Introduce yourself!

Hey everyone! My name’s Travis I just started with Growers Network and I have been exploring the cannibals culture for the past 10 years. I look forward to joining the community and getting to know you all a bit more in the future. Have a great day!


Happy to have you on board @travis1!


Hi Everyone,

My name is Darren Ferber and I am from Australia. I currently work as a Product and Business Development manager for Antelco which is a micro irrigation manufacturing company, web site here. I am interested in contributing and learning in this community about my passion of irrigation and holistic water and energy management. I am a qualified civil engineer with management and consulting experience of over 30 years. I am kept on my toes with a loving wife and two daughters…That is why I am also a keen fisherman.


Welcome @dferber! Good to have you aboard.


Thank you Roxanne, happy to be here!


It appears I’m a bit late to introduce myself seeing as I’ve been posting for the last few months! My name is Nick and I am a cannabis activist, dispensary agent, facility owner, seed breeder, one-time prisoner, writer, and grower. I have a background in cultivation ranging from micro-grows to multi-acre farms and large-scale commercial indoor/greenhouse operations. I grew up in ganja-friendly Tucson in a loving, inclusive, friendly family and attended college in Chicago. My life includes traveling the world and soaking up cannabis culture wherever I go. Cannabis is my life, the plant is my passion…so I turned it into my career! I now work for Growers House have the incredible opportunity to help growers around the world start and fine-tune their cultivation operations! I also run a cultivation facility and operate an extract business.

It is a pleasure and an honor to be here on Growers Network. Having been participant to the evolution of “The Industry” over the course of the last 30 years, I’m so excited that such a forum can even exist. I look forward to networking with the growers, dispensary owners, extractors, and fellow cannasseurs of the world!



Like the saying goes…It’s better late than never!

I have been thoroughly enjoying your posts, thanks for adding to the quality of our forum!


Hey Dylan!

It’s so cool to find you here on Growers Network!

I am a big believer in the power of UV lighting to improve the terpene/essential oil profile of cannabis crops. I have been using UVB for over a decade and the results speak for themselves! Super potent buds!

…so I’m curious about one of your fixtures:

I am currently doing a lighting installation for a large zoo/aquarium. We are interested in using around 20 of your Cirrus Reflex fixtures to increase UVB to promote animal welfare. My client was curious about the UVB penetration at various distances. Can you please tell me the UVB penetration at 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 feet? It would be immensely helpful for everyone on the Network.

So how are your Reflex fixtures an improvement over traditional T8 or T5 lights?

I look forward to your response…



Hi everybody! My name is Joe Tierney. I write a cannabis review blog based in the chaotic donation market of Washington, DC called You might have seen a couple of my reviews from my trips to other legal states here on GrowersNetwork recently! You can call me Joe, GT, the Gentleman, ‘hey jerk-face,’ whatever. It’s an honor just to be nominated :wink:

I’m a lifelong cannabis consumer, but I’ve never grown anything. I’ve done a fair amount of marijuana tourism to the recreational states (except Alaska, will wait til summer haha). A lot of what is available in DC is imported, so a year and a half of constant review-writing here has allowed me to sample a lot of what’s available. What sets my reviews apart is that they’re entertaining to read, which I think is an objective statement after 150k+ unique visitors this year and nearing on 750k pageviews. High five! As far as my review standards, the bar is set on how pleasant the scent profile is and how clean it tastes. Trichomes, potency, structure, manicure are all secondary considerations. We don’t have any testing here so I care a lot more about whether I can safely recommend it then that it meet other connoisseur qualifications. Not that testing is the end all be all, but you get my point.

The market here isn’t really as engaged and knowledgable as, say, every single stoner in Cali on Instagram (I’m just here for the comments, folks), so yes, technically, I have been called an “expert” in the press and sprinkle a little 411 on the reviews, but I know enough to know that there is so much more I have to learn.

So I’m looking forward to learning from the community here! If you want a consumer’s POV on a product, packaging, etc., I’m your huckleberry. Want to get your products reviewed on my site? That’s what I’m here for, baby! Need somebody to write some exciting promo copy for your marketing? Natch! Looking for an intermediary to close that sweet deal with a Nigerian prince? Why the heck not? You gotta pay up front, though.

TL;DR: Hi, I’m sorta famous for smoking weed and ranting about doppelgangers, demons, and dark elves on the internet. Thanks for having me!


@Gentleman_Toker that was an amazing introduction! Welcome to the community, we are looking forward to publishing your reviews on our Growers Spotlight.


Awesome intro and I love your site and vibe haha! If you tell me you’ve read “A Planet Called Treason” we may have to engage in that doppelganger discussion (if you break out the d20’s though we’re going to have to have “the talk.”) :rofl: Anything exciting planned for 2018?


:hugs: thanks, Jordan!

  1. Always up for a good read, I’ll check it out! Most of my doppelganger experience comes firsthand. Secondhand? I can never remember if I’m the clone. :thinking:

  2. d10 WoD, man! Twice the fun, half the sides, haha

  3. Hooboy, definitely! Getting over to Cali to check out their rollout is a priority, but I’m gonna give it a month or two. Expanding into Maryland’s medical market, hit some more events like Champs and so on, and I gotta get start doing video. I’m also considering starting an I-71 compliant grow for the site, but I gotta move back into the city for that. Rent’s expensive, but I’m worried about all the freakin’ rats, man. Not tryin’ to be ground zero for Bubonic 2.0 :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


Enjoy the read if you get around to it, it’s written by Orson Scott Card (same guy that gave us Ender’s Game!)

Will your video work be emphasized around consumer product reviews?


Definitely! I was informed just a little intro video to each of my written reviews would help SEO immensely, I don’t plan to move away from the writing. Just supplement it.


Hey @CIS-Erik!

I’m pretty sure I met you before (I’m the autoflower guy!) :laughing: People get a laugh when I tell them my wife pointed out I had the logo upside down on the first shot lol! Good to see you on here!

Are you guys going to Indo Expo or CannaCon this year?

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Hey man! I was actually just trying to remember your name yesterday, how perfect that you found me hahaha. We are gonna be at Indo Expo at the end of this month, but I don’t think I’m going so it’ll just be Joyce and Sam. Not sure about CannaCon, though. How’s business been lately?


Hi all! My name is April and I am the sales and marketing director for an outstanding air and surface purification manufacturer, Agriair.

Agriair features an eco-friendly option, specifically engineered for commercial producers, to purify hard surfaces and the surrounding air. The technology used, PHI generators, eliminates harmful molds, destroys odors, neutralizes pollen, and sterilizes the air. You are always welcome to give me a shout with any questions or feel welcome to visit our website

I look forward to learning more about the community and helping maintain clean grow environments. Cheers!


Welcome @AgriairApril! That’s pretty awesome. Does it also neutralize odors?


Thanks Hunter!

Agriair’s equipment has many benefits and destroying odors is one. Our purifiers utilize oxidation rather than trapping them in carbon filters. Agriair’s PHI technology offers a safe, chemical and maintenance free method of eliminating odors with extra benefits for the health of your growing environment. On average, Agriair purifiers remove 85% of the strong odors from cannabis and other VOCs + sanitize the grow environment from mold spores, mildew, virus and bacteria.


Hey Folks,

Kelly Thornton here. Saw the invite and decided to join. Hemp is our game but love the ganja! We build houses with hempcrete so send anyone interested our way, we’d appreciate it!
