I feel im late to this party lol…
You started this party
I know I know… sad face lol…
Very Interesting…Think I will brew up a batch, I got 50 lbs of rice in the basement I like rice, but when I make a batch and eat it for a few days…I don’t want it for a long time.
I did a screen shot and then pasted it into my word processor…then exported it as a PDF on the recipe. Thought I would put it up here so everyone could easily download it and save it on their phone or computer or tablet.
Lactic Acid formula.pdf (211.1 KB)
Where the heck you guys at? I’m looking at a field of snow and 25 degrees…I see green grass there…
Lol they are prob older pics.
Im sick of snow im still starring at this shit but thanks @sssportsmfg printed that easily for next time
So on the topic of kelp meal alfalfa meal, barley and even alfalfa seeds where do you guys shop for your organic supplements? Around here i went to just about every store and not one has anything so online it is. Also with Fpj what is a common good one like dandellion or what nots for veg and others good for flower.
Other things to do make a worm farm and create ur own worm castings.
Also make cannabis compost utilizing all fan leaves and any unneeded male plants. Also throw in vegie kitchen scraps and keep throwing a handful of bokashi on it.
I use labs too.
dandellion is the one ive heard most…
Bokashi composting is what i am going to get into it as for worm casting any good videos or reads to start with that ive heard about them but i was getting all these damn 3-6month ferts out the way lol ohn being one fpj i need to do but cant with snow not sure what i could use this time of years dandelions are perfect just not time
Ps. I just type away, my punctuality is horrible.
lol i will look into it!
Slymy doesnt take off for typos, dont worry.
My wife usually yells at me to punctuate, when i read what i wrote i thought a 2 year old typed it then realized it was just myself. So ill self deduct points off myself
All mixed with brown sugar and ready for there 7 day ferment.
Ok so updates. Doing my first LAB foliar tonight as ladies are soon entering flower should be a nice treat. Also i went to the oriental market and found a fresh seaweed and fermented for 7 days and collected today. Questions how should i test it and being that it has alot of vitamins would it be considered a seedling and veg fpj rather than a cross-over fpj? Still learning what would make what in these fpjs