Introduce yourself!

It worked perfectly. Thanks!


Ok fellas and ladies. PKG received. Will let everyone know when I start to use this and how I use it when I get started hopefully a week or 2 at most. Gonna try and get atleast 2 plants goin one with one without them I’ll finish the rest of the plants with it but for comparison I’ll run 2 clones side by side one with one without so we can see a difference or not. Thanks to @opunterra for the chance to try out their product. I will say it don’t smell to friendly but smells like it’ll work. Hell almost resembles fish shit to smell it. Lol. :face_vomiting:


Does the label mention anywhere the volume of soil that will treat and how long it will last? Or does it say how many plants that container will take to the finish?


So far I’ve read that this bottle mixes with 26 gallons of water. Lol. I’ll dulge more into it in a bit but maybe @opunterra can answer these questions for u as I have not done much reading yet. Just got the bottle last night lol. Smells awful tho usually what works the best tho.


… True that…

:thinking:… A plant that eats stuff that smells like shit and then the flowers smell like skunk…:joy::joy::v:t3:


@Mark0427 Glad your received the container! I would have responded earlier but I was on a relaxing two day hike over the weekend. Cell service did not exist. @happilyretired as far as the volume of soil, it doesn’t really have an effect on this product. Just dilute with water and go. Keep in mind the dilution of 26:1is a starting point. Each person that uses the Opunterra can adjust for what best suits them. This stuff is pretty potent (the odor verifies that).


@happilyretired I forgot to respond to the amount of plants it work on. Honestly I’m not to sure due to the different ratios that are used for various results. That one bottle can treat up to a 1/4 acre depending on what is being grown.


Would you consider this similar to Real Growers Recharge? Just wondering because I’ve been looking into recharge lately


Probably the big difference between the two is that Real Growers Recharge has some fertilizer properties. The Opunterra does not have any of those properties. It self generates from the various bacteria. Other than the PH fluctuation I like Real Growers Recharge. To me its a good product.


So far the smell is super similar to fish shit just not as strong smelling like fs is. Lol. Any ideas as to if I started to treat flowering plants with it what the benefits would be or not good??? If it will give a boost for next set of plants going in would be sweet as long as it don’t harm the plant. I did experiment a touch as I put 1oz of soil regenerator to a gallon and watered one plant vegging to see if I noticed a difference in that one over others. It’s in a nursery bag as of now but still growing nice. Lol.


Yes, it will benefit existing plants as well. With existing I would use the Opunterra in the same manner mix 50:1. use every two weeks for the first month plus the initial, then once a month. The 1oz for the gallon will still work just takes more time. I would do a 2.5oz to the gallon, so just add an additional 1.5 oz.

On another note is is possible to start a new thread for this? I don’t want to overload the “introduce yourself!” Also is it possible to copy and paste a portion of this thread on to the newer one?


@opunterra you can start a new thread in this category if you would like to. Business and Marketing category. I’m not sure if you can move other peoples remarks, but you can copy and paste your information to the new thread.


Gotcha I appreciate the response and definitely interested to see what @Mark0427 does with it …


Anytime, a new thread was started on “Opunterra soil regenerator test run”. Jump in and @Mark0427 or I should be able to answer some questions. I really curious to see how he does too


Hi ALL! My names Julie and I’m from So Cal. I am not even a smoker any more but I thought this would be a good place to find resources that would help me sell EXTRACTION EQUIPMENT that I have and I viously don’t need lol


Hi crownjulez

Welcome to GN. If you would like to sell your spare equipment, post pictures, details and prices on our Market Place.


Hello all!

My name is Chris and I’m a relatively new grower out of Western CO.

My passion is African Landrace strains. My mother grew up just outside of Lusaka Zambia and I remember fond stories of her seeing Dagga growing everywhere.

I’ve had good luck with Malawi Gold so far but still on the hunt for the strain of my mums youth.


Name’s Jason just moved from Phx to Colorado. Just started my 2nd grow did my first grow back in December, and I’m hooked :raising_hand_man:t3:


Welcome to the forum @daggaafrica814 and @phx86d!


Welcome and it is nice to have more growers here with us

lots of great growers and helpful folks here :slight_smile:

all the best and grow well
