Is there anything in my kitchen (lol) that I can use as a pk booster…
Seaweed and aloe. You can also bake banana peels and crush them up as a soil amendment.
i might try the seaweed and aloe … i dont want to put anything into the cocco
do i find liquid seaweed or buy seaweed and turn it to a liquid
Lol, bag seeds are Usually the best if the weed was good…means you most likely got a self pollinated seed that will always be a female…so the plant basically goes into survival mode and gets itself Preggo…
Listen man, they are way past the point of PK need to me. Just let them go off molasses for a week then starve with cold water for two…
You will be happy …
ok will do that seems like solid advise (like all the advise i get on here)… i dont think these were self pollinated because i got 3 males that is why i have the 2 small ones plus i wanted to see what happened if i put a young plant into flower. Surprising to me at least other than the plant being smaller i see no difference lol. so i will finish this week with the molasses then get that cold water flowing which will be easy being i an in NY and it tis winter lol
That’s even better, males are gold nowadays if you want to keep the strain and breed it. You can save some of the male for pollen…then use a little paint brush and apply to bottom of the buds in flower…-rinse and repeat a few time and you may have a nice strong strain…
There’s tons of advice on here and online for breeding!
I never get males nowdays
That NY finest water, good stuff !!!
i would have kept the males but i only have one tent and i dont want a shit ton of seeds lol… i still have 14 more seeds… maybe next crop i might try to get some “free seeds”
Lol, males don’t need to be in tent, just anywhere where there is light…males are dogs they sleep anywhere and preferably far away from tent… also it’s more than free werd-you get to breed and strengthen and improve that strain if you are good!!
well ok then lol… i didnt know that i will keep that in mind and get some pollen next crop and get to making me my own pot … maybe i will make bag seed kush a thing lol… if you have experience breeding i am sure i will ask sending them questions
For sure my bruddha!!
Hello fellow NYorker
Its a east coast brotherhood around here
Well hello… to you too
I like to hear that
Keep it organic mon!!
We love it @hoppiefrog and I
Gotta love the organics
For sure…always, it pays off to be natural. I went light on the super soil topper…I’m going to increase a little next time.
I’m happy because of the soil and what it’s doing… I’ve added very little extra and that is mainly because my current dolls eat enormously!
well I wanted to go Hyrdo but the storied scared me away so i went with cocco… I was thinking of going organic but i have to do way more reading on it…
I like Cocco it is very forgiving… meaning if I hurt them with my nutes for a feeding i can very easly flush then feed shortly after… it has saved me more then once
Yes, for sure it’s easier and more forgiving…organic is simple just use different approaches and learn what you like. I go for taste and quality, so it seems organic is what provides that for my environment!