Magi's Grow and chatroom

What you mean bro ?;p it was bad fans ?:stuck_out_tongue: sorry for english haha and translate Dont change good :stuck_out_tongue: But this one is good ? @Mark0427

And hello all friends hope all are good with all and happy friday :heart::heart::muscle::pray::fire::goat:


No they r great fans. On marketplace thru FB here in Michigan I see a lot of brand new equipment for really cheap now. Lots round here get shit to start a business and never get a license so they have to rip it all down and get rid of it. Lol. Some think it’s super easy to do get a lot fill a basement with a whole setup try and fail and sell everything. It’s crazy this way I’ve looked in Cali for a friend thru marketplace that way and it’s total different stuff.


Have someone try hes book ? And if u have try is it good book ? :open_book:


Not sure on that book but I know tons get the Ed Rosenthal books and usually his books I believe come with seeds if I’m not mistaken. Unless that was just a one book type thing I know several got ed books with seeds inside. Lol


Get this Home to :muscle: i know someone Will say bad tings about it and i know to What happen But allredy order and i like hes genetic to im here for make money and learn more about cannabis and have fun with my internet friends :pray::heart::pray: so Dont need to be mad becuse of this pic im still neutral :pray::heart::muscle::boom:


Thats is untrue. They were only offered 1x with his one book. There may be other offers now. Ed rosenthal is my weed idol. I have all his books and have read them all. And i have his strain King kong and i remade it.


I know there was atleast one book that had them as someone on ilgm got one and showed it then multiple followed. Lol. I never really read the books and have no clue about his strain or strains. I just know from reading he knows cannabis front to back top to bottom. Lol



You should actually read about “ed” he is one of the first cannabis actavists that went to prison over it. A lot of the money he collects from book sales actuall go to jelp release prisons of Weed crimes. This guy is a saint! And one of his best friend is cheech marin.


Thanks gonna read that :heart::pray::fire:



Nice. Now I need some of them. Copy cat is good stuff too. I’d like to grow some bleach but I just can’t get myself to purchase anything from him.


You got enough seeds to last you quite some time. Now you need to get the rest of it put together.:+1:t3::+1:t3::v:t3:


Yeah he could grow for 10 years off 1 pack lol.


Why you Cant pursche bro ? And What for Price u get from them ? I get verry good Price from them .


I e never got bleafs stuff and copy at goes for like around 75ish on up I believe. That’s us dollars lol. Bleafs looks like he has bomb ass genetics but I can’t get past the video I seen and listening to him. Idk I just don’t want to contribute and make him feel like he isn’t doing wrong. If everyone stops with him maybe he will put 2 and 2 together and straighten out. First video I seen but heard of atleast 2 other times him doing this stuff. I guess cannot take it out on the plant tho but it’s putting a dollar in his pocket that gets me. Lol


Oh okey i understand, i get all copycat for 40-50 dollar


Nice. If I try and purchase it has to be from someone not a seed bank or my wife would divorce me. Lol. Only allowed if she wants the damn strain I guess. Every strain I see of bleafs looks fire tho and lots rave he has awesome stuff but no one wants to grow it because of what he did. Hell I’ll grow it I would buy it but if I know the dollar is going into his pocket I won’t. If someone has them to sell I will get them that way but not to put a dollar in his pocket. Hell I’ve seen videos with guys burning the packs of his seeds so no one grows it. It’s sick. Lol. I hope u find a killer pheno on one or more of them strains u have. When u get started invest into atleast a 25 site clone king cloner. When the pla ta hit the part where u can snip clones take cuts and root them and grow them. They will do u a better bud and everything o really will be better with the clones. Seed plants grow great but the clones tend to do way better. And if u want nice bushy clones take the tops of the mains as clones if u take random bottoms and stuff they won’t grow as bushy as the tops do.


This Guy Selling out belaf seed for cheep becuse of What he did , and he Dont wanna grow them .

And if you wanna buy copycat you can talk to one Guy mark verry god and your wife Will not se its a Seedbank:p


Do someone know if this seed breders is good ? I saw like barneyfarmer is that good ?

Hope all are good my friends :heart::pray: