Introduce yourself!

What does the destroy button do?


THCnology is such a great name!
Welcome egreen :blush:


@Hunter - When a plant is unusable and must be destroyed, that action must be reported to Metrc. The destroy button on the ‘NUG’ allows you to scan the plant tag for the plant to be destroyed and update Flowhub’s database of that action. At the end of the day, Flowhub reports that action for you to Metrc. Simple and easy.


Hello Everyone. My name is Susan Bouscaren and I am the President and manager of Jack’s Greenhouse Association, the longest running delivery service in Merced County. We are located in the Central Valley of California, about 130 miles below Sacramento. I am 61 years old and a recent widow. I am an activist and worked with the Occupy Movement and other organizations in recent years. I am not a grower but work closely with them every day.

We are in our fourth year of operations and are hoping to get our license for a storefront when the first four licenses to ever be issued in Merced, are issued in December of this year.

We have an awakening in our county to what is going on in the cannabis industry and it is an exciting time with Prop 64 and SB94 coming out on January 1, 2018.

On August 29 the first reading for an ordinance by the County Supervisors will be read and it will be to ban dispensaries, delivery services, and commercial cultivation. Very sad but it was expected. After I open my storefront I hope to get support to run a referendum in the county to bring in commercial cultivation, but that will have to wait till next year. There is no time this year for me to pursue it.


Welcome @jacksgreenhouse2014!


Good morning @indagrodarryl. Welcome to the community. We are neighbors. I’m in OC just north of you. I’d love to take a tour of your facility and learn more about you and your business.

We are on the verge of launching a wholesale bulk flower marketplace in Adelanto. I’d love to invite you to the opening.


Hello Susan @jacksgreenhouse2014 ,
Welcome! You are courageous. Thank you for keeping your head up and moving forward. The inevitable happens. Things change. I live behind the “Orange County Curtain”, I know. When I moved into my little town a little over a decade ago, they didn’t even allow tattoo shops! And we are a military town! Now, at least we have 3 or 4. The city council banned ALL cannabis related business, indicating they WILL NOT allow them until they were forced to. So there you go… WE continue on.

BTW: we are distributors, We love working with delivery services.



It is a business that we must all be courageous in!! If you get a chance
you should attend the Cannabis Business NCIA and CCIA in Anaheim in
September. It is full of so many positive people, that it just inspires
you. Also, maybe check out VenderSesh once a month in Newport Beach. I envy
that you all have alot going on down there. We will too. Next year is going
to be crazy. Thank you for the kind words.


Welcome We area a packaging provider based in California. I just sent you an email with our information.
Thank you,
Graphic Interfaces, Inc.
(858) 278-0090


Hi guys, just joined the community and I am excited to get to know you all. My name is Sean Reed, and I am with a tech startup called Seshat Sensing. We are developing hardware that will allow you to test your cannabis for THC/CBD potency, along with a variety of plant photosynthetic and soil health parameters. We are combining this with an online platform that will allow you to track all this data through created projects to see how different variables affect your grow in a scientifically rigorous manner.

I am interested to hear from everyone in the cannabis community, especially growers. I really believe what we have to offer with our analytics on the online platform can help you have a much deeper insight into your plants, and how your management techniques effect final outcomes like yield or potency.

A little more about me personally, I am a 2016 graduate with degrees in horticulture science and environmental sciences and have been working since in a plant research lab specializing in taking lab technology and making it available in handheld versions for people in the field. I enjoy video and board games, maybe someone here plays League :D!

Hope to connect with many of you soon, drop me a line, ask me a question or visit our website at

Thank you,
Sean Reed


Welcome @seshat! Looking forward to hearing about your new hardware and how it works. Will this be a testing kit that growers can buy and test the potency themselves, rather than sending it to a lab?


Yes, and our online software will allow growers to set up experiments to run and see how certain variables affected end results like potency or yield. Say you are running two different fertilizers against one another. You can test and log however many samples from each treatment, and on the online platform be able to see with numbers which treatment got more, and more potent THC. This is a very basic example, but its aimed at improving yield and potency through the scientific method and data analysis!


You can do individual projects where just you contribute data, or we can set up community projects to test things together!


That sounds very useful. We do have one grower in Puerto Rico who is looking for ways to test his own cannabis because he suspects that the only lab available to him isn’t giving accurate results. Paging @caribbeangreen!


This is for any grower who wants to improve yield and potency and want to know why it was improved!


Thank you.



Would you have any information on what to look for in pretesting…it is said 80% of crops will not pass testing after next year…in the bug, mold, pesticides areas…Have you heard anything on this?


I would be honored to attend, Angela. When you have a date and time would you let me know?

Susan Bouscaren
Jack’s Greenhouse


Our testing is more focused on optimizing your grow, as opposed to a standard regulations testing meter. This is not a meter that will return results like “You Need More Fertilizer” but rather a tool to give you insights into how different mgmt techniques are affecting key outcomes of your grow like THC potency and yield.


where yall located?