Let's try this growing thing! šŸ¤“

Out getting some sunā€¦ my two bushes and the only one that went vertical. LoL

Once or twice a year you get plants that just wonā€™t grow vertical. They just bush out w/o pruning, pinching, fim or anything. Just keep growing bushy with all the branches tight to the trunk?? I dunno. These 2 are going to flower anywho - the ol is what it be scenerio-io!


Well I got 2 words for 2024ā€¦ FUCK YOU!!
My truck gets in an accident September - I get it back January & I just dropped a rod. LOL. watcha gonna do.

Thatā€™s what a hole ina block looks like ppl. Then my wifeā€™s car got totalled February 20th stopped at a red light from a 17 yr old unlicensed kid. So thatā€™s 1,2,3ā€¦ Strike your out! OH & my truck only had 69,000 miles. I have to now take it to a mechanic that can verify it was because of the wreck wish me luck LOL


That sucks big time! Hopefully you can swap out the engine quickly.


Damn ur lucky is sounding like mine brotha. I got them bad luck jeans also. Lol. So is it anything the place did work on that would cause that issue to happen. Iā€™d be taking it back and bitching up a storm.


I just got back from mechanic guy I knowā€¦ he says if it wasnā€™t leaking oil or overheating no signs of anything he canā€™t blame it on the accident. I take care of that jeep like it was a newborn. Was not low on oil as I changed it 2,000 miles ago, not low on coolant - absolutely no signs WHAT SO EVER!! She just let loose turning from a dead stop at a red light.
Iā€™m sure itā€™s a coincidence but Preybirdā€¦ Donā€™t that look like a lifter on the bottom of the circle hanging out of the blockā€¦LoL LOOKS I says. I know it canā€™t be . Well canā€™t imagine anywho. I know Prey does a little mechanicā€™n so any suggestions on picking up the used motorā€¦ or new?? LoL.
She still runs too so itā€™s not a piston. Gonna need a new bottom regardless so Iā€™m looking for some Pentastar 3.6L nowā€¦ if anyone has a better site or knows a junkyard hit me up


Are those holes in the oil pan? Kind of hard to tell. Holes in the side of the Engine or bottom wherever generally are directly related to a rod spinning around without a piston attached.


Yesā€¦ Those holes shown are the oil pan but thereā€™s like 4 other holes on the side of the block and pan. Its about ready to come out I just have to make up my mind ordering a motor. All these used ones are $4K with atleast 50k miles. I do have a brand new front end which if I pieced out would be two or three grand in parts not to mention the rest of it - steering wheel with airbags is $500, doors and window motors, etc. you get the idea. Regardless Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m changing the motor out. My buddy has a barn with a lift, he works on swamp buggyā€™s and monster trucks so he will be my godsend. Iā€™m having it towed over there next weekend. He needs some time to finish with an Allison tranny heā€™s working on. But yah busy weekend this weekend I started disassembling my s*** and then we bought my wife a new 23 Nissan rogue SV.


Damn Loco. Im glad your ok though. You never know.


Pics of weedā€¦ yup


Plants are looking beautiful @LoCoRocK . Sorry to hear about your car issues, in the same boat and on my way to get quotes tomorrow. Wishing us both luck, and good to know friends in the business.


Damn dude, that looks pretty good for not caring about it! The kid hasnā€™t figured it out yet?

Thatā€™s a nice looking plant you got there.:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Man Iā€™m so sorry for your grief Chrisā€¦ Iā€™m sure youā€™re weed intake has upd little bit these last few days much like mine has. LoL

Did you read the temperature gaugeā€¦LoL freaking boiling in that room most of the day. Thereā€™s two in there theyā€™re both getting chopped the end of this month plus I got that one outside too but Iā€™ve already chopped rot off at twice itā€™s more like a novelty right now.

The Jeep is a push start - no key in the ignition to do accessory position to shift it into neutral so when the battery is dead or disconnected thereā€™s no shifting


Ah 2024 is just been a bastard year. Cars have been the least of my worries:

  1. Unknown dog mauled my hand, 2 hours later my rescue was struck by a puff adder, on top of it on a saturday night, and at the vet till tuesday. But he is fine.

  2. Gearbox went in my main vehicle.

  3. Lighting hit my network, it was a big loss.

  4. Loadshedding hit my laptop. It has not worked for over a month. Borrowing my IT geeks desktop still.

  5. Our local power utility sent me a bill of 10 times the usual figure and you cannot negotiate with them, they dont reply, dont care, just send you payment terms. This is besides the fact i use less power than ever before.

  6. I will leave it at thatā€¦ the year is still young and not going to say its going to get any worse.

Cheers to a better year for all. Happy harvesting.


Well I get it boss!!! Iā€™ve said that same thing - 2024 can kiss it. I canā€™t believe your dog survived a puff adder, holy gosh wiz. Thatā€™s a top 10 deadly isnā€™t it. You Africans rate up with the Aussies in the mother nature likes to kill you department. The electric bill hopefully will have a a glimmer of hoping they catch their mistake and it not be on your end. I donā€™t think I can equal that shitluck but a tranny aka gearbox is prolly same cost as an engine just about especially paying someone else to do it. I seriously doubt you DONā€™T have a 4x4 down in Southland which sux.
But yeah man.

  1. Wifeā€™s car totalled (wifeā€™s PAID OFF car) February
  2. My Jeep engine blew Friday
  3. My dryer shit the bed Saturday. Hoping itā€™s just the computer board with this fancy LED screen.
    Yupā€¦ EF U 2024ā€¦ come at me bro,ā€¦ put up your dukes 2024ā€™ Iā€™m ready to take a beating from you. LoL

Yep Iā€™d say thats marijuana. Looks good loco. I need to get in and take cuts so I can flip the room and get some shit going again.



BRO ā€¦ thatā€™s my line!! Yup ā€¦ looks like Marijuana! LoL your my boy Bluā€¦
So a week or 2 early on the one but I lost ATLEAST half to rotā€¦ nice 2 cup to 2 gallon h2O2 bath and looking good. Wellā€¦ LMAO maybe ā€œgoodā€ is the wrong adjective.


Awesome. Looks good hanging upside down. Lol.


MEHHā€¦ I actually rigged it after couple days right side upā€¦ It still ainā€™t dry. But I had to start breaking it down , Iā€™m be out of town for 4 days. Grrrrr. always happens. My one jar is 99% ā€¦ I have to leave it cracked plus I threw some.old shit ā€¦ OLD dry shit in - suck up some moisture is the plan. Who ya gonna call - dank bustersā€¦


Ive done that also. Have some dry more than others and toss it in one jar to equal thempisture between all the buds. Lol. I did get some gdp sauce and resin from the rec shop to give me a different taste from the 2 ive been smoking abd im pretty impressed with this gdp shit. Has a nice taste to it and 2 hits of it makes my eyes water up good. Lol. Hits me just right. Im still on the prowl for some cheesequake tho need to find some seeds of this as it was the best ive ever burned. Taste smell and all were all one of the same. The buzz was killer good and just the aftertaste from smoking it was excellent. If u find some grab some im sure u will love it. And if u find seeds let me know. I believe they were found but in another country and my lick id get confiscated and lose out on my cash so i javnt tried to order amy.