Hey what’s up guys!! Long time grower, just learned about this platform and you guys all have some good gardens Just introducing myself, I hope y’all enjoy my grows
here’s a lil collage of a month transition of my Pura Lumbra to show you guys and see what ya think.
By the way, made the setup myself (Clearly) she works great though
Welcome to the forum!
Thank you growmie🙏🏽
@jonnhollygrows welcome aboard! Love to see others growing what they love.
Best way to learn things. Heres my 8 site RCDW hydro build.
Looking good! Welcome to the forum!
Thank you bro!!! And I sure do love these ladies!!
Do you think my 5x5 that I have empty be enough space for a seed to harvest grow with your 8 site system?
Bc I have a bunch of cuts that just started spikin
Straight DWC or recirc? Looks great and welcome…
Straight DWC, i do reshoot full change every week, so it’s a chore but she loves it. my next project is a RDWC system with the best of this Dantes inferno pack im hunting that just sprouted (only sprouted 5) @sssportsmfg
thank you bro!! @sssportsmfg
I made one using a 4 inch net cup, an old air pump i had from a past 20 gallon fish tank that i ran a line to and dropped in a air stone, inside a frickin 5 gallon gas can , grew one of the biggest indoor plants i’ve ever grown in that thing. your set up sounds perfect, still using it?? @PreyBird1
Welcome @jonnhollygrows . Great growing skills and thanks for sharing.
Um the 4 site fits in a 4x4 or a 5x5 but the 8 site is spaced to fit in a 10’x10’ tent. I used half of that system. In the 4x4
Welcome to here my friend
grow well
morning and welcome John…DWC is a fun way to grow…
i always have a couple going DWC and - “couple” using good ol soil. love both methods. I love the hands on i get with the soil, and i always have a few soil medium plants in with my dwc set ups. i have an octopot (5 gal) that i use to grid some monsters and i use coco loko as the substrate.
Sounds awesome! Can’t wait to see how your Pura Lumbra evolved—share the pics!