Microscopic Video of URB Vs. Voodoo Juice, Piranah, Bud Candy, Tarantula


The inventors of our microbial began cultivating microbes in the early nineties. After three years of research and development for soil products, Dr. C.A. Reddy, an internationally known microbiologist and professor emeritus at Michigan State University was recruited to expand the technology for soil health. Dr. Lalithakumari Janarthanam, distinguished microbiologist specializing in plant pathology, joined Dr. Reddy as the lead scientist for this aggressive undertaking. URB’s technologies were born from the dedicated efforts of Dr. Lalithakumari and Dr. Reddy. Through the committed efforts of Dr. Lalithakumari and her team, we continue to develop new products like URB, and ensure that the highest standards for quality control are maintained at all times.They are pretty busy guys and gals but I can put you in touch with another one of our microbiologists Dr. Chris Flood.

I will attempt to provide info which I am sure will be at a very gradeschool type answer to someone like you :slight_smile:

Here is the initial paper titled wwcca-leadpapers.pdf (3.7 MB)
“Polymicrobial Formulations for Enhanced Productivity of a Broad
Spectrum of Crops” this was included with the lead papers on the 4th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. 522 Pages of solutions to fix our planet. Its on page 94

From my experience the cannabis plant likes a pH range of 5.5-6.5. Our microbes work under aerobic, non aerobic, acidic and alkaline conditions and are therefore effective and useful for multiple crops under multiple conditions. Our high quality and high concentration of 12% liquid humate helps balance that pH by neutralizing acids and provides the organic matter needed for the microbes, replenishing nutrients in soil with decomposition.

We will be involved in more Cannabis specific studies in the future, one mention I had was a potential scientific study being done during a Lumagrow study in the near future. This was just a mention and is in no way official, it is highly dependent on our success in current trials.

Our shelf life is 5 years that is one of the innovative parts of our product is that it can retain viability at ambient temperatures. Obviously we do not want our product sitting on the shelves for that long. Our ag formula has over 30+ strains of microbes (Bacillus ,Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Rhizobium, Azorhizobium, Trichoderma) With consideration to the microbial safety article you just commented on and the needs of the Cannabis plant, We have reduced it to the formulation found in this post Microbial Content Our microbes are spore forming, and even the live culture product mentioned above does not require sugar to feed the microbes in the formula the carbon source in the humate is adequate.

The product can be reduced to a granular. With our long shelf life it is not a need. Shipping weight is a good consideration but we like the liquid because it is less likely to plug screens or damage pumps in the complicated feeding systems found in this industry.

I used to have all the scientific studies and papers but in a paranoid frenzy :cop::japanese_goblin::spy: a few years back my email account was destroyed and housed all the traffic which contained that info. I like what you said about including all the data on the website and will request it again, maybe post some in here. Hard science would be good. I think that it gives us a competitive edge for advanced growers who understand what is, and has been going on in the industry. For most, it seems that some good “cool” pictures and labels along with statements like “bigger, tastier, buds” “root booster” “optimum harvest” “faster growth” generate great sales of water and egg shells. Really it is just going to come down to the word spreading among growers, results in the community, and a combination of both hard science and selling out a little bit on dumbed down “catchy” statements to appeal to all. It’s sad that is the case, I wish there was more regulation on the nutrient industry, it reminds me of the supplement industry for humans.

Anyways Ethan thanks for reaching out, If you want I can put you in touch with Chris. Really I was just asking for a good microscopic comparison…like what equipment…tests to run against the competitors. I think our team can figure it out. Mostly it was a shout out to you and all your intelligent posts and a thank you for being such a wealth of good info for everyone on here.

cody :v: