Thought I oughta bare my naked feelings
Thought I oughta tear the curtain down
I held the blade in trembling hands
Prepared to make it; but just then the phone rang
I never had the nerve to make the final cut— PINK FLOYD
Greetings my fellow Growmies, and Growshe’s.
Like another famous Jim once said: Proud To Be a Part of This Number!
I have found my grow home here at GN. Very thankful to have a place to sound off, problem solve, and maybe have a laugh or two. The connections that I have made here are amazing, and I look forward to making more.
If you don’t know by now, I am growing in a MarsHydro 2x2 tent/kit.
I am thankful that I have harvested over 1/2 pound from my first 2 grows.
Grow# 2 I switched to this water only soil. I did not feel comfortable with the water only, so I did add CalMag, then Blooming nutes. I also implemented LST in my second grow, and like the soil; it will be a permanent part of grows from here on out.
This grow I have Northern Lights, Blueberry, and a Bubblegum (not shown).
I am using Air-Pots for the first time, so if any of you have experience with them, please share.
I am excited to have my 3 rd grow started in 6 months. That is impressive as hell to me remembering how long it took to grow the old bag photos that we grew in the hippie commune as kids.
I have said it before; these autos have changed the game. Growers Network and the awesome members help me win the game.
Thank you all!
Stay Growing
You got any good leads on any good auto gens kuz I wasn’t to happ with cppl I tryed but they were a gift from a friend and they weren’t from my area so it jus kinda came out weird and another guy I talk to have been trying to get me to change my style of growing and it involves autos and co2 , root binding , a bunch of stuff that forced stress in weird ways and he jus does a bunch , I on the other hand llike to do a lil bigger pot and take my time to train the best that I can low and high and usually get 10 to 15 king colas per plant and only have to do a few yano , this kid was saying u do like 50 or 75 and jus only grow tiny plants I was like I jus feel like I’d be jus using the plant and not letting it become a masterpeace but who knows
I bought my beans from I49, then found ILGM. I have since found many. Next grow I already promised @automatik that I was going to grow his autos from him.
The guy down the street added CO2 to his last auto grow, and got 13 ounces out of 3 auto plants.
Hi @Jimhigh66, welcome to GN. Awesome to have you here, see your grow. Always helpful community growers helping out. Shout if you have any questions. Happy growing.
Thank you sir I have a tiny BB auto going right now and have done a few Bubblegums.
My BB is the smallest auto I have ever done And the BG were both different. One was small and the other pretty big.
I hear your frustration.
That first grow of mine, I had one of the 3 BB that was a runt…
did not get any taller than 10” but ended up producing about a oz and half.
Brother, I have tried 7 Bubblegums and only got one to pop. Having a hell of a time.
My next grow I promised @automatik that I would try Growing his autos.
I look forward to watching your grow progress.
Since @MrBlue says I do to much talking, and not enough Growing…
Thought I would show the grow.
@ week 5 on Blueberry and NL in upper right, and lower left.
The bubblegum that gave me fits in the upper left is doing well along with the 2nd NL. Both are in air pots that I am trying for the first time…
Stay Growing.
“ I’m going where the water tastes like wine. We can jump in the water, and stay drunk all the time.”
Going up the Country/Canned Heat
OK I’m watching now. Every time There is a comment on this thread I will be notified and I will swing by and check it out.Post your pictures ask your questions do it here so you have your own record of them and they’re not spread all over the place. If you have specific questions for specific people just tag them the way you tagged me and ask your question.
Post pictures I like pictures. If you do it every couple of days you can look back and you’ll be amazed.
I can not thank you enough. Rest assured I will keep it updated.
I tried a FIM for the first time… I will not try again.
For me it should be called FIU. Because I fucked it up.
I have tried something new with the 3 grows. I am also trying the air-pots this go around.
Thank you again for keeping an eye out for me.
Love the AirPots. I have four different sizes.
I grew a orange bud plant last year that got 9 foot tall and almost 7 foot around I planted it in a 12 gallon air pot with no bottom in it. It was a fun experiment and I will do it again.
But that’s outdoor I am currently using them indoor with Rockwool.