Hypochlorous Acid.....Deep Dive


Potassium chloride (KCl) would make a perfectly fine chlorine donor, and is fairly equivalent to uniodized salt (NaCl) in molecular weight, so I would think a straight up substitution in volume would be sufficient for our purposes.

There is another factor to consider, and that is the resulting potassium acetate (K+ vinegar) is actually a sometimes used potassium foliar.

To be honest with you, because we are talking about a ‘surface active’ hypochlorous acid…the sodium acetate seems to be well tolerated without any ill effect…

However, the KCl substitution is indeed viable , so if you wish to substitue I believe your acid will be just as effective…Good on You for doing the research !


Thank you again sir. @TheMadFlascher. I’m not much of a reader, but when it comes to cannabis, I’m hooked. :sunglasses:


Has anyone figured out how much vinegar for 5 cycles? I’m also very interested in the potassium chloride if anyone has tried that yet.


@treetrunks , The Potassium Chloride (KCl) is an excellent substitute for sodium chloride (NaCl).
Use equivalent amounts as the NaCl in your recipe.

Might suggest you go up to post 134 on this subject…if you prefer, you can check and adjust your pH after each 8 min cycle…you want your finished pH to be between 3.5-5.5…if you’re going to mix and store the acid I would prefer below pH 5…

Hope that helps


Hi everybody! I’m putting together a little “Weeducation“ video on hypochlorous acid using the information derive from Happily Retired and the mad flasher. I’d like to Include more than their handles from this forum, if you have any reference emails or businesses that I can put in credits at the end of it, please let me know. I’ve already film some of the outdoor spraying and I’m working on the indoor preparation video now.


I switched to KCL, and I use the same vinegar amounts as originally posted. After my first 3 cycles I test the PH, then add whatever amount Acetic I need to drop below 4, just like Bob stated 2 posts up. I also just got some free-chlorine test strips for 0-600ppm, so I can establish some consistency in strength.


I used it to kill Alternaria, one heavy fogging and it took care of it. I highly recommend it. I also use it to sterilize my tents after every grow and about every 2 weeks in the grow to help keep it clean and kill off any fungus and it didn’t effect my plants. Great stuff.


Chris, I think it’s great you’re taking the time to spread the word!!

THAT was my intent from the beginning! Since I don’t actually have the generator, many members contributed significantly…@ravenchief stepped up to generously offer up our first test Guinea Pigs,
@happilyretired has been instrumental in ‘standardizing’ the cooking instructions, and many more have offered up questions and comments that have moved the project along…I love the community ‘cooperation’ involved in bringing hypochlorous acid’s effectiveness and simplicity to the attention of as many growers as possible.

Most recently @Dforce and @Dog_Fart1 have brought attention to the fact Potassium Chloride (KCl)
is an excellent substitute for the Sodium Chloride (NaCl) component for those that choose to use it …

Because so many here contributed and commented, I feel ‘Members of the Growers Network’ deserve the accolades more so than any individuals! Thanks again Chris for taking your time and effort to spread the word ! I would LOVE if all cannabis growers were at least aware and capable of growing without fear of these ‘Boogie Men’ diseases…forever


@TheMadFlascher I found another use for Hypochlorous Acid. It will kill white mold on wooden outdoor patio decks!


@wow_arizona. Just a bit of info. From my experience so for. My plants, outdoors have outgrown my greenhouses, which makes it VERY difficult to keep plants sprayed. I have been using the Eco one machine making my own, experimenting with different ph, kosher salt/potassium chloride. It works well, only if you can spray the plant 100%. That was my issue, I decided to eliminate the 3 plants that were prone to WPM do to being unable to get the whole plant covered. So very important to get 100% coverage.


Thank you, thank you!

I have to do a video on the light, and then update on the grow. So I’ll be compiling information from all of you guys and distilling it down in something that I can hammer out in a video to people That lasts just a few minutes and can hold their abbreviated attention span.


:thinking:… I don’t know man. It seems to me that I can’t get anybody’s attention because they’re all looking at a device, watching a video or TikTok or some shit. If you want people to see it you’re putting it in the right place. If you want no one to see it, put it out in the open. No one’s looking there! :v:t3::+1:t3:


just orderd the machine i was wondering if you make a gallon how long can you store it can you make it the night before you use it ou should it be spraid on at in the evening


To be honest with you, I don’t know of any way that we have a testing it to see if it still has potency. I know that Bob has said if you keep the pH below a five it will hold potency longer. I have purchased a bottle of liquid from a supplier and it was dated two days before I received it. I would not be afraid of using it and having at work at full strength for two or three weeks after I make it. But that’s bro science. Just a guess. As to your question, I’m absolutely certain that it does not lose any of it’s effectiveness for a minimum of a week, probably quite a bit longer. I’m basing this on experience. I make it when I need it and it’s usually gone in less than two weeks just using around the house. make sure you read the comments above as far as adding vinegar doing multiple cycles. When you’re finished it should be under a 5 1/2 pH. That’s all I got…:man_shrugging::v:t3::+1:t3:


Hap has answered your questions and can give you mixing instructions when the time comes.

I can add a little detail for you on the longevity of the acid. Hypochlorous acid is stable between pH 3.5-5.5. If you want to make some for storage there are only a few prerequisites.

Drop your pH to close to 3.5 (you can do this by slowly adding distilled vinegar)
Store in a non-clear (white or colored regular HDPE) jug.
Store in a indoor cabinet or closet, away from extreme temperatures.
Keep out of sunlight…under these conditions the acid will store pretty much indefinitely.


Yeah I knew you said that somewhere Bob. But I wasn’t gonna look it up and I wasn’t gonna quote you in the wrong. So I stayed a little bit vague.

Besides I knew you’d be watching closely…:wink::v:t3::joy:


Free Chlorine Test strips…0-600ppm used in food service industry for sanitizers and your PH meter.


Hola! I’m using the eco 1 machine… a lot. :slight_smile: As harvest time nears, I’d like to develop a plan to use the acid to wash the buds right before I hang them to dry. @TheMadFlascher @happilyretired and all others, would you dilute it or use it straight?


Mr Baker,
To a certain extent, I think that depends on how clean your bud is…I look forward to other grower comments here, but just prior to the final rinse I think I would consider a 1:1 dilution to take care of any mold spores before drying/curing…


I still use Peroxide in first dip, for the cavitation action to clean, I added the HOCL in my rinse water at 1 cup per 5 gallons approx. Just another opine, and duplicated overkill likely.