Mite problems

I have a buddy of mine who can’t seem to rid himself of mites, every time he starts a grow they find there way back, he’s growing in a tent indoors the damn things just always find there way back, any solutions, prevention? Anything? Anything strain specific?


Just curious, coco grow? I ask cause I’ve run into this as well, but only when I went to cheaper coco. Now they seem to be in every grow since. I found a regular treatment of Safers insecticidal soap will knock em out for the current grow. Next grow they are back. I think its the coco I bought. Safers works!!!


@vxjayxv a difficult one. They thrive in hot and dry environments, everything needs to be washed down with 50% water and 50% bleach solution. Everything, under pots, fans, ballasts, hoods, walls… One also has to look at oneself if the problem is so bad, under shoes, clothing… @bow4buck has a good point above too.


I havnt seen any using coco, he’s tried every soil mix, I buy coco bricks and perlite and mix my own


@chrisj @bow4buck awesome thanks I’ll pass the info on, will help me down the road if I encounter the issue

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I was just curious. I switched brands of coco. Never had bugs at all until then. As @chrisj mentioned above, I cleaned and bleached everything and I mean everything! The safers took 2-3 treatments and they were done. Next grow had them again. Only common denominator was my coco, so was just curious. But the safers soap does work.


My first grow inside I had the same problem and tried a number of sprays, none worked. The only one that worked was boiling garlic & peppers in water then diluting with water. I then added some cocowet for a soapy feel but now i use african black soap and this always does the trick. A good thing to do after is find a good company that sells beneficial mites specifically for spider mite mitigation. Only works if grown completely organic no salt based products.


Guys and Gals, I keep hearing of the terrible ordeals you are suffering with mite infestations and it breaks my heart! So for that reason, and that reason only, I am offering this easy solution for mite/thrip issues !
@Slym3r had some invasive mite issues awhile back and used this material ONE TIME. Hopefully he will chime in with his experience and of course you can read the product reviews. The miticide is ABAMECTIN and was originally isolated from a botanical Fungus. It is fairly expensive and this example was the most cost effective I could find…you may also be able to find abamectin formulations at your local garden shop.
It is a systemic material and has a preharvest interval of 7 Days on beans, peppers, cucurbits (means it breaks down fairly quickly) Your dilution factor will vary with the product you buy.
With the sample product here I ran it and it was best at about 5ml/Gal of distilled or R/O water. There was some question about the product “spoiling” . I have extensive experience using it in almonds over the years and found if left in the original bottle, it lasts indefinitely…just keep it away from temperature extremes and shake the hell out of it before pouring!! I think you want to discard any excess diluted product.
So there it is…take it or leave it …but damn it will eleviate your anxiety!!!


If there coming back they never left. You have to be strict and clean the tent and everything in it. This is why i do not reuses anything like pots. And i hand scrub everything with lysol cleaner and bleach. 1st i clean the entire room. And then the outside of the tent. All the cords lights, hangers everything! Then i spray the entire room down with loast coast plant therapy. Also mites become immune to chemicals and pesticides. I take any infected plants outside and burn them. Mites are big big trouble. Any pics of the mites to identify them? I like coco wet and einstiens leafshine. It works well.


Ok I’m trying to get him in here, he joined the other day but has been stuck with work and hasn’t been able to do more than peek on the forum, he’s gonna try and get pics up soon… @ericg put work on pause bro


I will have pics soon. Much appreciated guys. :pray:


Link Sharing I hope y’all can see this link. Let me know and thanks a million


@PreyBird1 he added a link of a video, I hope it can help


Damn those are not mites.

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That looks like aphids. Hard to tell man. Have you guys tried lady bugs the eat all tje bastards and then treat them. See of you can kill a few without smashing them so we can get good shot of wtf were dealing with.

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Get some of these sticky traps and lay them on the soil and see if you can catch the adults so they cant lay eggs. Where is the media/soil coming from? There could be dormant eggs in it?

I like this flatline bug repellent


Whoa that vid tripped me out. I wanna watch that on some shrooms. Lol.

Those are very large mites… I think they are aphids.

Not my vid, just something to compare to.

There is a ipm portion in this lesson plan.


I will say this, one spray and two days later, I had no mites. And none since. I am even putting plants outside and bringing back in and no bugs since.

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If there are root aphids which is my best guess. Really hard to tell with that video tho. Using the yellow sticky strips will help keep the adults form laying but as well the yellow sticky strips are used best all the time in every grow placing some low and near the soil and some up higher in the vegetation. These traps will allow you and us to help decide what kind of infestation you really have.

With root aphids being my worry, the best thing I’ve found in all me research is botanigard!

This product is best against root aphids specifically. If using of foliage aphids you are supposed to use a insect growth regulator the only one used in cannabis is the active ingredient Azadirachtin.

Foliar aphids shed their outer layer skin in each growing phase thus most spays do not fully kill the aphids because they just shed the skin and see unaffected by the pesticides. But if you use an insect growth regulator it stunts their growth and allows them to absorbed and be killed by the pesticides.

If they are mainly on the soil like in the video the thing that I would recommend the most is diatomaceous earth. Every grower should always have diatomaceous earth on hand just for these instances!

Good luck growing bros!


I’ve looked into that aza before. It was in the line up of sales with the stuff @TheMadFlascher recommended.

I’d imagine it’s good stuff. Glad to hear of your results with it .