Keeping your self busy and looking to the future


So still just 6 of 8. I took seedling cut wrapping off of jiffy pellets and put them into some small paper pots. The five in flower tent are doing great.


If you are a fan of Trump flag the shit out of that if you like I could care less. I work inane of many of the front lines of this pandemic and could have cried when I herd what he had done.


Iā€™m sorry @nick Iā€™m usually one for getting involved in politics especially online but that cut me really deep and really pissed me off.


What he did is really offensive, whatever side of the borders you stand on! Donā€™t forget, thereā€™s loads of great people on either side.


Yes sir I love the USA :us: I have a lot I mean a lot of family in the states some of such are duel citizens and some straight American. I have nothing against any part of the States and have a ton of respect for the huge issue they are dealing with. And a lot of respect for the people of The USA almost every single one except you know who. My love and prayers go out to everyone of you all over this lovely planet we all call home stay safe :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:.


Couldnā€™t agree more! :v:


I didnt vote for the that idiot trump!


What exactly did he do? I mean I know he issused a travel restriction with china on jan 31st and received backlash for it, the WHO even bashed him for it, and said it was just going to cause a panic. You have to understand that he is doing what is best for his country, that is his job. If we are having shortage of them here, how can you expect us to send them elsewhere? Im just saying if you and your family are starving you dont go and give away the little bit of food you do have.
Regardless of who put the order into place, it was still needed, I would expect your country to do the same to protect its citizens.


The thing is, it should be a close collaboration. Even if Canada is getting close to a shortage, we didnā€™t condemn the company that supplies 3M with the necessary materials to make the masks (supplies made in Canada).If Trudeau bans the exportations of necessary supplies because we need them too, what will happen?
If he had taken the threat seriously at first (Trump) instead of laughing it off saying it will disappear with the warm weather, he wouldnā€™t need to act like he does now. He is just trying to save his electorate, he doesnā€™t really care about people, and his image is more important to him than everything else, imo.
I get what youā€™re saying, but it could have been handled betterā€¦

And, @CoyoteCody, if you were my neighbour and we were both starving, I would still share my food with you. I would rather starve a bit longer and help a friend to surviveā€¦ but thatā€™s just me and my opinion.

As usual, we can agree to disagree, and I have nothing against you my friend, only a huge amount of respect!

Thatā€™s how I see thingsā€¦ I may be wrong, but I will help everyone I can, because I am a man of the World and not just one country!


I can understand that, but as I said itā€™s not just you that is starving, itā€™s your whole entire family, and Iā€™m sorry but everyone including myself would starve to make sure the my children ate. I will agree that we can agree to disagree, as I believe he is for the people. The masks are made from polypropylene and there are numerous manufacturers in the usa. I dont understand how there could be shortages of this material as it is synthesized. I think we could be out of this mess this time next year if not sooner, and while I dont agree with everything that trump has done during this pandemic, there are a lot of other countries that need to be in the spotlight for doing even worse things.


For this part, I am totally with you!

Peace and Love friend! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Much love my friend. :v::v:


Well said my friend. And yes we should all just agree to disagree.


I mean no disrespect. And yes there is a lot of other countries doing worse things. But the States are looked at as the super power of the world what kind of msg is he sending out. Not just to the world but his own citizens, hoard hoard hoard every thing you have donā€™t help just hoard. I completely understand helping youā€™re own country first, but when warned by Canada there would be consequences in both countries he reiterated and doubled down on his decision by saying he would punish any companies that ship outside the country. When most would say like our government did and say yes we will make sure we have enough for ourselves first but anything extra or anything else would be shipped to whom ever needed it.


While I can agree with most of that, I will say, yes if there is extra we need to share, but there isnā€™t, there is a major shortage happening, once we get that situated Iā€™m sure we will be passing them out left and right.



I have been taking them out 2 at a time to give them a flush. Have one left to do tonight.


Hey @happyhippy
Looking Good man.
Just 1 question. What is the cola bottle on the right side of foto 2.
Is it a CO2 generator?

Happy Growing :vulcan_salute: