Let's try this growing thing! 🤓

Lights on. Time to take some snips and clean them up a bit!!


Okay… I kept forgetting pics so. About a week old with one lil special ed guy… err girl!! I had 6 going but only strong survive and all.

All I gotta do now is … re -roof the shed, 2 sheets underlayment ,install new insulation, new AC, replace about 4 sheets of T111 on her side, remove the one shitty work bench, build another wall and duct it, then after that one day of work I can rehang the light, rerun the ballast wiring and voila… that’s it!! LMAO


oh yeah! thats all! hahahahaha


One in the daytime of the lil shits.

May the force be with you little flowers cuz you’re not going to get a lot of help from me…
By the way all you northerners it’s 85 here and steamy is s***


How about them B’s baby… I was expecting a rebuilding year after the humongous hole left with both the retirements. Here’s the kid and me at the Panthers game 2 weeks ago… boom

And keeping the proud father theme going… T-Bone is lead cadet or sergeant what have you at ROTC head of color guard. He presented colors at a veterans Day event last month.


Weymouth`s own, Charlie Coyle has stepped it up in the early going!!


Wife said I could never deny that boy @LoCoRocK says he looks just like u. Lol.


he’s owning that look!


i know your heart has to be busting out of your chest with pride over this young man! adorable!


How you like those high hemp wraps? Health wise think they are safe ?


Health wise you are asking the wrong person… LoL … I still eat red m&m’s & take more then 4 tums in a 24 hr period. I’m a str8 rebel when it comes to being healthy. LMAO
They do the job is all I can factually state and they come in just about every Weedbox . Com package I order. GREAT X-mas ideas for any of y’all by the way. I tell ya what I absolutely love tho is the King Palm wraps. They are great and the big box comes with a wooden push rod that will become your weed multi tool quickly.


Oly Oly O… The kid has cost me a small fortune with all these different uniforms man. He has his abu’s , class B, PT and fatigues that are all different between CAP and JROTC dude. I’m sure I’m missing one or 3 of them and I’m not complaining down with them lingo so pardon my civilian ignorance. Not to mention they all get dry cleaned and brought to the seamstress every frig’n month it seems for alterations.


Well, being a boy, he’s probably gonna have a growth spurt between now and 18. You’ll probably be buying them all over again a couple of times. It’ll be worth every penny in the end. :+1:t3:


If you didn’t live in Florida, I’d say hey let’s go to the Bahamas. It’s gonna be cheap rates for a while since everybody’s getting eaten by sharks. :joy::joy:


I honestly want a #13 jersey Doyle but he’s gonna be a high commodity for the trade table here soon. Charlie has so much game and he deserves the Marchand lineup. he’s been out w Fredric lately and doesn’t seem as effective in my opinion. But holy moly he has bouts of genius, very high hockey IQ.
I have to talk about because it was absolutely beautiful but last game that Pasta no look pass to Shatterkirk or whatever. I call him Snickerdoodle cuz I can’t get his name right. LoL but oh geez Oh golly that pass was something. No look across the seam practically dot to dot - bread basket! I’ve purposely taken notice lately that Pasta is so misleading because so much of his scoring and passes are no look. Did not realize that honestly.


They offer shark dives left and right in the Hamas and then a friggin Bostonian Masshole gets it paddle boarding… go figure?? She must have tasted sweet cuz sharks hardly ever finish the deed after that first bite. Poor family man, just married the day before… that is gut wrenching huh. Finally find a woman you want to spend the rest of your life with and you get two days married to her.


I didn’t hear the part about her just getting married. I heard the part were her arm, and from her hip down on one side was gone when they pulled her out of the water. Very unusual for a shark attack. Keep doing them shark dives, and people are going to be prey eventually! Having had a near drowning experience in my younger years, I love boats, but you don’t see me getting out of one getting in the water very often. And you’ll never see me more than ankle deep in the ocean…
Another note, did you gain a couple of pounds? Or is it just the camera? :wink:


It finally caught up to me … the quitting smoking got me about 10 pounds. Lol I still can fluctuate 2 - 3 pounds a day practically no joke as I am so hyper with my 10-12,000 steps a day & that’s without a jog in. I’m a solid 185 now… almost there! Another 10 and I’ll be happy. You’re refered to as a “Clydesdale” in the running world if your over 200 so I gotta try and stay just short of that! LoL but yeah July 15th was my last cig and it’s a done deal. No desires or urges for even a drag of one of them gross tasting cancer sticks - 20 years man and it was VERY surprisingly easy for me this go. I have a Blu E-cig I bought a while ago that I’ll just hold in my hand sometimes if I get fidgety as that’s the trigger I guess.


YAY!!! congrats!!! i only had 5 yesterday,


oh, those were the days… hahahahaha!