Making hash? A little advise? Using bubble hash bags

So i had a ton of trim left over after i got all the keefe off.
My questions is how many screens do i need to use?
I have a bubble hash bag set and i used 4 screens. But i noticed there was still a little hash in the 1st bag with the plant matter. I still think i could get more out of the pulp? Any tips that help get the most out of it?
Here is what i used and my hash i got out of the bags.

I found it easier to gather the hash using a big spray bottle and you can spray underneath the bag bottom and the soupy green goodness goes to the center pretty easy.


I use 160u minimum for my material grab… then 120, 90, 73,45 and 25… I find no material in my 120 and my 160 has hash but it is not full melt and more old school commercial when you collect it… good for a pipe or a joint… but not for full melting on a dab rig…



looks good… whats the bottom… 120u

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I just ran 300 g flower and got less than 7 g full melt does that sound right?

I could have made over a oz of shattar

I find full melt better then shatter IMO… I can get 15-20g full melt bubble…on live frozen…

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The last one was number 25. Thats the super green stuff! Its incredible!


Shoulda gone to Mila mon…iceolator got many more fine screens to catch that gold…


Hey i dont even know what that is? This is the 1st time i ever did this. I used a paint stirrer thats new. A 5 gallon bucket and as much ice as i had and i whipped it for like 10 minutes. I went through 2 batteries. I filtered the juice like 3x through the screens.


Yea, no problem. Mila (Iceolator) invented the extraction method her screens have about 7 screens…the end product tends to be more refined compared to bubble bags.

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well that is awesome for a first… and lessons I have learned… never work in your bags… ice is only to keep everything cold and does not aid in extraction… too much causes excess of plant material to come through… and green is usually plant material… but smoking a bowl you won’t notice… if you to dab it you might find it chars the hell out of your banger… but again for first try… very nice…


Here’s what I learned…best to use frozen leaf and minimal ice, ice is just to keep the temperature in check, make sure and use Very cold water…each screen has another quality of product, the first three screens usually have that green material you got, similar to skuff. The next screens will have the good fine crystal heads and that was always my favorite…and then comes the pressing methods to release the oils and cure the hash!!


Here’s some old school hash.


nice “press” job . just starting to work with “kief” (dry ice method) have watched many of “Frenchy’s” videos (MR. Hash) learning to press by hand


Never watched one.

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we have 150g of kief we are going to press…lol… and pounds of bud to wash and freeze dry and press…lol…


I love the old school hash…make it when ever I can… more of a rosin person now though…

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You have to watch frenchies hash videos amazing knowledge.

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