Let's try this growing thing! šŸ¤“

No not at all. Seniors just stay in their current schools as if zone changes havenā€™t happened yet. So the Juniors this year will be the seniors next year and it will all start fresh in 24ā€™. I do feel bad for all of the varsity sports teams that have no seniors AND speaking of that ā€¦ hee hee. Imma get choked up but my son is senior cadet in JROTC and heads up color guard. So he presents colors before the anthem at football games. They had their 1st home.game Friday. I couldnā€™t be prouder of him man. He has completely dove into CAP & ROTC, little shit flew a Cessna last weekend I was so jellyā€¦ check out their BLUE field itā€™s been on the news like all week. Supposedly like a million dollar complex donated by a family.

They only lost 18-0 compared to last week away game 52-0 vs. Belle Glade. Thatā€™s where Lamar Jackson quarterback for the Ravens came from, they always have incredible teams. LoL
Now the plant is still alive Oā€¦ I hit it with mold killer every weekend. Iā€™m not losing this plant Iā€™m down to one jug of weed. :laughing:


Sup Doodā€¦
No storm damage, probably not, it hit the west side.
Itā€™s been a while since we had a chat about your work drama, give me a call sometime when youā€™re not busy. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Iā€™ll hit you up in a minute


heck yeah! that might also be a good place to ease on into a contract cadet scholarship in college!

Same here. itā€™s been really overcast and cool here lately. crap. i just remembered i have to buy some more stuff.


First accident of my entire lifeā€¦ there was no avoiding this shit. Woman pulled.out of a school parking lot onto the main drag right in front of me doing 40. She was actually crossing 3 lanes to get to the very furthest lane going opposite direction I was traveling. Not to mention it was a double yellow. So she effā€™d up every which way but right. No one was hurt but my OCD ass LOVED that friggen 75th anniversary edition Jeep man, just waxed it Sunday.

None of my airbags went offā€¦ Everyone of hers popped off.


Put a band aid on her and take her off roading now loco. Lol


Glad youā€™re ok loco


Band aid it isā€¦ little polish and sheā€™s g2g!



Meanwhile, the SBD that she just let go slowly creeps under the nose of the people across the table. The big smiles quickly turn to Putty faceā€¦ :joy::rofl::rofl::v:t3:


Hello ppl of the Internetā€¦ I remember this place!!! LoL


Good to see you! I was wondering if you got hit by those Florida tornadoes the other day.


Negativeā€¦ that was Clearwater. Good looking out Nachoā€¦ lol we got absolutely ZERO hurricanes this year. Small one boiling up now but itā€™s a Caribbean storm and seasons over here shortly. Thereā€™s only been like two Halloween storms ever so my roof stays in for another year. LoL


Wowā€¦ I had to log in itā€™s been so long!! Kinda like Segar or Uncle cracka sayā€¦ I want to get lost in your Runtz & Reefer and drift awayā€¦ heY Hey HEY ā€¦ I use to know a dude in here a bit back some mighty mighty far far back yonder then some a lil bit then. Yup uh huh sure did. I actually dropped some seeds in the drink last weekā€¦ got me a lil some Mauie wowie, miscellaneous been rolling in the seed tray for years seeds & Snipers shit going with Charlotte in the name. Yup! Iā€™mma keep real good track of this grow!! LMAO :rofl::rofl:
Iā€™ll get some pics up later on a lil wee bit after I get to em! And then youā€™ll see this growing thing is so easy. ā€¦ Winky face!! hugs and a big ass moon!


Yeah where ya been man? Missed your crazyness around here lol. Wait im crazy also dangā€¦


Right back at you kid. Figured you was kind of hang it on the down low. Curious teenager and all. Hope you and the family are doing well. Give me a shout when youā€™re on a roof break and let me know whatā€™s going on with the work Drama? :joy: Iā€™d love to hear how old Bob is doing. :joy: :v:t3:


Dudeā€¦ Dave!! You are 100% correct brother man. He is coming around to his se ses a lil wee bit more. And ā€¦ Iā€™ll call ya !!
No Prey itā€™s just Iā€™m a dick ya know. Ainā€™t been growing and kinda said oh I donā€™t care about anyone that use to be really cool to me, itā€™s a pain to log in and say hello so ef em. I mean thatā€™s all it really was right. Out of sight out of mind and all. LOL no ya life and all. Back to work today ā€¦ I had a week off for the 49th bday this week. Started actually painting my house, well I got her all pressure cleaned, shutters down, caulked, prepped & just yesterday started actually painting the back of her. But I popped some seeds so Iā€™ll be around for some life advice here. Thatā€™s the plan!! Winky face!!


So we can expect to see that room with the white floor soon? Filled with plants? :fire: :evergreen_tree::dash:

:rofl: :joy:

personally, i have no excuse for my tardiness.


I didnā€™t say grow room !!! LoL Iā€™m getting a sit on the roof, entire cul de sac can see kinda grow vibe! LoL dead of winter see what happens. I know Garyā€™s is all autos so I got that going for meā€¦ LMAO
YES OF COURSEā€¦ This is my way of motivating me to get the room cleaned up, AC swapped out and ready. Thens I come in here, flap my gums - SOā€™s NOW I gotta step up to the plate now. Sure enuff, yup, no doubt gotta make that little plant grow.


Gotta do something my friend,:joy::rofl: I took a break and damn I missed it !! Fired back up and putting em down. Iā€™ll tag ya on my journal , been a while since we chatted. Seems like couple years, back when I was on ilgm :+1::+1::v: I got some motivational pics :joy::rofl: