Molasses use during flush

Other than alfalfa meal an ew castings and glomus i dont add much b4 planting and after a week need to fertilize. But if living soil honestly idk. Im just reading up still

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I use grandmas unsulphured. I only use it in two week flush/starvation period.
Remember the plant converts the sun into sugars that are then converted into all the needed biological needs for the plant. So this is why we use only this. It does help flavor and taste.
Just don’t over use it. You don’t need much per gallon. Maybe a quarter size will do.


Molasses is a sugar source . It only works a few ways. Sugar is a carbohydrate . Essential a food source for the plants . This food source keeps the natural digesting of the soil moving . Molasses is a fast chain sugar. But listed below are some of the benefits of sugars whether it be molasses or sucrose or dextrose.

  1. Carbohydrates source for soil benefiting natural digestion because the natural bacteria chew down creating digestion
  2. Added sugars increase taste and resin natural

Why I like the simple coconut sugars… it is just me and do not use my belief here in scaring you off of molasses… I just just do not use it…


Sometimes I do sometimes I don’t. Its not necessary IMHO. Just a extra

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why silica during flush :scream:


For drought resistance

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One could recommend this prior to the last weeks before harvest to help the plant use up the rest of its nutrition through the added sugars. The kind that is good is organic blackstrap and this also helps to ph the water and remove toxins such as chlorine from the water…it’s kinda one stop shop. Some also like to use when flowering is induced to help the plant kick start.


Perfect topic as I need to start looking nutrients. Thanks for all your opinions, I am sold on justgrowin and will be using molasses during the flowering phase.


Silica also helps with shelf life and strengthen the fibers that hold the plant up. And disease resistance and many more just cany remember i just woke up a cpl mins ago .


Try hi brix molasses (if u can find some ) it is made for horticultural use u will have less issues if used in abundance and it has better amino acids for the plants use. Earth juice sells it exclusively i believe… Mother earth has the next best thing (heavy brix grade) after that black strap is the best ,i challenge all black strap users to research hi brix and save the tasty molasses for their toast;) its 5x the price but works sooooo well;)


I use it from transition to harvest minus last watering;)

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Well today will be my first feeding with molasses… thanks guys for all your help. Let’s see how it goes … these pics are from last night

I just realized I am missing one I will take the pics of that one when lights come on… I know that are the best looking and I see my burnt tips lol…


You got this bro…keep it simple and see what you want to add/remove next time! You will be surprised how little the plants need when you have things in order from the start!


Thanks man … this seems to be the most nerve wracking part of the whole grow … I was hoping for bigger buds at this point but (as we all do) but i smile because the flowers i do have look good and are nicely frosted
Here is the plant I was missing


They look Very nice, don’t worry about the size…just worry about the plant and it’s health and wellness. Less is more and give them more time they may blow up at the very end with a good starvation after molasses. Next time look into some canna bioboost…It’s a good easy one!
Do you know what strain they are?


They are bag seeds and from what I can tell I have at least 2 strains maybe 3 I have dubbed them ‘IDK KUSH’ lol… I am thinking I have 2 to 3 weeks … now when you mean starvation period… you mean nothing but ph’d water…

Oh and thanks


Yes, just water a little less than usual and just have it ph 6-6.5 if you used non organic nutrients…I would use cold water almost iced…for a nice shock!


Not bad for a bagseed!!


Thanks… this is mainly to prove a point I believe if you give weed what they need they will give good buds… seeds dont mean it’s bad bud just means they aren’t virgins lol