New here to Michigan and want to meet local growers like myself to network and grow
Welcome to MI ! I’m so happy they allow us to grow here.
@thomasricky26 where about in Michigan?
Welcome the Great Lake State!
What are you looking for?
I am a grower here in Michigan.
@thomasricky26 glad to see another grower here… Good people like @anon11583201 now their shit…got any pics of your current grow?
@scotty17 getting a new device tomorrow. This one will not upload pics! Send some soon! I will tag you.
Growing in Michigan as well, just retired on disability with chronic pain being one of my health problems. Marijuana has changed my life for nothing bit the better. Started growing with my son in April. Here are some pics. Wedding cake we just harvested and some Donkey Butter about a week out.
I’m highly considering moving to Michigan what is the plant count for a care giver? Is it still 72 plants?
@gnarlouse I believe it is 12 per patient. Depending on your license and the#of patients you have.
Thanks Babette! Are you in mich.? How easy is it to get patients?
From what I read in the past yeah it is 12 and up to 5 patients =72 right? Or do you not get your personal 12 when your a caregiver=60 plants?
Michigan is very gray on Marijuana laws, you can grow 12 recreational, 12 medical and 12 per patient. Up to 6 patients. I believe it is only 1 or the other for your personal 12. You can carry 2 and a half oz at a time of dry bud and 8 grams concentrate. You can have up to an oz of concentrate and or 10 oz dry bud at home locking up anything over 2 and a half oz. If caught violating these rules you pay a 100 dollar civil infraction fine for minor infractions. Thats about the extent I know. I dont stress to much about it because I am not drawing attention to myself making frickin narcos money.
Neighbor had a 100 plants and they just asked him to cut down the extras. You have to try to get arrested for anything Marijuana related in Michigan at this point. If others have different views or experiences in Our beloved state let me know.
@gnarlouse yes, I’m in Michigan.
Well, anybody can grow in Michigan now. Sooo,unless you know of someway.
I’ve gotten referred to by just words from peeps I have helped.
I’m in Kalamazoo but I’ve been going all over during the weekend trying to meet new people and find good stuff. If your willing to talk prices and they’re reasonable I could come to you.
Not impressed with a show me your bud and how much question…I have a Maple key for $200… picture if asked for…
How much for an lb?
You sound shady as F bro! We grow on this site, not try and sell product to some person that just joined. You smell like a @thomasricky26. Hopefully everyone is smart enough not to try and set anything up with you! There’s been lots of on this site trying to entrap us lately.
Haha if that bacon was any more raw it would be pulling people over for speeding oink oink