ml/Gal of the root drip use 4ml/Gal of the home brew…)


Mine came out the perfect pH! Thanks so much.


@happilyretired deserves credit for the ‘3 tablespoon vinegar’ contribution !

LOL, it takes a family to get this all standardized!!


Thanks @happilyretired!


@TheMadFlascher so I did a batch from my new Eco one machine, I did 1st run
1 liter distilled water
2 grams unionized kosher salt
1 tbs distilled white vinegar, ran 1st cycle
Added 1 tbs distilled white vinegar ran 2nd cycle
Added nothing, ran 3rd cycle, all on 3rd setting.

My question is my ppm is 1724 is that normal, and ok? My ph is 4.3


Sure, let me try to explain it a little bit…

Ppm is a measurement of every component you put in the mix…Hypochlorous acid is a very small molecule…simply HOCl …three atoms combined. One Hydrogen, one Oxygen, one Chlorine. There are a BUNCH of them in your brew! The other components will be sodium acetate and probably a little unreacted sodium chloride.

Although Hypochlorous acid is not tecnically a organic chemical (contains no carbon) it behaves VERY similar to an organic acid. Hard to describe the unusual attributes of organic molecules…but they are very very different from inorganic chemical salts you are familiar with.

Next time you mix up a 3m/8oz batch of BBP…take the ppm/EC…it may scare you to death !
Also, organic acids (just like Hypochlorous acid) may be VERY low pH, yet exhibit no ill affects on plant tissue…that’s why your pH of 4.3 will have no ill affect on the applies tissue!!!

LOL, not sure I completely clarified it for you, but organic chemistry is a pretty bizarre !


I can back the effectiveness as an insecticide. I was starting to get white flies, and used my solution from the eco-one machine several days in a row. There are no eggs under any leaves, and nothing flying above. I used it at full strength. I’m going to continue to use it in all of my tents and outside every couple of days as a preventative. At this time of year in the desert, it is actually really damp and humid, and the insects go crazy.

EDIT: I used an inexpensive electric sprayer/mister so all of the plants could be thoroughly soaked from all angles.


So I’m not sure what’s going on. I have mixed to the recommendation and spray for the WPM, and it just doesn’t seem to be knocking it out. I have been spraying every day for 4 days and still have mildew. I use a electrostatic sprayer as well. I am thinning the shit out of them now, but that should be an issue. Is there something I should do differently of just keep up every day? @TheMadFlascher @happilyretired Unless I have a super mildew I haven’t found anything that has wiped it out.


How much do you dilute the hypochlorous from the generator for the PM treatments? I’ve been playing around with it on some zucchini outdoors. Running the machine 3 times and diluting 1 to 1 helped ALOT with the PM but I need to treat them again possibly with a less dilute treatment.


1 liter distilled water
2 grams unionized kosher salt
2 tbs distilled white vinegar
Run 8 min cycle
Add 2 tbs distilled white vinegar
Run 8 min cycle
Add nothing
Run 8 min cycle. This is on the 3rd setting
This is were I’m at now.


Use that strength it should wipe it out. If it don’t run it five times don’t add more vinegar until after you run it each time and check your pH. Don’t add more vinegar and less your pH gets over five. That should be somewhere around 400 ppm of acid. that’s about what full strength buying it premixed would be. And at that strength it should wipe out anything that is fungal viral whatever Bob says…:laughing:

Any further suggestions I refer to Bob. :+1:t3::v:t3:


I hit mine Full strength, wpm Still stays white, but it does NOT progress, if i want it off i have to wipe it… SO far only lost 2, not to WPM but to Squash bug nymphs, I must’ve missed an Egg drop, they were my bait plants. away from the others. Still got I’m guessing 20 squash a piece off em before croakage.



Please be aware that the WPM is probably DEAD !
Because there is no OIL ,the white (dead) mycelium will remain on the leaves…

You have two options…
!. if you just wait a bit the mycelium will break down on its own…
2. You can moisten a soft towel with your hypochloruos acid and wipe it off the leaves if you can’t stand looking at it !!

If after spraying the WPM, if it is NOT SPREADING, chances are pretty good you’re looking at dead mycelium…

Good luck, my Man and let us know your prognosis !!!


Thanks Dog Breath, you beat me to the punch!!


Thank you all for the replies, I definitely see dead and some new. I will make the minor adjustments that @happilyretired suggested and go from there. Thanks again all.


No worries !
Be sure to help out new growers jumping in to use hypochlorous acid !

All of our combined experience and observations can really help them out and shorten the learning curve…



Another good use, put 2 cups in my Ice Machine to sanitize post Calcium Lime stuff. Nice and Shiny. I know CL is about the only thing that corrodes 304/316, I rinsed twice.


Read this thread should answer all your questions on HCOI


@TheMadFlascher So instead of using unionized salt in the Eco one machine, would a potassium salt/chloride work any different? Reason I’m asking is that’s what Agrowlyte uses in there product.


Thanks alot man; I really appreciate it.