Lets get those debating boots on. Not 420% sure but cannabis has not been classified scientifically and from the hip it was recognized having three sub-species, Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis. This was done in 19th century if I am not mistaken, time for an update I think? I am not to sure where to place cannabis, is it a medical herb, fruit, or vegetable? What is the current status of cannabis sativa? What do you think? Debate open.
From the reading and studying I’ve done on the cannabis plant, I would have to say it belongs in the herb category. Like what @sssportsmfg said, it is similar to the hop plant.
In Canada cannabis has legally been accepted as a vegetable, this was the first step in legalization. Basically they had to prove cannabis had nutritional value as well. After proving it was a viable source of nutrition health Canada had no choice but to re look at the issue!!
I can see their need to do that @hoppiefrog. But thats an easy sell because the cannabis plant has amazing nutritional values. Especially from hemp seed oil.
In Canada cannabis has legally been accepted as a vegetable
That is very interesting, and so right about the nutritional value. One saying is the hemp seed is the most nutritious seed in the world!!
I would have to say it belongs in the herb category
So a herbaceous plant. My debate about that is, the definition of herb:
" Herbaceous plants are those plants that do not have woody stems."
I have seen many interesting characters using the dried stalk for a variety of arts and crafts. And the inside of the stalk is known as a woody cannabis/hemp core. So that blows herbaceous plant out the field.
I have read in the past that it is in the same genus as Hops. And if I had to classify it, I would put it in the herb class.
yes very close indeed. There is a special place I have driven past for decades, Kabeljou River in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. As you go over the river, over the next hill and into the valley, you smell cannabis and strangely it comes from a local indigenous fynbos plant. Not to sure the name.
You cant rule out a fruit either as a does contain seeds and that is the definition of a fruit. I have seen guys, and a couple, become very familiar with eating certain types of raw cannabis flowers.
Tons of herbs have great nutritional value…but it doesn’t make them a vegetable lol. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that a lawyer got in the back door by getting a status changed.
Actually there were many criteria leading to the classification honestly too many to remember it was many yrs ago now ,but Google Chris ennes you may still be able to find the articles, the crown was made to look like a fool ,judges had enough of redirection and decriminalization was looking likely if not addressed properly.
It’s been used as a herbal medicine by indigenous peoples world wide for centuries. Putting politically correct aside for a moment I’m calling it a herb that makes you crave fruits and vegetables and fat and carbs and …
Well you can eat its leaf like a salad so vegetable in that regard where as the flower has medicinal factors leaning that towards a 50/50 split between herb and vegetable since it’s also edible nothing about it really classifies it as a fruit except for how the buds /seeds form not to dissimilarly to corn where as a corn has a husk the flower instead uses the resinous thc
Your absolutely right about juicing. I juice all my fan leaves and biomass from all my plants. It tastes like shit but I chase my shots with lemonade and that takes care of the aftertaste. Ive been juicing my plants since June and I feel great, and haven’t even been sick this year. Still no covid either, even though I work with covid+ patients everyday at work. Plus I stopped wearing N95s back in June too.
My philosophy of why I haven’t gotten covid and most of my coworkers have, is the massive Bong rips I take every morning as soon as I get off work. Thats the only thing I do differently from most of my coworkers.
Who really knows tho???
Smokers In general are less prone, meath heads in particular I guess, cigs help too, cannabis moreso as well. I like eggnog to wash the taste down, I’m a big fan of lemonade I’ll try that