Hello everyone. This is gonna be where I do my comparison on the opunterra soil regenerator it will be a couple weeks still before I get a move on this experiment but looking forward to the results. I don’t know a lot about the product yet but smells like it’s gonna do something. Lol. @opunterra any questions that arise I’m sure is willing to put best effort forward to help out. If anyone of the mods can move the chats from the introduction of opunterra thread that would fit this spot please do so for me and everyone else to have this all in one sporlt. @Slym3r @chrisj I’m sure there is more @PreyBird1 lol. That’s about all I know who would be able to move chats. Thanks and can’t wait to get this moving along.
Ok fellas and ladies. PKG received. Will let everyone know when I start to use this and how I use it when I get started hopefully a week or 2 at most. Gonna try and get atleast 2 plants goin one with one without them I’ll finish the rest of the plants with it but for comparison I’ll run 2 clones side by side one with one without so we can see a difference or not. Thanks to @opunterra for the chance to try out their product. I will say it don’t smell to friendly but smells like it’ll work. Hell almost resembles fish shit to smell it. Lol.
Yes, it will benefit existing plants as well. With existing I would use the Opunterra in the same manner mix 50:1. use every two weeks for the first month plus the initial, then once a month. The 1oz for the gallon will still work just takes more time. I would do a 2.5oz to the gallon, so just add an additional 1.5 oz.
On another note is is possible to start a new thread for this? I don’t want to overload the “introduce yourself!” Also is it possible to copy and paste a portion of this thread on to the newer one?
@opunterra here you go.
Woah dude u had me tripping out here. Was like hell yeah slys in on this already too. Lol. Sorry it’s early still.
Yeah its early here also 4:36. Lol i have two 4:20 a day lol.
Thank you for starting and moving information to this thread.
Not a problem. Thanks for giving back to the community and being active. That means a lot.
Absolutely, this is what its all about
Ok I’m about ready to get 2 peanut butter breath clones in pots. Should I just use the soil regenerator by itself on the coco or should I mix it in with jacks. I’m only gonna do the regenerator in one pot and one without it both will get mykos and great white with transplant both will get tribus added but do I do it with jacks or without. I usually put my buckets of coco in the tub with lemon juice and baking soda for a long soak then I rinse the piss out of the pot to rid of any lemon juice or baking soda remnants. I then add full strength jacks and tribus soak pots 5 gallons each pot I let all drain out of pans let dry some and do transplants. So upon transplant I will soak pots down but do I mix with jacks or alone open to all answers who wants to see what done. If I can get the wife to chop this pbb I have flowered now I can add another to the mix right quick as I have 5 clones rooted and ready then I can do one alone one mixed with jacks and one just jacks like my normal starts @opunterra @Slym3r @HostileHippie420 I believe we’re some wanting to see what goes. What’s ur opinions here
I’d like to see side by sides. Different parameters and see what transpires.
Ok give me just a couple more days if I don’t make it to tear that other one down today I’ll do a 3some. One with jacks and Regen one jacks alone and one just Regen
Sorry for the late response, been recovering from a good football weekend. I agree with @Slym3r, I think the side by side would be good for the comparison. @Mark0427 I believe your descriptive process is good. I’m real curious and excited to see what the results are.
Me also. Lol. I’m gonna wait it out couple more days and do the 3 some thing. This way we can see how it’ll start off a plant just a ending soil with it alone with helpers and without it all in one. Don’t be sorry about late responses lol atleast u came and left one here.
Good morning! @Mark0427 Just curious to how things are going for you?
I’ve been down and out for a few days had a tooth break and caused a major infection. Going tomorrow to have it pulled as long as the infection is under control so far so good. Took 4 days and 3 different antibiotics to get it under control tho. Teeth pain is some serious shit lol. I do however have 3 pots empty all I have to do is soak em to rid of old shit and I’ll get a jump on the grow as I have some major rooted clones to get going in them. Lol.
I’ll shoot for this weekend Sunday or so hopefully at the latest to start everything.
Wow, Hope you feel better soon. I firmly believe that any type of pain in the jaw is awful. Cuts, broken bones, sprains, no problem. The magnified dull pain in the jaw, that is a different story. I feel for you
Yeah it got so bad the pains from infection went thru my jaw into my neck and all. Jaw bone and neck r still sore ASF but tooth is feeling a bit better just getting the rest of this infection out lol. Yeah I was diagnosed with cluster headaches couple years back and Dr says worst pain I will ever feel. Mfer lied as the tooth pain topped that by atleast a 5 on the scale. Lol. The headaches were gawd awful I won’t lie but a tooth pain I think is worst I’ve ever ever felt for pain and I’ve had surgeries and all kinds of shit. My body been thru hell and back twice over and tooth pain is the worst. On the plus side my wife and kids all got hit with a sinus infection and I didn’t. Prolly the antibiotics but I didn’t get it. Lol
Ok boys family came down with the flu. Says not covid at docs but all r.sick as dogs. I do have the pots cleaned out just need to wash them out and then I will start to get it all going right away same day just later in the day after it dries some. I do have one question before I do this tho @opunterra do I pH the mix first before I add the regenerator or after ??? Seems before to me so shits not killed off but I wanna make sure first???
How much is this stuff also as I’m prolly gonna need like another bottle or 2 to use for the whole grow here and there for all the plants I would guess.
The one bottle can treat a 1/4 acre depending on how much you dilute. Yes, it can be used on anything that is a plant. Various plants love the bacteria that is produced. Some individuals will spray their plants with the stuff as well. Since Cannabis is a finicky plant I always recommend to treat the soil with Opunterra. I would start at the 50:1 ratio. Use on first initial then every other week for the first month. After that just once a month. This is what I would do then adjust as you seem fit. I just spoke with another person and he said that his plants have just started to benefit for the Opunterra. Once the bacteria builds the plants react very well. That is why you want to do this part slow.