I’m new to all of this

So I do have one question. What strand have you found that helps you the most? @bullfrog420

Purple Train Wreck… why I recreated it…

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I’ve had different ones through the years. So that’s a hard question to answer. Rite now Ove been mixing my good stuff with cbg hemp. It’s been doing pretty good with my arthritis.


Where does one get CBG hemp and would it press or wash do you think…only know my CBD isolate comes from hemp stalks out of Europe…

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Ok, I had to laugh just a little on this. Because…for years people I know here have done numerous things to get seeds from there to here. Hahaha. Not ever from here to there. Hahahaha

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So here is a little up date. Seeing how I can’t be up in the attic building all the time because I have to watch the kids during the day. It’s going a little slower then normal. But here’s a few pics of what I got going on so far let me know what y’all think.



Sorry the reaper pepper was not supposed to be in the pictures I guess my thumb hit it.

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Setup is coming together nicely, looking good, you’re way further ahead of things than I Ever was, or still am


Looks awesome!

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Thank you those two holes in the bottom of the tent are two vents in my bathroom. So I’m hoping my tent will stay around 72-75 ish on its own. I still have to put my out take fan up along with my 2 electric outlets. I’m in the middle of a cheap led light bulb build for the room also

It’s looking real good seems like a decent amount of space to grow some luscious monsters keep at it and keep posting

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Thank you @mouse935 and @Slym3r. I will make sure you(mouse) are tagged from now on also

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The hell with that… I love peppers…and going slower is the way to go… don’t rush perfection…


Well I got plenty of those seeds along with scorpion habanero jalapeño ghost and plablono. I like to infuse honey with the pepper Hot honey. I also make salsa. This year I’m going to try my hand at dried spices.

Maaan raise some bees to and have the bees make infused honey!


This will be a cooking show soon. Lol


@stevie my flytraps are doing amazing. If I can prop them I will send you one.

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I like to infuse honey with THC…lol… have to incorporate peppers next run…lol…


They look very healthy, that’s awesome. Yeah I’ve tried growing them three or four times, never had much luck. I did get one going once but then life bit me in the ass and everything got neglected for a few months, end of fly trap

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That works I infuse MCT oil for all my edibles