Is it ready to harvest its on week 9 of flower


Not wven close. Lol. All the white pistils will be an orange red pi k look to them when done a jewelers loop or microscope will be best ways to tell by scoping the teicomes for milky to amber with mnimal to no clear trics


I appreciate that I always lose my crops toward at end due to harvesting too early


Yeah keep posting pics. U can tell somewhat by looks of when they r close and ready for inspections. U dont wanna miss the last weeknor 2 of flower thats when it does its final bulk up on the buds and packs on some weight. They look super nice right now just need time still. What kinda effect u want like couch potato kind or just an average nice buzz eith good terps. Couch potato u wanna go woth some amber 10 to 20 percent rest milky. A good str8 forward buzz that lasts i do all milky as much as possible with minimal amber. Amber trics r usually degraded trics and lost flavor and thc counts so i shoot for more of cloudy wothout amber. As the plant hang dry the trics do still mature a fair bit still so take that in account also


Most definitely want a lasting buzz with a good terp profile I’m going for that high class flavor lol


If it was me id stick with cloudy withno amber to little amber. Up to u tho can always pull a single bud and try it out and see what its like if u like it ect. And go from there.


Naw your right I think ima harvest when fully cloudy I don’t like the type smoke that just makes you sleepy


How long you been growing for


when you think it is done wait a week? :slight_smile: take a piece and try when you think it is


a crop or two

be safe and grow well



That’s what’s up I gotta try that


About 4ish years now started at the beginning of covid lockdown here in michigan sometime in 2020 like march or april or so. After the first grow i was addicted and love doing ut. Wish i had more time for them like i did then. I had beautiful plants then but was home yo tend to them alot where now its water and feed and here or there do defols ect. I dont much go down the training roads and just let them grow as they would trying to keep it thinned out enough that they all grow decently and not have a bunch of scrap shit thats loose and airy. Thats the worst to trim lol. If u chop too soon it is also like a buzz slightly but more of like a headache type of buzz and the buzz will leave but the headache tends to stick around a bit longer than the buzz. :laughing:


That’s what’s up and true early harvested bud does give you a crazy headache and buzz is mild but as far the lose airy buds I usually flash freeze them with some of the good trim I have left over and make some bubble hash but I want to improve my drying and curing skills i read that keeping the flower in the dark at 60% humidity and 60 degrees is the best way to keep from losing terps I just have to find an affordable option to keep my grow area at that temp ordered a good amount of those grove bags too


After this crop I want to run this Godzilla Glue back


I just hang dry til they feel crisp outside and still moist in the middle a bit then i take nugs from stems and jar it with meters for about 8 hours atleast 12 is better if moist i dump out and leave for half hour to hour depends on how humid house is inside now i got a 2 prong wood moisture meter and justbprong the buds and itll tell me still too moist or what and ill know yo jar or leave longer.


Towards the end of my grow the leaves are supposed to yellow like that?



Yes, it’s pretty normal. If you’re flushing, they are eating themselves. So they’re just taking all the energy and nutrients out of the leaves to try to survive. I would remove all of the ones that are all the way brown because that’s where disease will start. If you let them go a little bit drier than normal before watering and drop your lighting to 11 hours and maybe turn it down a little bit. This might help the buds finish up a little bit quicker :+1:t3::v:t3:


Bet @happilyretired I’m gonna give that a try.


Snipped a nug to sample good buzz/ flavor needs to mature just a little more